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Generative AI to Be Able to Talk and Listen: What are the Implications?


The latest iteration of generative AI is that it can now talk, listen, and process images. Or so says the innovators atOpenAI, the parent company behind ChatGPT. According to the company’s update, you’ll be able to have the software read a story to your children or settle a dispute.

The main implication is that you’ll be able to have a two-way conversation with the bot. Whether or not it’ll be a meaningful one remains to be seen, though. Reading about the update got the team at https://supportyourapp.com/back-office-outsourcing/ thinking about some of the potential implications.

While we’re sure this only scratches the surface, this article deals with what they found.

What’s Different Between This and Virtual Assistants?

You might wonder what’s so special about this advance. After all, you’ve probably been using a voice assistant like Siri or Google Assistant for ages. The difference is a subtle one in that generative AI can do more than just access certain functions on your phone or regurgitate information from the net.

You could, for example, ask it to curate a playlist of songs based on your recent listening history or centered on a certain theme. You could also ask it to write a new song using those inputs as a guide. Furthermore, you can ask it to summarize information about a certain topic rather than just reading through the top search results.

What Are the Implications for Our Daily Lives?

Enhanced Customer Service and Support

AI systems that can listen and speak will provide a more natural experience for customers. Being able to explain your query to a bot that can understand its context rather than just picking up on certain key phrases should make resolving queries easier.

Learning and Education

AI could make learning a lot more fun by engaging in an interactive conversation with a learner. This will be advantageous when it comes to pronunciation and grammar. The child may also improve their language skills with real-time conversations.

Bots can also provide personalized assistance to students. They can create interactive learning materials to help students improve in the right areas. They can also assess the learner’s progress and identify areas for improvement.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

Machines can learn to understand different languages and accents. This makes it easier for those from foreign countries to get by. It also offers those with disabilities more freedom as they can access the technology hands-free.

Healthcare and Mental Health Support

AI-powered virtual assistants can conduct remote patient interviews, collect medical histories, and offer preliminary medical advice. We’ve already seen that it’s effective atreading patient X-Rays, so it’ll play a greater role in diagnoses later on.

In time, chatbots might be able to provide affordable mental health consultations and a range of other medical services.

Business and Sales

We’ve already seen how bots can prove useful in self-service settings, and how they can be downright frustrating. However, with generative AI being able to better understand the context of the query, service should improve.

Customers will receive more personalized answers and product recommendations leading to an increase in satisfaction and sales.

Sales teams can also use the software for more effective lead generation and to develop sales scripts or emails.

Human-Computer Interaction

With this new capability, it becomes even easier to interact with our computers. You can log into your smart home from your car to activate the kettle or switch on other IoT devices. You might also ask your fridge to compile a shopping list for you.

Data Collection and Analysis

With these systems, monitoring calls is easier. The AI can listen to customer calls for more effective sentiment analysis, market research, and feedback analysis. You can then ask the system to generate various insights based on your goals at the time.

Privacy and Ethical Concerns

One negative impact of this technology is the privacy implications of it listening all the time. Companies will need to take greater care in storing data against possible breaches. Companies will also have to be very clear about when and how they listen in, being transparent about doing so.

Security and Authentication

We can enhance security through the use of voice recognition as an additional measure. However, we shouldn’t rely on this measure alone, as deepfakes make it easy to overcome this biometric authentication method.

Where it becomes useful to incorporate AI is that the machine can detect abnormal speech patterns quite easily.

Potential for Misuse

There is, naturally, the potential for misuse. Generative AI is already being used by criminals for nefarious reasons. However, the same can be said about any new technology today.

Where we’ll have to be careful is in how we regulate what the private and government sectors do with this capability.

Regulatory and Legal Considerations

We’ve already seen evidence of how this will work with the AI-image generators and concerns that they infringe on copyright. Going forward it’ll be interesting to see how the use of voice data becomes regulated.

Impact on Employment

It’s both an exciting and scary time for many professionals as they don’t yet fully understand the role AI will play going forward. While AI won’t replace humans just yet, it certainly can take over some roles in industries like marketing, finance, and insurance.

Companies will have to find ways to reskill their employees accordingly. People in the workforce will also have to look for ways to upskill themselves. While it’s frightening to think of jobs that will disappear, the new technology opens many more opportunities.


This article gives you a basic idea of how generative AI talking and listening may change things going forward. It’s clear that the technology will make our lives easier, but also that we must carefully regulate it.

Is this all it’ll do? There’s a lot more scope for development than we’ve had time to discuss here.


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