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Anito Legends Mid-Year 2023: Highlights and Outlook


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As 2023 reaches its midpoint, we pause to reflect on the eventful developments within #CryptoPH. The industry, rebounding stronger from 2022 and witnessing a fading bear market, has had a dynamic first half.

Today, we bring you an exclusive mid-year review from Philippine web3 gaming studio — Masayato Games. Through Jayvee Fernandez, Co-Founder of Masayato Games, the company shared insightful details about their significant wins, challenges, and future plans, especially for their hit web3 game — Anito Legends.

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Anito Legends Mid-Year Review: Key Wins in 2023

What key partnerships, product launches, or strategic decisions would you consider as your organization’s significant wins in the first half of 2023? 

The first half of 2023 has been a blast — not only is this a mid-year update, but it is also our 1st year anniversary since we officially launched.

By the end of Q2 we had tripled our DAU (daily active user). We attribute this to the consecutive launches of game features such as Play and Earn in early Q1 and the Rite of Ipa-Alam (Rite of Farewell), which is our take on NFT burning. Many projects use NFT burning to reduce supply but in our case, we go a step further and incorporate NFT burning as part of an in-game mechanic. Burned Anito NFTs can be transformed into NFT equipment which are used to take on higher level content.

Since 2021, we have had supporters from several local guilds who kept close watch on our game’s development. A number of our players come from YGG sub-guilds and these community volunteers proposed an official partnership with both Sando Metaverse and NFT X-Street. We capped the latter part of Q2 with a month-long series of events with Sando Metaverse.

Today, we leave Q2 with a very healthy community. Players mitigate red dump charts with in-app purchases and we have burned more than 50k $GINTO tokens (our reward token) because of The Rite of Ipa-Alam. We just recently started Season 2 of Anito Legends, taking in learnings and suggestions from our players on how the game can be improved.

(Read more: Filipino-developed Anito Legends Kicks Off Burning Event)

Addressing Challenges: Anito Legends Adaptive Strategies

What were the primary challenges your organization faced during the first half of 2023, and how did you address them?

As a game that utilizes blockchain elements, we had to navigate a strange new world of guesswork when it came to integrating these elements. There are not a lot of blockchain games that are fully released in the market so the problems we encounter are typical for first movers.

As such, we have made vast improvements to the way we acquire users. We no longer need a Metamask pop-up sign-in prompt. Players simply login using their email and password. We believe this helped contribute to the increase in players.

We also took measures to mitigate ‘bad actors’ in the P&E space. We take game security very seriously and drop the hammer on players who run exploits, which gives them an unfair advantage over other players. We have since implemented NFT banning, which prevents these bad actors from using the NFT or even selling it back to the marketplace.

Our community members were a huge help. They were also equally vigilant and generous with their time to help test new features and report these anomalies.

(Read more: Filipino-developed Anito Legends Kicks Off Burning Event)

Improvements and Metrics: Comparing 2023 with Previous Years

Is there a specific metric that has significantly improved in the first half of 2023 compared to the previous year?

We like to base our acquisition goals on our Monday DAU.

This is because players are very active due to the x2 in-game bonuses they get to start the week strong. By the end of Q2 we had actually breached the 1 million sessions / day mark on one of those Mondays.

On average, we have about 3 million sessions a week across four platforms (we are available on PC, Mac, iOS, Android). An Anito Legends player logs in at least 12 times a day.

Future Trends and Technologies: Anito Legends Future Outlook

Which emerging trends or technologies in the crypto space are you most excited about or planning to incorporate into your future strategies and why?

We’re excited to see how we can integrate with the Play Store and the App Store. Having been in the industry for more than a decade (Anito Legends is game number 22), we feel that the acceptance of GameFi on these platforms is a homecoming for us as this is where we truly excel.

(Read more: Filipino-developed Anito Legends Kicks Off Burning Event)

Goals and Plans for the Second Half of 2023

What are your company’s primary goals and plans for the second half of 2023?

We are launching the Rite of Ipa-Likha, which allows users to craft NFT weapons. We feel that this is the next phase of Anito Legends and our players are very excited for this. We are also working on a Free to Play version of the game, which will be quite a unique experience for everyone because we want to tackle it differently compared to how Axie Infinity and other F2P crypto games work.

We have at least two years’ worth of content lined up for the game.

For Further Reading

Main Site: https://anitolegends.com/
Anito Legends Blog: https://anitolegends.com/blog/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnitoLegendsNFT
Trailer: https://twitter.com/AnitoLegendsNFT/status/1687138834704891904
Discord: https://discord.anitolegends.com/

This article is published on BitPinas: Anito Legends Mid-Year 2023: Highlights and Outlook

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