A short teaser trailer from Capcom at The Game Awards revealed another unexpected return – a sequel to Okami is officially in development. Directed by Hideki Kamiya, it is being co-developed by his new studio Clovers, M-Two...
A new game from Naughty Dog studios called Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet is on the way, announced at this year’s Game Awards. The game is set in a sci-fi universe, and the trailer shows a character...
Google unleashed Gemini 2.0 this week, packing its latest AI model with autonomous capabilities and multimodal features.What’s immediately noticeable in this release is that...
Understanding and adopting an appropriate electrochemistry language will foster constructive collaborations among battery research community members with diverse scientific backgrounds.
Imagine stepping into a Parisian apartment: Soft light filters through flowing curtains, casting a gentle glow on herringbone floors. Ornate crown moldings frame the...
In this quickfire video with Patrick Donegan; the Founder & Principal Analyst at HardenStance and Stephane Quetglas; the Embedded Solutions Marketing Director...