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The Guide to Stoned Parenting – Use Cannabis in Front of the Kids? Deny Using It as a Teen? Share Your Stash?


stoned parenting guide

A Guide to Stoned Parenting

As the legalization and normalization of cannabis continues to spread across the globe, it’s becoming increasingly common for parents to use marijuana. This trend shows no signs of slowing down – in fact, it’s likely that the number of parents who smoke cannabis will only grow in the coming years. While this may be an uncomfortable reality for some, it’s a fact that we as a society need to face head-on.

Interestingly, being a “stoned parent” isn’t necessarily a bad thing. For those dealing with the often overwhelming stresses of parenting young children, a little cannabis buzz could actually be helpful in some ways.

It may allow you to keep your cool during a toddler’s 20th tantrum of the day, or help you smile through yet another mind-numbing repetition of “Baby Shark.” Of course, moderation and responsibility are key – no one is advocating getting completely baked while on full-time daddy or mommy duty.

However, even as cannabis use becomes more accepted and mainstream, it’s crucial for pot-smoking parents to be mindful of the unique challenges and considerations that come with this lifestyle choice. Unfortunately, social stigma around parents using cannabis still very much exists.

Additionally, at each stage of a child’s development, parents need to navigate age-appropriate ways of discussing and modeling responsible substance use, whether that substance is marijuana, alcohol, or something else.

The goal of this article is to explore some of the key things that parents who use cannabis should keep in mind as they strive to raise healthy, well-adjusted kids in a world where weed is increasingly widespread.

We’ll look at everything from keeping your stash safely out of little hands to talking to your teens about responsible cannabis consumption. While it may sometimes feel like a balancing act, it’s absolutely possible to be a great parent and responsibly enjoy cannabis too. Let’s dive in and talk about how.

As a parent who uses cannabis, one of the most important things to understand is that your children are constantly observing and learning from your behavior. Kids are like little sponges, soaking up everything they see and hear, and then using that information to build their own models of how to act and react in the world. This process, known as modeling, is one of the primary ways that children learn and develop their core habits and behavior patterns.

What does this mean for you as a cannabis-using parent? Simply put, you need to be very mindful of how you consume and talk about marijuana in front of your kids. If you frequently use cannabis to cope with stress or anger, for example, your child may internalize the idea that this is an appropriate way to deal with difficult emotions. Similarly, if you’re always lounging around stoned and unmotivated, your kid may come to see that as normal adult behavior.

Now, this isn’t to say that you can never consume cannabis in front of your children. In fact, as weed becomes more socially accepted, it’s important for kids to understand that it’s something some adults do – similar to drinking alcohol. The key is to differentiate between “adult use” and “child use.” Starting around age 5, and certainly by age 8 and up, you should begin explaining to your child that some things, like cannabis and alcohol, are only for grown-ups.

Of course, an essential part of responsible cannabis use as a parent is keeping your stash well out of reach of curious little hands. Kids have an uncanny ability to find things they shouldn’t, so it’s critical to lock up your weed, edibles, and paraphernalia. Consider investing in a lockbox or designating a specific “off-limits” area that your children know is strictly forbidden. And even within your secure storage spot, it never hurts to have an extra “decoy” box in case crafty kids make it that far.

When you do consume cannabis in front of your children, try to do so as naturally and responsibly as possible. Taking a discreet hit from a vape pen or pipe, then going about your day as normal, helps reinforce the idea that this is simply part of some grownup’s routine – not something illicit. That said, discretion and moderation are important. Don’t lounge around with a huge bong all day, or consume to the point that you’re noticeably impaired while primary parenting. If you need to take a smoke break, step away, consume quickly, then rejoin your kids with a clear head.

Ultimately, by modeling responsible cannabis use, securely storing your stash, and openly discussing the differences between “grown-up substances” and “kid-friendly” ones, you can help your children develop a healthy, well-adjusted understanding of marijuana’s role in some adult’s lives. It’s all about striving for that balance between normalization and necessary age-appropriate boundaries.

At some point you’ll need to have a conversation (or more likely, a series of conversations) with your child about marijuana. Navigating these talks can feel tricky, but the key is to go in with a clear idea of the core message you want to convey in order to foster a healthy understanding of cannabis in your child’s mind.

When your kids are young, usually simple, straightforward answers are best. If they ask about your cannabis use, you don’t need to get into the nitty-gritty details. Just offer a brief, age-appropriate explanation that satisfies their curiosity while reinforcing the idea that marijuana is something only for adults. You might say something like, “This is a special plant that helps mommy relax sometimes, but it’s just for grown-ups, not for kids.”

However, as your children get older and enter their teenage years, it’s important to revisit and expand upon the cannabis conversation. By this age, it’s highly likely that your kid will encounter marijuana in some social setting with their peers. As a parent, you want them to be prepared for this.

While every family will handle this differently based on their own values and circumstances, I personally believe in being upfront and realistic. Assuming you used cannabis yourself as a teen, it would feel hypocritical to completely forbid your own child from experimenting.

That said, you can explain to them that trying any psychoactive substance, including weed, fundamentally changes their brain chemistry and the way they experience the world. Advise them that waiting until they are older, and their brain is more fully developed, is the wisest and safest choice.

You might also let them know that if and when they do decide to experiment with cannabis, you would much rather they do so with you in a safe, controlled environment than with a random peer. Emphasize that you will not judge or punish them for being curious, and that your door is always open for honest conversations.

In many cases, when parents are transparent about their own cannabis use and take an open, educational approach rather than a strictly prohibitive one, it creates a foundation of trust and safety. Your teen knows they can come to you with questions or for help, and that you’re a reliable, knowledgeable resource. Plus, let’s be real – the weed you have stashed away is probably way better than whatever their friends are smoking behind the bleachers.

Ultimately, the goal of these ongoing conversations is to equip your child with the information and critical thinking skills they need to make responsible decisions about cannabis, both now and in the future. By fostering open, honest dialogue and leading by example, you’re setting them up for success no matter what they choose.

Let’s face it – being a parent is tough. It’s a 24/7 job with no pay, no sick days, and a whole lot of bodily fluids. Add in the lingering social stigma around cannabis use, and it can feel like an uphill battle to be a stoner parent in a world that still largely frowns upon marijuana.

But here’s the thing: if you’re a responsible, loving, involved parent who just happens to enjoy a little green now and then, you’re doing a fantastic job. Period.

Sure, you might have to be a bit more discreet about your cannabis use than you’d like, especially around judgy PTA moms or nosy neighbors. And yes, you’ll need to be extra mindful about storing your stash safely and talking to your kids about marijuana in an age-appropriate way. But at the end of the day, if you’re showing up for your children with presence, patience, and unconditional love (even if you’re a little baked while doing it), you’re acing this whole parenting thing.

So to all the stoner mamas and papa bears out there: keep on toking and keep on rocking this child-rearing gig. Ignore the haters, trust your intuition, and know that you’re providing your kids with everything they really need.

Because when you get down to the sticky bottom line, the most important thing is that your little ones feel safe, supported, and totally adored. And if a responsible cannabis habit helps you be the best version of yourself as you navigate the wild ride of parenthood, then blaze on, my friend. You’ve got this.





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