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Top Blockchain Conferences 2022: Where to get industry insight?


Many countries are finally letting go of all the restrictions we’ve had for what feels like an eternity. So naturally, this means that places are opening up, and event calendars are being filled up. So naturally, cryptocurrency will have some events of its own. 

I’m sure that many have an urge to travel as soon as possible. If that’s you, then what better way to pick a destination with a crypto conference. Not only will you get on that long-awaited trip, but you will also learn and hear from industry leaders. Plus, I’ve included some sunny places in this list, which means swimming, relaxing and some crypto. What better way to travel? 

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Bitcoin Miami 

Since I promised you some sun, I’ll start off with just that. Bitcoin Miami 2022 is held between the 6th and 9th of April. Bitcoin Miami is hosted by BTC Media who also runs the popular news site Bitcoin Magazine. Last year was the first year this conference was hosted in Miami. Before that, it was held in San Francisco in 2019. Last year the initial plan was to hold it in Los Angeles, but because of Miami’s Bitcoin-friendly mayor Francis Suarez, it was moved there. Suarez is the guy that aims to make Miami the crypto capital of the world, and he’s also the guy that will take his first paychecks in BTC. The conference is also hosted a week before Tech Week in Miami, making it a good fit. Last year the conference sold out and attracted 12,000 visitors. This year they plan to go even bigger with a whopping 35,000 tickets for sale.

Bitcoin Miami

Rumor has it that Guy from Coin Bureau will also be attending this event. Image via Bitcoin Miami.

From the name of the conference, you have probably guessed that it’s Bitcoin focused. However, I’m sure you’ll find someone there to discuss altcoins with too. The conference is divided into four days, where the first one is an industry day with Bitcoin companies presenting themselves. The second and third day consists of the main event, while the fourth is a music festival called the sound money fest.

When it comes to this year’s speakers, there are some big names, including Michael Saylor, who’s the CEO at MicroStrategy, Jack Mallers, the founder and CEO of Strike, Saifedean Ammous author of one of the best Bitcoin books, The Bitcoin Standard, and Elizabeth Stark CEO at Lightning Labs. On top of these, even one president is speaking, and I think you know who. If not, it’s the president of El Salvador-the country to first make BTC legal tender-Nayib Bukele. Keep in mind that these were only five of a multitude of speakers, and there are at least ten more that I’m sure many would pay the full ticket price to only hear from one of them. I highly recommend you look at the speaker list, and you can find it here.

Bitcoin Miami Tickets

Here’s a look at different types of tickets (the whale pass includes additional things too. Image via Bitcoin Miami Tickets.

When it comes to ticket prices, I hope you’ve saved up on your Bitcoin gains. The cheapest ticket is $110, but with that, you’ll only get access to some good music in the form of the Sound Money Fest. The next ticket is what I’m sure most people are interested in, and that’s GA Pass for $799. This gets you access to the main event days and the Sound Money Fest. The third ticket is $1899. It will get you access to everything the GA has to offer, plus Industry Day, Industry lounge and networking, Pitch Day access, and Sound Money Rooftop.

Trezor Inline

Now, unless you’re a professional investor or entrepreneur in the Bitcoin industry, this might be a bit expensive to pay. However, I’m sure there are a lot of interesting companies to look at and hear from. The last ticket is the Whale VIP Pass which will set you back $14,999. With this, you’ll get everything mentioned above and food & beverage, transportation, access to whale night, and access to the deep (whatever that means). Both the Whale Pass and Industry Pass are undoubtedly great for networking and hearing from some top tier people, but they get quite expensive, as you can see. 


For one more conference, we’ll stay in the US. If you’re a US resident who maybe likes altcoins more than Bitcoin, then this might be the place for you (of course, non-US residents can attend too). Consensus is held between the 9th and 12th of July in Austin, Texas. It’s organized by one of the leading cryptocurrency news sites, Coindesk and it has been up and running since 2015 (a real OG). Last year, however, the conference was virtual, and I think everyone can guess why.  

This conference is truly for those who want to learn about the broader impact of cryptocurrency. Here you can find talks on Web3, blockchain, crypto and NFTs. On top of that, there are music performances, parties, dinners, and other experiences not to keep it too serious. All in all, a great way to learn about crypto and have a good time. I promise you won’t be disappointed when it comes to the speakers.

First, we have the crypto guy with the most beautiful hair and the fanciest way to tie shoelaces, Sam Bankman-Fried, the CEO of FTX. Others worth mentioning are Abby Johnson, chairman and CEO at Fidelity Investments, Mike Novogratz, Galaxy Digital founder and CEO, Guy Sheffield head of crypto for Visa, and Charles Hoskinson, one of the creators of Cardano. This list could go on and on since so many brilliant people speak at this event. To be honest, I was utterly blown away by the quantity and quality of the speakers, especially the quality is something truly amazing.  

Consensus 2022 Speakers

Here’s just a few additional great speakers I didn’t mention. Image via Consensus.

Then if we take a look at prices, you’ll find that they’re pretty similar to Bitcoin Miami. The basic pass is $899, and it’s for those interested in sessions, parties, and networking, so this is the correct ticket for most of you. The second ticket is $1299, aimed at creators, entrepreneurs and investors. Finally, the last pass is a tiny bit more expensive, sitting at $9000. The two latter passes are probably not worth it for most of you since you’ll only get access to some fancy features, including better seating and some exclusive parties and lounges.  

Token 2049 

This is actually two conferences in two different locations, London and Singapore. Also, these are both organized in the fall of 2022, so you’ll have a bit more time to plan your trip than for the two previous conferences. Token 2049 conferences feature leading crypto people, just as in the two previous conferences. The main difference is that while the two earlier conferences were more festival-like with a huge audience, Token 2049 is smaller, with only over 3000 attendees. 

Token 2049 Companies

Here’s a look at the companies you might see at the event. Without a doubt a great place to learn. Image via Token 2049.

Let’s begin by looking at Token 2049 in Singapore. This event will be organized between September 28th and 29th. However, while the main conference only lasts two days, there’s much more to it. In London and Singapore, the week leading (or a few days after) to the conferences will feature multiple independently organized events. None of these is yet listed on their site, except they advertise the Formula Grand Prix organized in Singapore between September the 30th and October the 2nd. Maybe some of you’d like to visit that too after listening about cryptocurrency for a couple of days.

When it comes to who you’ll be listening to, there are many bright people, although the complete list isn’t available yet. Some of the already known people include Emin Gün Sirer, founder of Avalanche, Charles Hoskinson, Mike Novogratz, Kathleen Beitman co-founder of Tezos, Zu Shu, CEO/CIO at Three Arrows Capital, and Alexander Leonard Larsen co-founder of Axie Infinity.  

If you act fast, you can still catch the early bird ticket prices, saving you a ton. The early bird basic tickets are $499, while they’ll be $999 after the offer expires. On top of that, there’s a special access ticket for $3999 which will grant you some food and beverages and the opportunity to connect with speakers and VIP guests. Also, I haven’t yet mentioned that there will be an NFT gallery, and you can access that with all of the above-mentioned tickets. 

Token 2049 Tickets

Here’s a look at the ticket options for the Singapore event. Image via Token 2049 Tickets.

For the London event, there are sadly not many details yet. The things we know are that it’ll be organized in November and also include a London crypto week with independently organized events. Last year these events were hosted by, for example, Circle, Metamask and Consensys. You can expect speakers at least as great as for the Singapore event. Last year we saw many great minds on the stage, including Vitalik Buterin and Sam Bankman-Fried.  

World Blockchain Summit 

This is also not just one conference but many. The World Blockchain Summit is organized all over the world throughout this year. The locations and times are the following: Dubai between the 23rd and 24th of March, Poland between the 7th and 8th of April, Canada between the 27th and 28th of April, Singapore in June, Australia between the 15th and 16th of September, and lastly Bangkok in December.

Telegram Inline

All of the World Blockchain Summits are organized by Trescon, and they’ve been doing this for a while. Trescon is actively organizing different events and conferences, and they’ve been doing it for 6 years. The World Blockchain Summit Dubai will be the 22nd one organized.  

The speakers vary from event to event, but past speakers include a plethora of crypto leaders like Changpeng Zhao, CEO of Binance, Alex Mashinsky founder and CEO of Celsius, Dan Morehead founder and CEO of Pantera Capital, and Anthony Pompliano, co-founder at Morgan Creek Digital. As with all the conferences, the speakers consist of cryptocurrency founders, VCs, CEOs, and famous media personalities/influencers. I’m sure you’ll find at least a couple of speakers you’re interested in hearing from at every event.

World Blockchain Summit Dubai Speakers

Here are some of the speakers that will be seen in Dubai. Image via World Blockchain Summit.

Tickets to World Blockchain Summits can vary between locations. Looking at Dubai since it’s the first one scheduled this year, you’ll be happy to know the prices aren’t as expensive as for the other conferences. The standard ticket is only $395, and it will grant you access to all the basic things. The next ticket is a business one, and you’ll get that for $795. However, the only additional benefit is access to the after-party, meaning you pay $400 for one party. The third ticket is a VIP ticket which is $1495 and will get you access to a VIP and speaker lounge and a pre-event investor dinner. 


The last conference on the list is a mix between finance, blockchain and cryptocurrency. This conference might be interesting because it takes a step out of the crypto bubble. At this conference, you’ll find speakers from traditional banks, investors, and fintech companies who are looking to incorporate cryptocurrency and blockchain into their day-to-day businesses.

Here's a bit more about the narrative at MoneyConf. Image via Moneyconf.

MoneyConf is organized between the 1st and 4th of November in Lisbon, Portugal. Another great combination of sun and crypto. Last year, there were speakers from some major companies, including Apple, Microsoft, Meta, Spotify, Amazon, Royal Dutch Shell, etc. On top of that, there are many politicians both from Portugal and the US. From the cryptocurrency side, we saw Alex Mashinsky, Pascal Gauthier, CEO of Ledger, and Kathleen Breitman, co-founder of Tezos, among others. 

Tickets for this event aren’t yet available, but you can already pre-register, and with that, you’ll get a 2 for 1 deal. I also didn’t find last year’s prices, but I’m sure you can expect something similar to what the other conferences cost.  


If you’re thinking about which one to attend, it’s hard to give you a straightforward answer. I’m sure many of us have some people we look up to, especially much and attending the event where that person is speaking is probably a good call. Naturally, another significant factor is geographic location. It’s important to understand that while the tickets might not be that expensive for some events, the whole trip can be quite costly when you add flights, hotels and meals.  

Lastly, I also want to mention that there are multiple other good ones on top of these events. Many projects have their own meetups, and then there are events for narrower categories. One good conference which gained a lot of attention last year was Into the Galavers by Gala Games. This event was all about blockchain gaming and NFTs. If that’s what you’re interested in, I highly recommend that one (although I wasn’t there myself). In addition, I recommend you keep an eye out on social media since that’s where you’ll find many of these. Another way is to simply type in a city or a country you’re going to visit or would like to visit and see if any crypto-themed events are happening.

I’m a finance student with a growing interest towards cryptocurrencies. I’m extremely fascinated by the opportunities cryptocurrencies offer. In my writing I want to provide everyone with an easy entry to a complex industry. View all posts by Nikolas Ketonen -> Best Crypto Deals ->


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