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How to Change Color on Google Calendar: A Comprehensive Guide


Customizing the color scheme on Google Calendar can provide both an aesthetic appeal and a functional enhancement to your scheduling. Different colors can make specific events stand out, and organizing events by color can offer a clear overview of your activities. Here’s how to change colors on Google Calendar to make the most of your planning:

  1. Log in to Google Calendar: Begin by navigating to the Google Calendar website in your preferred web browser. Ensure you’re signed into the Google account associated with the calendar you want to modify.
  2. Select the Desired Calendar: On the left side of the screen, you’ll find a pane displaying “My calendars.” This section lists all the calendars associated with your account. Locate the calendar you want to adjust.
  3. Access Color Options: Hover over the name of the calendar you wish to change. As you do so, three vertical dots (often referred to as the “More” icon) will appear next to the calendar name. Click on this icon.
  4. Choose a New Color: A color palette will pop up, presenting various color choices. Click on the color you’d like to assign to this particular calendar. The selected calendar’s events will now display in the chosen color.
  5. Adjusting Individual Event Colors: Sometimes, you might want specific events to stand out or belong to a different category than the general calendar color. To adjust the color of an individual event:
    • Click on the event you wish to change.
    • Once the event details appear, you’ll see a color palette icon. Click on it.
    • Select the desired color from the dropdown.
    • After selecting the color, close the event details. The individual event will now be displayed in the color you’ve chosen.
  6. For Quick Color Changes: If you’re in a hurry, you can also quickly change an event’s color by right-clicking on the event and choosing a color directly from the quick-access color palette that appears.

Remember, the colors you set will sync across devices, so the customizations you make on your desktop will reflect on your mobile devices and vice versa.

Now that you know how to change colors on Google Calendar, you can visually structure your days and weeks in a way that best suits your workflow and preferences. Whether you color-code by event importance, event type, or just to make your calendar more lively, the choice is yours!

Can I Add More Colors to Google Calendar Events?

When it comes to personalizing our digital tools, many of us love having a wide array of options. Google Calendar offers a default palette of colors to differentiate between events, but what if you desire more shades or particular hues that aren’t in the standard range? Let’s dive into whether you can add more colors to Google Calendar events and explore potential workarounds.

Google Calendar’s Default Palette:

Firstly, it’s essential to note that Google Calendar comes with a predefined color palette for users. This palette offers a variety of colors that cater to the most common organizational needs, allowing users to distinguish between various types of events, appointments, or tasks.

Custom Colors in Google Calendar:

As of my last update in January 2022:

  1. Web Version: The web version of Google Calendar doesn’t natively support the addition of custom colors beyond the provided palette. This means you’re limited to the default set when using Google Calendar on a browser.
  2. Mobile Apps: Similar to the web version, the Google Calendar mobile apps (for both Android and iOS) do not allow users to define custom colors directly within the app.

Potential Workarounds:


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