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Tỷ lệ doanh thu công nghiệp cần sa


Why do employees leave their job? It’s a question that plagues businesses both within the cannabis industry and across the greater workforce.

Employees report frustration with compensation, feeling undervalued and a lack of opportunity for advancement as top reasons for leaving.

Although these are some of the most common motivations for quitting, the decision likely results from a combination of many factors.

With over a third of United States workers considering quitting their job at any given time, it’s a problem that needs serious addressing to improve.

tai nghe không dây, a cannabis industry data platform, reported a 62% turnover rate for retail cannabis employees in Colorado.

With the annual rate of turnover across the workforce reported at 44%, the cannabis industry has a notably bigger problem to address.

Nguyên nhân nào tạo ra doanh thu trong ngành công nghiệp cần sa?

While the cannabis industry faces many of the same universal reasons for turnover, there are circumstances specific to cannabis that perpetuate the revolving door pattern.

Unrealistic expectations of the industry contribute to the disconnect, specifically in hourly retail positions. Some cannabis enthusiasts assume that certain positions are more relaxed than those outside the industry.

Cannabis is filled with incredible people who love what they do – and they take their jobs seriously. The "lười biếng" cannabis stereotype (điều này phần lớn không chính xác đối với hầu hết người tiêu dùng) không áp dụng cho các chuyên gia cần sa.

Bất kỳ người tìm việc nào tìm đến ngành công nghiệp cần sa để tìm kiếm "dễ dàng" position is going to be in for a surprise. In addition, some hold unrealistic expectations about the growth and culture of the industry.

We see employees in our space doing a lot of “dispensary hopping,” working a few months here and there for various cannabis companies before moving on.

There is some very consistent feedback on why this happens and continues to happen through entrance and exit surveys.

There are still expectations related to extreme growth both in compensation and position within an unrealistic time frame, even expectations that it is acceptable to consume cannabis while on the job.

As so many folks join our industry for the first time, we have a duty to educate and create clear expectations that we are a legitimate business and hold them to a higher standard (chơi chữ)!

The media has at times portrayed an unreal expectation of day to day cannabis industry work.

If employers aren’t clear about the details of the role during the interview process, it can potentially lead to a disappointing experience for the employee, causing the turnover.

Giving candidates a realistic preview of the role – the good and challenging aspects – is key. The cannabis industry has a lot of incredible positions available in it that are meaningful and fulfilling.

Guiding prospective hires by first understanding what it is they’re looking for is essential to fit the right candidate to the right position.

While unrealistic expectations do contribute to turnover within cannabis, businesses have the biggest opportunity to combat the issue.

Làm thế nào một doanh nghiệp có thể chống lại doanh thu trong cần sa?

Addressing turnover starts with the employer.

By properly setting expectations, vetting candidates, and following up after onboarding, cannabis businesses can tăng cơ hội cho nhân viên của họ vượt qua mốc 90 ngày.

Proper placement retention starts before you even meet the candidate.

Start By Attracting The Right Job Seekers

To ensure you attract the right talent, start by crafting a job description that clearly outlines the requirements, expectations and company culture.

By being as clear as possible of your expectations, you’ll attract more of the right job seekers from the start. During the interview process, khám phá tất cả các câu hỏi và mong đợi cho cả hai bên.

Interviews should cover more than just the basics, screen each candidate for a culture-fit and invite applicable team members to interview for additional perspectives.

It’s important for applicants to research the company and know that it’s okay to ask detailed questions about what the position entails and why it is vacant in the interview process.

Ask about retention, culture and what the company values. Here are three (3) tips to follow during the interview to make sure you stay on track:

  • Hỏi mục tiêu nghề nghiệp tương lai của họ là gì đảm bảo rằng chúng phù hợp với các mục tiêu của công ty và bộ phận. Nếu ứng viên hy vọng sẽ thăng tiến nhanh chóng nhưng không có vai trò rộng mở nào trong con đường sự nghiệp của họ hoặc kỳ vọng của họ là không thực tế, hãy trung thực về sự phát triển dự kiến ​​mà các vị trí sẽ thấy.
  • Đảm bảo rằng ứng viên cảm thấy thoải mái với mức lương và gói đãi ngộ. Như thiếu đền bù thỏa đáng là một lý do chính cho doanh thu, address the situation during the interview process so there aren’t any misconceptions in the future. In addition, don’t over-promise tips, commission or promotions. Empty promises cause resentment – don’t commit to anything you’re not 100% confident about.
  • Đảm bảo rằng ứng viên cảm thấy thoải mái với số giờ dự kiến. Include any overtime, holidays or additional hours the employee may be expected to work. Frustration from lack of flexibility or schedule changes not addressed well in advance contribute to employee turnover.

After you’ve made an offer that both parties agree on, plan their first day and let them know what to expect so they feel comfortable within the company from the start.

Clearly outline any information your new hire needs to know upon arriving the first day, like where to park, who to report to, an on-site contact in case they have any issues arriving and what they need to bring for onboarding paperwork.

Chuẩn bị cho nhóm của bạn cho sự xuất hiện của người mới. Bạn muốn người mới thuê của bạn cảm thấy được chào đón.

A team lunch or simple gifts like a company lanyard or shirt can go a long way for making your new hire feel special on the nerve-wracking first day.

Thiết lập chúng để thành công

Create an onboarding process that not only gets your new hire up to speed on their specific role but also informs them of the company’s history, the company’s organization chart/who they report to, how the other departments operate and any applicable industry information they need to know.

Bằng cách phác thảo rõ ràng tất cả các quy trình, bạn tránh được sự thất vọng trong tương lai từ cả nhân viên và chủ lao động.

Ask for feedback and questions during the process to make sure they aren’t left with any confusion about the role and company as a whole.

Consider incorporating a mentor or buddy the new hire can come to with any questions and incorporate time for the new hire to shadow someone with their role or within their department.

Luôn đi đúng hướng

Làm việc cho chúng tôi

During the onboarding process, establish 30/60/90 day goals so expectations are defined and documented.

Review these with your new hire, ask for feedback and check in regularly (hàng tuần) to track progress and uncover any goals that may fall behind before it’s too late.

Make sure the new hire clearly understands the goals and is comfortable with what is asked of him or her.

Review the goals frequently to make sure your new hire is on track. Continually provide feedback, cả những ý kiến ​​đóng góp mang tính xây dựng và tích cực để cả hai bên đều hài lòng.

Positive feedback is important, you want to make sure they feel appreciated in their role. Constructive feedback is important as well, as you don’t want to become frustrated with something they are doing that is fixable.

Continually ask for feedback regarding their position, your managerial style, department, and company as a whole so issues don’t become bigger problems and your new hire feels heard.

Continue providing performance reviews outside of the 90-day mark để nhân viên của bạn có thể cải thiện và đưa ra các đề xuất.

Giữ động lực tiếp tục

Supporting your employees requires offering ways for them to grow both within the company and within their role.

Most employees are excited about their new role during the first couple of months, but that excitement can dwindle if you’re not providing outlets for engagement.

As an employer, plan ways to duy trì sự phấn khích đó trong suốt sự nghiệp của họ tại công ty của bạn. Ongoing retention strategies are some of the most important practices you can incorporate to combat turnover.

Here are some of the most effective ways to continually engage your workforce:

Cung cấp các khóa đào tạo & phát triển cá nhân đang diễn ra

Those passionate about their job are eager to learn more about the industry and their position. There are various ways to offer paths for continued education.

Bringing in an expert from the industry for a couple of hours to speak on new developments within cannabis can help educate a larger team. Ngoài ra, nhiều các khóa đào tạo cần sa có sẵn tùy thuộc vào vị trí.

Bằng cách cung cấp ngân sách hoặc lối thoát cho nhân viên theo đuổi những cơ hội này, bạn đang nâng cao chuyên môn tổng thể về lực lượng lao động của mình.

The cannabis industry business need to be focused largely on building out our Chương trình Học tập và Phát triển (hoặc L&D) as well as emphasizing the Talent Management process with managers.

You can tie these together by training dispensary managers on succession planning and creating career paths for our team members.

The L&D Department builds out the career pathing to ensure folks understand the path between their goals and the reality of that promotion.

Our emphasis is truly on building our team members to grow and stay with us versus just having a warm body in each position.

Cung cấp cơ hội kết nối mạng trong ngành

Các cơ hội kết nối giúp thúc đẩy cảm giác kết nối trong ngành. Networking events are not only great for meeting others within cannabis, but also for learning about what’s new in the industry.

Denver networking events like Budtender Appreciation Night foster a sense of community and provide a fun outlet for your employees to engage with others in cannabis.

Try sending a monthly email to employees about upcoming networking events so they can participate.

Khuyến khích xây dựng nhóm

Holiday parties and employee appreciation events go a long way in showing staff you value their work.

Fostering friendships outside of the normal working hours helps build a sense of belonging within the organization as well. Show your appreciation by incorporating a quarterly team-building event.

Cải thiện dịch vụ lợi ích của bạn

Ngày càng có nhiều công ty cung cấp cần sa Kế hoạch 401 (k), health, dental, and vision insurance, as well as paid time off and stock options.

It’s crucial your company offers competitive benefits and continues to add benefits as budgeting permits. 22% of employees leave because of the lack of benefits, it’s a valuable addition that can drastically improve employee retention.

Nhận ra cơ hội thăng tiến

The biggest factor employees cite for leaving a position is the lack of opportunities for advancement or promotion. Recognizing your employee’s hard work by offering bonuses and promotions will help combat turnover in the industry.

Cung cấp hỗ trợ vượt ra ngoài vai trò

Taking the time to continually offer assistance to your employees is crucial to the ongoing success within your business.

Cung cấp hỗ trợ toàn diện đòi hỏi phải vượt ra ngoài vai trò. Many of the employees in our industry are first time employees in a professional organization and are not aware of some of the ins and outs of employment.

Have the opportunity to help employees grow and offer the extra step in internal customer service. For example, so many employees do not know what a deductible is, or that you may even have an Chương trình Trợ giúp Nhân viên.

Creating opportunities such as a benefits fair roadshow and explaining in full what these things are and mean, can really go a long way with our team members.

Tất cả chúng ta đều rất bận rộn trong không gian của mình nhưng tất cả những điều này thực sự cần thời gianvà thời gian của chúng ta có đáng để giữ chân cao hơn và trải nghiệm nhân viên có ý nghĩa hơn không?

Although turnover is still an issue for many within cannabis, it’s showing signs of progress. As the industry has grown in its maturity, we’ve found that turnover is becoming less of a problem.

Now more than ever before, talent is entering the space with a better understanding of what to expect from a career in cannabis.

Ngoài ra, chúng tôi với tư cách là một ngành công nghiệp đã trở thành tốt hơn trong việc đặt ra những kỳ vọng này trong quá trình tuyển dụng. Việc giữ chân nhân viên phụ thuộc vào việc dành thời gian để cho nhân viên của bạn thấy rằng bạn thực sự quan tâm đến thành công của họ.

While there’s no one-size-fits-all to combating turnover, a combination of attracting the right talent from the start, setting them up for success and retaining talent through opportunities of engagement and advancement, you can start to combat the costly and time-consuming issue of turnover within the cannabis industry.

Cho chúng tôi biết bạn nghĩ gì.

(LƯU Ý: Trước khi bạn có thể tối ưu hóa đào tạo, bạn phải làm là có được một bức tranh rõ ràng về AI đang học hỏi, họ tạo ra tác động như thế nào và yêu cầu phát triển chuyên môn của họ là GÌ. Tải xuống đã được chứng minh của chúng tôi "Chiến lược tối ưu hóa đào tạo cần sa" ngay bây giờ và hiểu rõ những gì cần học.)


Source: https://www.greencultured.co/combat-cannabis-industry-turnover-rate/

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