Football has always been a game of skill, strategy, and passion. However, in recent years, a new player has emerged in shaping the future of the sport—data analytics. What was once a field driven purely by...
Embark on a quirky adventure across Outer Space that boasts a satisfying gameplay loop promising to keep you up for hours.The Final Frontier is a place many of us dream of seeing someday. As VR games...
This is a good day for fans of hotly anticipated tactical RPGs. Ash Echoes, the fantastically polished Unreal-powerwed RPG from developer Neocraft Studio, has...
Dalmas, a seasoned crypto reporter, brings a unique perspective to the industry. His specialization in NFTs, blockchain, DeFi, and blockchain news for NewsBTC, combined...
Prepare for a dose of childhood terror as Amanda the Adventurer, the unsettling horror game that captivated PC players, is creeping onto PlayStation and...
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission announced Thursday that it has charged Cumberland DRW, a Chicago-based crypto trading firm, with various securities charges.In an...