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Laravel Interview Questions


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Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web application framework designed for the development of web applications following the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It was created by Taylor Otwell in 2011 and has since become one of the most popular PHP frameworks for developing web applications.

1. What is Laravel?

Laravel is a PHP web application framework that follows the MVC (Model View Controller) architecture. It is free and open source, licensed under MIT. Laravel has become one of the most popular and respected frameworks as it aims at making the development process easier without sacrificing the quality of the application. Some of Laravel’s features are:

2. How to put Laravel applications in maintenance mode

The laravel framework comes with a smooth and stress-free way to put your application into maintenance mode. Maintenance Mode allows you to show users a user-friendly notification instead of a broken website while the website is being maintained. It also allows you to safely perform any maintenance task while ensuring that people who need access to the site can access it.

It can be accessed using the artisan command below:

PHP artisan down

This command has 3 optional flags:

  • message — Used to customize the message to be displayed on the maintenance page.
  • retries — Number of seconds after which the request can be retried
  • allow — IPs or networks are allowed to access the application in maintenance mode (this can be your dev server or IP addresses of developers working on the project)

When your app is in maintenance mode, users of your app will see a customizable page to notify them that you are performing maintenance.

  • A modular package system with a dedicated dependency manager
  • Different ways to access relational databases
  • Tools to help deploy and maintain applications
  • Syntactic sugar orientation

3. Explain Events in Laravel?

An event is anything that has happened or taken place. Similarly, in Laravel, Events are just ways to notify your application that an action has occurred. Events can be sent anywhere in your application, like controller, model, middleware or even in blade files. An event can have multiple listeners mapped to it, and when it is dispatched, all listener classes will be run sequentially in the order in which they are mapped.

So if an event is triggered, the application can perform multiple tasks by triggering different listeners.

To create an event class, use the make: event artisan command:

php artisan make:event <event name>

This command creates a new class in your application’s appEvents folder, and that’s all you need to create an event class.

Another way to create events  is to register events in the EventServiceProvider class and then run:

php artisan event: generate

This command searches the EventServiceProvider class and generates the missing events and listeners based on the registration.

4. Explain validations in Laravel?

Validation is the most important aspect when designing an application. Laravel comes with a simple and convenient facility for validating data and getting validation error messages through the base controller class (Validator class).

The validator class validates incoming data by default using the ValidatesRequests property, which provides a convenient method for validating incoming HTTP requests using a set of powerful validation rules.

The Validator class provides several rules for validating files, such as size, mime, and more. You can simply pass them to the validator with other data when validating files.

5. What is the latest version of Laravel?

Laravel’s versioning scheme maintains the following convention: paradigm.major.minor. Major framework releases are released every six months (February and August), while minor releases may be released as often as weekly.

As of October 2022, The latest Laravel version is version 9, which was released on February 8, 2022

6. How to install Laravel via composer?

You can install Laravel by typing Composer create-project in your terminal:

composer create-project laravel/laravel {directory} {version} –prefer-dist

Once Composer is installed, download the required version of the Laravel framework and extract its contents to a directory on your server. Next, in the root directory of your Laravel application, run the command as below to install all framework dependencies. :

php creator.phar install (or command install)

This process requires Git to be installed on the server for the installation to complete successfully.

If you want to update the Laravel framework, you can enter the command: 

php creator.phar update

7. List some features of Laravel 6 ?

The release of Laravel 6.0 includes bug fixes until September 3, 2021 and security fixes until September 3, 2022.

The new features in Laravel 6 are as follows:

  • The Laravel release notes clarify semantic versioning going forward in Laravel 6.0 and beyond.
  • Laravel 6.0 now ships with Ignition – a new open-source exceptions site for Laravel – created by Freek Van der Herten and Marcel Pociot.
  • It used to be difficult to provide end users with custom authorization error messages. Laravel 6 introduces the Gate::inspect method to provide the authorization policy response
  • Job Middleware is a feature contributed by Taylor Otwell that allows jobs to run through middleware.
  • Lazy collections are a game changer for working with large data collections, including Eloquent model collections. The new IlluminateSupportLazyCollection class uses PHP generators to keep memory low when working with large datasets.
  • Jonathan Reinink contributed to Subqueries – Eloquent Subquery Enhancements in Laravel 6.0.
  • The frontend scaffolding provided with Laravel 5.x versions is now extracted into a separate laravel/ui Composer package. This allows the first-party UI scaffolding to be iterated separately from the primary framework.

8. What is PHP artisan? List out some artisan commands.

PHP Artisan is a command line interface that is part of Laravel. Artisan exists in the root directory of your application as an artisan script and provides a number of useful commands that can help you build your application. To list all available Artisan commands, you can use the list command: php artisan list

Some of the crafting commands are:

make:channel Creates a new channel class

make:command Creates a new Artisan command

make:controller Create a new controller class

make:event Creates a new event class

make:exception Creates a new custom exception class

make:factory Create a new model factory

make:job Create a new job class

make:listener Create a new event listener class

make:mail Create a new email class

make:middleware Create a new middleware class

make:migration Create a new migration file

make:model Create a new Eloquent model class

make:notification Create a new notification class

make:observer Create a new observer class

make:policy Creates a new policy class

make:provider Create a new service provider class

make:request Creates a new form request class

make:resource Create a new resource

make:rule Creates a new validation rule

make:seeder Create a new seeder class

  make:test Create a new test class

9. List some default packages provided by Laravel Framework?

Laravel has modules that act as packages with several views, controllers, or models. Laravel Package Manager provides fast but simple package management for your Laravel project. It allows you to install a package through Composer quickly and automatically registers any or all of the Service Providers and Exteriors given by the package.

Some default Laravel packages are:

  • Space: Roles and permissions are an important part of many web applications. And Spatie offers you the best permission package for managing roles and permissions.
  • Laravel Debugbar: It is among the best Laravel packages that help users add a developer toolbar to their applications. This package is mainly used for debugging purposes.
  • Laravel User Authentication: This package allows you to perform user authentication and verify emails.
  • Socialite: Provides a simple and easy way to handle OAuth authentication. It allows users to sign in through some of the most popular social networks and services, including Facebook, Twitter, Google, GitHub, and BitBucket.
  • Laravel Mix: Laravel Mix, formerly known as Laravel Elixir, provides a clean and rich application programming interface (API) to define the steps of creating a web pack for your project. It is the most powerful asset compilation tool available for Laravel today.
  • Eloquent-Sluggable: Slugging is the process of creating a simplified, URL-friendly version of a string by converting it to a single case and removing spaces, accents, ampersands, etc. With Eloquent-Sluggable, you can easily create slugs for all eloquent models in your project.
  • Migration Generator: This is a Laravel package that allows you to generate migrations from an existing database, including indexes and foreign keys.
  • Laravel Backup: This creates a backup of all your files in the application. It will create a zip file that contains all the files in the directories you specified, along with a dump of your database.
  • Credentials: Provides a flexible way to add role-based permissions to your Laravel 5 application.
  • No Captcha: This is a package to implement Google reCaptcha validation and protect forms from spam. It requires you to get a free API key from reCaptcha.

10. What are named routes in Laravel?

Named routes are an important feature within Laravel. It allows you to reference routes when generating URLs or redirect to specific routes. In short, we can say that route naming is a way of giving a route a nickname.

All Laravel routes are defined in your routes files, which are located in the routes directory. These files are automatically loaded by your application’s AppProvidersRouteServiceProvider.

The routes/web.php file defines the routes that are for your web interface. These routes are assigned a web middleware group that provides features such as session state and CSRF protection. Routes in routes/api.php are stateless and assigned a middleware api group.

11. What are the best features of Laravel 8?

Laravel 8 was released on September 8, 2020. The new features of laravel 8 are: –

  • New landing page: The page that appears when you get to the homepage on a fresh install has had a facelift and is now built with TailwindCSS and comes in a light/dark version.
  • Default application/models directory: Laravel 8  ships with an app/models directory instead of keeping the model class in the application root as in previous Laravel versions.
  • In previous versions of Laravel, there was a property called $namespace in RouteServiceProvider.php that was used to prefix the namespace of your controllers automatically. This property has been removed in Laravel 8, so you can import your controller classes into the routes file without any problems.
  • Improved route caching: now supports route caching for closure-based routes.
  • In Laravel 8 – all child components will have $ attributes available, making it easier to create extended components.
  • Syntax cleaner for closure-based event listeners
  • Queueable anonymous event listeners: In Laravel 8, you can submit a task based on a closure to a queue from model event callbacks

12. What is database migration? How to create migration via artisan ?

Migrations are like version control for your database, allowing your team to easily modify and share the application’s database schema. Migrations are usually paired with Laravel’s schema builder to easily create your application’s database schema.

To create migration data we can use php artisan command with make:migration parameters as below: –

php artisan make:migration create_users_table

13. What are service providers in Laravel ?

Service providers are the central point of deployment for all Laravel applications. Your custom applications, as well as all of Laravel’s core services, are deployed through service providers. If you open the config/app.php file that is included with Laravel, you will see the providers field. These are all the service provider classes that will be loaded for your application. By default, this field lists a set of Laravel core service providers. These providers implement the core components of Laravel such as mailer, queue, cache and more. Many of these providers are “deferred” providers, meaning that they will not be loaded on every request, but only when the services they provide to create a service provider, we can use php artisan command with the make:provider parameter as below: –

php artisan make:provider MyServiceProvider

14. Explain Laravel’s service container ?

The Laravel service container is a powerful tool for managing class dependencies and performing dependency injection. A service container is like a container where we define how the dependency should be resolved. We need to register dependencies with the service container during framework initialization, and the best place to do this is with the service provider.

15. What is a composer?

Composer is a dependency manager for the PHP programming language that manages the dependencies of PHP software and required libraries. Nils Adermann and Jordi Boggiano developed Composer. Composer runs via the command line. The main purpose of composer is to install dependencies or libraries for an application. Composer also provides users to install PHP applications available on Packagist, where Packagist is the main repository that contains all available packages.Composer provides autoloading features for libraries to facilitate the use of third-party code.

16. What is dependency injection in Laravel ?

Dependency injection is a method used to disconnect hard-coded class dependencies. Dependencies are injected at runtime, which allows for more flexibility because the execution of dependencies can be easily recipied.In Laravel, dependency injection is the process of injecting class dependencies into a class using a constructor or setter method. This allows your code to look cleaner and run faster.

17. What are Laravel’s Contracts ?

Laravel’s Contracts are a set of interfaces that define the core services provided by the framework. For example, the Queue contract defines the methods needed to queue jobs, while the Mailer contract defines the methods needed to send emails.Each contract has a corresponding implementation provided by the framework. For example, Laravel provides a Queue implementation with different controllers and a Mailer implementation that is powered by SwiftMailer. All Laravel contracts live in their own GitHub repository. This provides a quick reference point for all available contracts as well as one separate package that can be used by other package developers.

18. Explain Facades in Laravel ?

Facades provide a static interface to classes that are available in an application’s service container. Laravel facades serve as static proxies to base classes in the service container, providing the benefit of concise, expressive syntax while maintaining greater testability and flexibility than traditional static methods.

19. What is Laravel eloquent?

Laravel includes Eloquent, an object-relational mapper (ORM) that makes interacting with your database a breeze. While using Eloquent, every database table has a corresponding “Model” that can be used to interact with that particular table. In addition to retrieving records from a database table, Eloquent models also allow you to insert, update, and delete records from a table.

20. How to enable query log in Laravel ?

Laravel can optionally log into memory all the queries that have been executed for the current request. But in some cases, such as when inserting a large number of rows, this may cause the application to use excess memory. To enable the log, you can use the enableQueryLog method:


21. What is reverse routing in Laravel?

Laravel reverse routing uses route declarations to generate URLs. Redirection makes your application much more flexible. Defines the relationship between lines and Laravel routes. When a link is created using the names of existing routes, Laravel automatically creates the appropriate Uri. Here is an example of a reverse direction. 

// route declaration

Route::get(‘register’, ‘users@register’);

Using reverse routing, we can create a reference to it and pass any parameters we define. Optional parameters, if not specified, are removed from the generated link.

{{ HTML::link_to_action(‘users@register’) }}

It will automatically generate a URL like http://sample.com/register in the view.

22. How to turn off CRSF protection for specific route in Laravel?

CSRF stands for Cross-Site Request Forgery. It is also known as XSRF, Sea Surf and Session Riding. CSRF is an attack that forces an end user to perform unwanted actions on the web application in which they are currently authenticated.Laravel validates CSRF using the VerifyCsrfToken middleware.

Here is the location of the middleware: IlluminateFoundationHttpMiddlewareVerifyCsrfToken. This middleware is executed on every HTTP request.

To disable CSRF protection, go to appHttpMiddleware and open the VerifyCsrfToken.php file. We need to add paths to protected $except = []; field.

23. What are the traits of Laravel?

Traits are used in single-inheritance languages ​​such as PHP for code reusability. This property is intended to reduce some of the limitations of single inheritance by allowing the developer to freely reuse sets of methods across multiple independent classes living in different class hierarchies.

Simply put, Traits are a group of methods you want to include in another class. You can easily reuse this method in another class. This trait is saved so that the same code can be written over and over again.

24. Does Laravel support caching?

Yes, Laravel supports caching. It can be used with many popular caching backends such as Memcached, Redis, DynamoDB, and relational databases. In addition, a file-based cache driver is available, while array drivers and “null” caches provide convenient cache backends for your automated tests.

Your app’s cache configuration file is located at config/cache.php. In this file, you can specify which cache driver you want to use as the default throughout your application. The cache configuration file also contains various other options that are documented in the file, so read those options. By default, Laravel is configured to use a file cache driver that caches serialized objects on the server’s file system.

25. Explain Laravel’s Middleware?

Middleware provides a convenient mechanism for inspecting and filtering HTTP requests entering your application. Laravel includes a middleware that verifies that your application’s user is authenticated. If the user is not authenticated, the middleware redirects them to the login screen of your application. However, if the user is authenticated, the middleware will allow the request to continue further into the application. In addition to authentication, additional middleware can be written to perform various tasks.

26. What is Lumen?

Lumen is an open-source PHP micro-framework created by Taylor Otwell as an alternative to Laravel to meet the demand for lightweight installations that are faster than existing PHP microframeworks such as Slim and Silex. With Lumen, you can create lightning-fast microservices and APIs that your Laravel applications can support. Lumen uses Illuminate components that power the Laravel framework. As such, Lumen is built to upgrade directly to Laravel if needed painlessly.

Some features of the lumen are:

  • Routing is provided out of the box in Lumen. This includes basic routing, routing parameters, named paths, and routing groups such as middleware.
  • Authentication does not support the session state. However, incoming requests are authenticated through stateless mechanisms such as tokens.
  • Caching is implemented the same as in Laravel. Cache drivers such as Database, Memcached and Redis are supported. For example, you can install the lights/Redis package via Composer to use the Redis cache with Lumen.
  • Errors and logging are implemented through the Monolog library, which provides support for various log drivers.
  • Queuing services are similar to those offered by Laravel. A single API is provided for a variety of different queue backends.
  • Events provide a simple observer implementation that allows you to subscribe and listen to events in your application.
  • Boot processes are located in a single file.

27. Explain Bundles in Laravel?

Bundles were majorly improved in  Laravel 3.0. Bundles are groups of codes that are conveniently bound together. A bundle can have its own views, configuration, routes, migrations, jobs, and more. A bundle can be anything from a database ORM to a robust authentication system. The modularity of this scope is an important aspect that has driven virtually all design decisions in Laravel. In many ways, you can actually think of the application folder as a special default package that Laravel is pre-programmed to load and use.

28. How to use a custom table in Laravel Modal?

We can easily use a custom table in Laravel by overriding Eloquent’s $ table-protected property. Here is a sample:

class User extends Eloquent {

protected $table=”sample_table”;


29. List types of relationships available in Laravel Eloquent?

Database tables are often related. For example, a social media site may have many users, or an order may be related to the user who placed it. Eloquent makes it easy to manage and work with these relationships and supports a number of common relationships, such as :

  • One To One
  • One To Many
  • Many To Many
  • Has One Through
  • Has Many Through
  • One To One (Polymorphic)
  • One To Many (Polymorphic)
  • Many To Many (Polymorphic)

30. Why are migrations necessary?

Migrations are used to share any changes or updates in the application’s database schema with your teammates. It is like version control for your database. To build your application’s database schema, migrations are usually paired with Laravel’s schema builder. If you’ve ever added a new column to your local database and want the changes to reflect in your teammate’s local database schema, you’ve run into a problem that database migration solves.

31. Provide System requirements for installation of the Laravel framework?

The Laravel framework has several system requirements:

  • PHP >= 5.4, PHP < 7
  • Mcrypt PHP extension
  • OpenSSL PHP extension
  • PHP Mbstring extension
  • Tokenizer PHP extension

As of PHP 5.5, some OS distributions may require manual installation of the PHP JSON extension. When using Ubuntu, this can be done with the below command:

apt-get install php5-json.

32. List some aggregate methods provided by the query builder in Laravel?

The database query builder provides a way to create and run database queries in a convenient and smooth manner. It works on all supported database systems and can be used to perform most of the database operations in your application.

The query builder provides a number of aggregation methods, such as:

  • Count
  • Max
  • Min
  • Avg
  • Sum

33. How to check request is ajax or not ?

Laravel allows the use of their library method which can be used to identify the request whether it is an ajax request or not.

In Laravel we can use the $request->ajax() method to check if the request is ajax or not.


      public function sample($request request)



                return “Ajax”;


            return “Not Ajax”;


34. Explain the Inversion of Control, and how to implement it.

The Laravel inversion control container is a powerful tool for managing class dependencies. Dependency injection is a method of removing hard-coded class dependencies. Instead, dependencies are injected at runtime, which allows for more flexibility, as implementations of dependencies can be easily swapped. There are two ways an IoC container can resolve dependencies: via closure callbacks or automatic resolution

35. What is Singleton’s design pattern?

One of the most popular design patterns in software engineering is the singleton design pattern. This creative design pattern ensures that only one instance of a class exists in the system. A singleton class encapsulates its own state and provides a global access point to itself.

Laravel uses the singleton pattern in various places, for example:

  • Request class
  • Event Class
  • Connection to the database
  • Facades

The Laravel service container is a powerful tool for managing class dependencies and performing dependency injection.  To ensure that only one instance of a class is ever created, the service container uses the singleton pattern. This allows the container to manage the lifecycle of the class and its dependencies and ensure that they are all resolved correctly.

36. Explain Dependency Injection and its types?

Dependency injection is a method used to disconnect hard-coded class dependencies. Dependencies are injected at runtime, which allows for more flexibility because the execution of dependencies can be easily recipient. In Laravel, dependency injection is the process of injecting class dependencies into a class using a constructor or setter method. This allows your code to look cleaner and run faster.

There are three common methods of dependency injection:

  • Constructor injection: A dependency is passed to an object through its constructor, which accepts an interface as an argument. An object of a particular class is bound to an interface handle.
  • Method Injection: A.k.a. interface-based injection. A dependency is passed to an object via a method. This is useful if you need to use a different specific object at different times.
  • Property Injection: A.k.a. injection setter. If a dependency is selected and invoked in different places, we can set the dependency using a property exposed by the dependent object, which can then invoke it later.

37. What is Laravel Vapor?

Laravel Vapor is an auto-scaling, serverless Laravel deployment platform based on AWS Lambda. You can manage your Laravel infrastructure on Vapor as it provides features like scalability and simplicity of a serverless solution.Vapor abstracts the complexity of managing Laravel applications on AWS Lambda and connecting those applications to SQS queues, databases, Redis clusters, networks, CloudFront CDN, and more. Some of the highlights of Vapor’s features include:

  • Database and cache tunnels that allow easy local control
  • Automatically upload resources to Cloudfront CDN during deployment
  • Certificate management and renewal
  • Application, database and cache metrics
  • CI friendly
  • Web/queue autoscaling infrastructure tuned for Laravel
  • Deployments and returns with zero downtime

38. What are the pros and cons of using the Laravel Framework?

There is no framework designed to be perfect. Each framework has its advantages and disadvantages. Here is a list of some advantages and disadvantages of Laravel:


  • The main feature of the framework is that it is easy to learn. The user documentation is thorough and in its simplest form. PHP screencasts make for a comfortable enough grasp.
  • It provides an MVC or Model View Controller framework.
  • Elegant ORM or Object Relational Mapping Support – This is another service that automates and abstracts parts of the model.
  • The blade template module provides an easy way to add any logic to your HTML file. It has become easy to add new application features without hacking the core.
  • Routing: Managing and abstracting the routing process has become very easy. The framework also includes a reverse routing feature.
  • Queue Management – ​​Laravel provides an excellent abstraction process that allows you to abstract away unnecessary tasks and queue them behind the scenes, making the user response time much faster.
  • Bundles and Composer provides a number of bundles for the modular packaging system as well as its dependencies. Thanks to the modularity, reusing the code is a hassle.
  • Web applications run are fast
  • Laravel meets the requirements of major web applications.
  • Laravel is ideal for small and medium-sized web applications.


  • Laravel is a lightweight framework, so it has less built-in support compared to Django and Ruby on Rails. This problem can be solved by integrating third-party tools, but the tasks can be tedious and complicated for large or custom websites.
  • All Laravel core files are in the Laravel namespace, and not all core files use a namespace slash () before calling another core file, which can make extending classes a bit more complicated. This isn’t a big deal, and many developers won’t worry about it.
  • Laravel is a new framework, not as mature as many other frameworks. Composer is not that powerful compared to npm (for hiring node js developers) or ruby ​​gems and pip (Hiring Python Developers)
  • The development is not as fast compared to the rubies on the rails
  • It is quite slow and a new platform for developers
  • Experienced developers face problems in extending codes and classes.
  • Community support is not widespread compared to other platforms
  • Many of the methods involved in the reverse engineering process are complex.
  • It is not easy for legacy systems to migrate to Laravel

39. What is the Laravel Cursor?

Laravel’s Cursor method allows you to iterate over database records using a cursor that executes only one query. When processing large amounts of data, the cursor method can be used to reduce memory usage significantly.

40. What is the use of dd() in Laravel?

dd() in laravel is a helper function that is used to dump the contents of a variable to the browser and stop further execution of the script. It stands for Dump and Dies. This feature is considered a cool debugging option with colour-coded variables and objects that are very readable and well-formatted.

41. What is yield in Laravel?

The Yield option in laravel is used to define a section in a particular layout and is consistently used to load content from a child page to a master page. So if Laravel runs the blade file, it checks if the user has an extended layout and then inserts the main layout, starting with the @ section. Simply put, yield is similar to content; if the user writes a tag in the content, it should be defined in parentheses. If the user does not need to compose the content, it can be composed as a return defined internally per the requirement. In the child page, the user can import anything from the HTML page from the layout content, which is defined in the title section. For example, if the user is labelled yield in the header of the layout page, they can pull any request they want. And on the child page, it can be described by the @section in the header. Imports the header on the layout page inside the child page with the body part; in this case, the title is treated as content.

42. How do you clear the Cache in Laravel?

In laravel, the primary cache is the application cache. It stores everything you manually cache in your app. You can clear only certain cache elements if you use tags or different cache stores. To clear the cache in Laravel, do one of the following:

  • Clear Laravel cache using the artisan command

php artisan cache: clear

  • Clear the Laravel cache programmatically

Removing items from the cache programmatically is as easy as clearing the cache using the artisan command. You can also use the cache facade or the cache helper to access the cache.



43. What is Laravel nova?

Laravel Nova is a beautiful administration panel for Laravel applications. Nova’s primary feature is the ability to manage your underlying database records using Eloquent. Nova achieves this by allowing you to define a Nova “source” that corresponds to each Eloquent model in your application.

44. What are Relationships in Laravel?

Database tables are often related. For example, a social media site may have many users, or an order may be related to the user who placed it. Eloquent makes it easy to manage and work with these relationships and supports a number of common relationships, such as :

  • One To One
  • One To Many
  • Many To Many
  • Has One Through
  • Has Many Through
  • One To One (Polymorphic)
  • One To Many (Polymorphic)
  • Many To Many (Polymorphic)

45. What is Eloquent in Laravel?

Eloquent is an object-relational mapper (ORM) that comes standard with the Laravel framework. An ORM is a software that facilitates processing database records by representing the data as objects and acting as an abstraction layer over the database engine used to store the application’s data. Eloquent makes working with database tables easy, providing an object-oriented approach to inserting, updating, and deleting database records, while providing a simplified interface for executing complex SQL queries.

46. What is throttling and how to implement it in Laravel?

Throttling is to control the consumption of resources used by an application instance, an individual tenant, or an entire service. In Laravel, we use throttle middleware to limit the amount of traffic for a given route or group of routes. Middleware throttle accepts two parameters that determine the maximum number of requests that can be made in a given number of minutes.

47. What are facades?

Facades provide a “static” interface to classes that are available in the application’s service container. Laravel comes with many facades that provide access to almost all Laravel features. Laravel facades serve as “static proxies” to base classes in the service container, providing the benefit of a concise, expressive syntax while maintaining greater testability and flexibility than traditional static methods. All Laravel facades are defined in the IlluminateSupportFacades namespace. So we can easily access the facade.

48. What are Events in Laravel?

An event is anything that has happened or taken place. Similarly, in Laravel, Events are just ways to notify your application that an action has occurred. Events can be sent anywhere in your application, like controller, model, middleware or even in blade files. An event can have multiple listeners mapped to it, and when it is dispatched, all listener classes will be run sequentially in the order in which they are mapped.

So if an event is triggered, the application can perform multiple tasks by triggering different listeners.

To create an event class, use the make: event artisan command:

php artisan make:event <event name>

This command creates a new class in your application’s appEvents folder, and that’s all you need to create an event class.

Another way to create events  is to register events in the EventServiceProvider class and then run:

php artisan event: generate

This command searches the EventServiceProvider class and generates the missing events and listeners based on the registration.

49. Explain logging in Laravel?

Laravel’s logging is based on “channels”. Each channel represents a specific way of writing information to the logs. Under the hood, Laravel uses the Monolog library, which provides support for a variety of powerful log handlers. Laravel makes it easy to configure these handlers, allowing you to mix and match them to customize your application’s log handling. All configuration options for logging your application’s behaviour are stored in the config/logging.php configuration file.

50. What is Localization in Laravel?

Laravel’s localization features provide a convenient way to load strings in different languages, allowing you to support multiple languages ​​in your application easily. There are two ways in Laravel using which we can do string translations. First, language strings can be stored in files in the lang directory. Within this directory, there can be subdirectories for each language supported by the application. This is the approach Laravel uses to manage translation strings for Laravel’s built-in functions

51. What are Requests in Laravel?

The Laravel IlluminateHttpRequest class provides an object-oriented way of interacting with the current HTTP request being processed by your application, as well as retrieving the input, cookies, and files that were sent with the request. To obtain an instance of the current HTTP request via dependency injection, you should write a hint of the IlluminateHttpRequest class in your route or controller closure method. The Laravel service container will automatically inject the incoming request instance.

52. How to do request validation in Laravel?

We will use the validate method provided by the IlluminateHttpRequest object to validate a request. If the validation rules pass, your code will execute normally; however, if the validation fails, an IlluminateValidationValidationException will be thrown, and the correct error response will be automatically sent to the user.

You may want to create a “form request” for more complex authentication scenarios. Form requests are custom request classes that encapsulate their own authentication and authorization logic. To create a form request class, you can use the make: request Artisan CLI command:

php artisan make:request StorePostRequest

53. What is a Service Container in Laravel?

The Laravel service container is a powerful tool for managing class dependencies and performing dependency injection. A service container is like a container where we define how the dependency should be resolved. We need to register dependencies with the service container during framework initialization, and the best place to do this is with the service provider.

54. What is a Service Provider?

Service providers in a laravel application are the central place where the application is deployed. This means that laravel’s core services and our application’s services, classes, and their dependencies are injected into the service container through providers. Laravel provides an artisan command to create a service provider.

php artisan make:provider MyServiceProvider

This command creates a service provider in the App/Providers/ directory called MyServiceProvider. By Laravel convention, we append ServiceProvider with the class name whenever a new provider class is created so that we can easily tell that this particular file is of type ServiceProvider.

55. What is the register and boot method in the Service Provider class?

Service providers are the central point of deployment for all Laravel applications. Your custom applications and all of Laravel’s core services are deployed through service providers.

Within the register method, we can bind things to the service container. Within any of your service provider methods, we always have access to the $app property, which provides access to the service container.

The boot method helps to register the view composer with our service provider. This method is called after all other service providers have been registered, which means you have access to all other services that the framework has registered.

56. How to define routes in Laravel?

All Laravel routes are defined in your routes files, which are located in the routes directory.  Application’s AppProvidersRouteServiceProvider automatically loads the files. The routes/web.php file defines the routes that are for your web interface. These routes are assigned a web middleware group that provides session state and CSRF protection features. Routes in routes/api.php are stateless and assigned a middleware API group.

57. What are named routes?

Named routes are an important feature within Laravel. It allows you to reference routes when generating URLs or redirect to specific routes. In short, we can say that route naming is a way of giving a route a nickname.

All Laravel routes are defined in your routes files, which are located in the routes directory. Your application’s AppProvidersRouteServiceProvider automatically loads these files. The routes/web.php file defines the routes that are for your web interface. These routes are assigned a web middleware group that provides session state and CSRF protection features. Routes in routes/api.php are stateless and assigned a middleware API group.

58. What are route groups?

Route groups allow you to share route attributes, such as middleware or namespaces, across many routes without defining those attributes on each route. The shared attributes are specified in an array format as the first parameter of the Route::group method.

59. What is Middleware, and how to create one in Laravel?

Middleware acts as a bridge between the request and the response. This is a type of filtering mechanism. Laravel includes a middleware that verifies whether the user of the application is authenticated or not. If the user is authenticated, it will redirect to the home page, otherwise, if not, it will redirect to the login page.

The middleware can be created by executing the following command −

php artisan make:middleware <middleware-name>

Replace <middleware-name> with the name of your middleware. You can see the middleware you create in the app/Http/Middleware directory.

60. How to create a route for resources in laravel?

To create a route to a controller method, we can use the command below:

use AppHttpControllersUserController;

Route::get(‘/user/{id}’, [UserController::class, ‘show’]);

When an incoming request matches the specified route URI, the show method in the AppHttpControllersUserController class will be invoked, and route parameters will be passed to the method.

61. What is dependency Injection in Laravel?

Dependency injection is a method used to disconnect hard-coded class dependencies. Dependencies are injected at runtime, which allows for more flexibility because the execution of dependencies can be easily recipient. In Laravel, dependency injection is the process of injecting class dependencies into a class using a constructor or setter method. This allows your code to look cleaner and run faster.

62. What are collections?

Laravel collection is a useful feature of the Laravel framework. A collection works like a PHP array, but it’s more convenient. The collection class is located in IlluminateSupportCollection. A collection allows you to create a chain of methods to map or reduce fields. It cannot be changed, and a new collection is returned when the collection method is called. It is an API wrapper for PHP array functions, and a collection can be generated from an array.

63. What are contracts?

Laravel’s “contracts” are a set of interfaces that define the basic services provided by the framework. For example, the IlluminateContractsQueueQueue contract defines the methods needed to queue jobs, while the IlluminateContractsMailMailer contract defines the methods needed to send emails. Laravel provides a corresponding implementation for each framework.

64. What are queues in Laravel?

Laravel queues provide a unified API for a variety of different queue backends such as Beanstalk, Amazon SQS, Redis or even relational databases. Queues allow you to delay the processing of a time-consuming task, such as sending an email, until later. Postponing these time-consuming tasks will drastically speed up web requests to your application.

65. What are accessors and mutators?

Accessors and mutators allow you to format Eloquent attributes when retrieving them from the model or setting their value. For example, you might want to use Laravel’s encryption module to encrypt a value stored in the database and then automatically decrypt the attribute when you access it on the Eloquent model. In addition to its own accessors and mutators, Eloquent can automatically cast data to Carbon instances or even text fields to JSON.


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