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Interview with content manager Ha Jeong-min | Innovative site operation that focuses on trends


hello everyone! Today, I would like to share an honest and honest story with Jeongmin, the content wizard who makes our website sparkle. Are you curious about what Jeongmin’s day is like and what worries he faces behind the wonderful title of content manager? Let’s dive into Jeongmin’s story right now!

Source: Pikwizard

Q. Jeongmin, please introduce yourself! What are you doing?
  1. Hello, my name is Ha Jeong-min, content manager at Online Casino-kr.com . You can think of it as being responsible for all content posted on the website. My daily routine is to discuss ideas with my team members in the morning and carefully check whether the content is being created well throughout the day.
Q. Now, let’s talk a little more in-depth. Aren’t you curious about what difficulties Jeongmin faces during the content creation process and how he overcomes them? So, shall we dive right into Jeongmin’s honest story? In summary, what is the most difficult thing about creating content?
  1. Well… Actually, content creation is a series of new challenges every time. This is especially true if you cover a wide range of content like our website. We need to create content that everyone, regardless of gender or age, can find interesting. Some people may be interested in games, and others may come to Toto. The biggest challenge is to create content that satisfies people with such diverse tastes.

Moreover, these days, simply creating content is not enough. You also need to pay attention to search engine optimization (SEO). No matter how good your content is, it is meaningless if people can’t find it. Using relevant keywords appropriately and organizing content in a format that search engines like is also quite a difficult task.

But as difficult as it is, it is also very rewarding. I feel really proud when readers are happy or gain useful information from the content I create. We will continue to strive to create better content in the future!

Q. Now, let’s take a closer look at Jeongmin’s content production know-how. How can we create engaging content that captures people’s hearts? If you’re curious about Jeongmin’s special secret, let’s dive into Jeongmin’s story right now! So, how can we create content that people like? Is there a secret?
  1. Sure! Rather than my secret method, it can be said to be a basic principle of content creation, and I always remember three things.

First, you have to think of your readers first. We have to constantly think about what information readers are thirsty for and what stories they empathize with. We listen to our readers’ voices through various channels such as surveys, comments, and social media reactions.

Second, we need to create content that is pleasing to the eyes. No matter how good the content is, if it’s full of dry text, you won’t want to read it. So, I try to enrich the content by using various visual materials such as images, videos, and infographics. Just as the saying goes that rice cakes that look good are good to eat, content that is pleasing to the eye can more easily capture people’s hearts.

Q. It’s a pity that this is already the last question, but now I’d like to hear about Jeongmin’s constant efforts to develop himself. Web design trends change really quickly. How does Jeongmin keep up with trends and always acquire the latest information? Web design trends change so quickly, how do you keep up?
  1. That’s right, web design trends really change in the blink of an eye. So I can’t relax even for a moment. I always try to learn and learn new things.

First, I enjoy visiting news sites or blogs in related fields. This is the first place where new technologies or design trends are introduced. In fact, you have to pay attention not only to the design part but also to things like cookies .

Second, attend webinars or conferences. You can get a lot of inspiration by listening to lectures by experts and exchanging opinions with others.

Third, check the latest information from reliable sources. If you get your information from trustworthy sources, such as government websites or major news sites, you are less likely to make a mistake.

As I continued to work hard like this, I developed an eye for trends and developed the ability to quickly learn new technologies.


So far, we’ve looked at the A to Z of content creation with Jeongmin. How was it? I was really impressed by Jeongmin’s passion and effort. I look forward to the great content Jeongmin will create in the future! While having this one-on-one conversation, I really learned a lot, but I also think I came to empathize with a lot of things.

Usually, common articles provide information one-sidedly, which is good, but I don’t think the information gained through communication and conversation with experts can be compared. First of all, the reliability and accuracy of the information made it more interesting and enjoyable. I hope you enjoyed it too. I hope the information I provided today will be helpful to you. Thanks for reading. I hope you all prosper and I’ll see you next time.


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