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Cloud Technology Can Reduce Employee Turnover by Improving Communication


All employees suffer when the tech and their teams aren’t working at their best capacity. The entire office suffers even more when skilled people leave the company. The lack of the right resources, technology, and, most importantly, communication channels could bring unwarranted stress to the organization. The biggest challenge of today is retaining employees.

More than a decade ago, economies were hit by the Great Recession. Today, organizations face the Great Resignation, which has kept human resource leaders at the edge of their seats. Statistics reveal that hiring a new employee costs half or two times the employee’s salary. The good news is that cloud technology can improve communication and reduce employee turnover. 

5 communication strategies for the workplace

A communication strategy is the communication plans and methods a company applies at all stages. From planning a proposal to providing feedback for the same, communication is crucial for all company members. It builds trust, reduces employee turnover, and improves productivity. 

A few examples of communication strategies you can apply in your organization are:

1.      Use good communication tools

Set up a communication infrastructure in your company that is easy to use and highly collaborative. You need to involve and update everyone about what is happening within the company. Your employees need the assurance that they are heard and cared for, which will make them stay longer. In addition, platforms like Perkbox enhance productivity amongst a dispersed workforce.

2.      Schedule 1-on-1 meetings

Go the extra mile and get in touch with your team members personally. One can only get a limited understanding of what is happening in their life in group meetings. Some scenarios are best discussed privately. Whether it is a performance or a personal concern, address them 1-on-1. Your employees will appreciate this gesture.

3.      Create an amicable atmosphere

Many employees brush their suggestions under the carpet during meetings as they feel underconfident or unwelcome. It is your job to create a light atmosphere within the workplace where they feel welcome to share ideas and feedback of both professional and personal kind. A rushed or fast atmosphere at work adds stress and hampers business performance, which could lead to a talented individual quitting the job.

4.      Conduct training and activities across departments

The symbiosis between departments must be good for the communication strategy to be successful. Therefore, conduct activities where people from different departments can meet and collaborate. Conduct training sessions where new employees are made aware of how the company works and older employees are motivated to learn skills and perform better.

5.      Celebrate the big and the small achievements

Your company is what it is because of the people working under it. Therefore, you must celebrate their hard work and achievements and applaud their performance every once in a while. There are specific tools that can help you stay updated on your employees’ accomplishments. Simple and everyday gestures like “good morning” or “thank you” can boost the morale of your employees. 

5 ways cloud technology can improve business communication

Employee turnover refers to the number of employees who have quit the company over a certain period. These figures include the ones who have left voluntarily and those who have been fired. Many companies have discovered that cloud technology can help retain employees and increase productivity. From streamlining communications to improving productivity, a proper cloud architecture caters to the best interests of your company.

1.      Facilitates communication between employees

The unavailability of communication channels made it difficult for employees to share and brainstorm. Thanks to cloud technology, multiple platforms, like Slack or Microsoft Teams, are now available through which people can collaborate in real time. In workplaces where communication is to-the-point, more employees are bound to feel satisfied.

As more platforms pop up, the existing ones have built themselves into an all-in-one platform. Apart from interaction, one can store data, share documents, schedule voice and video calls, and do much more. When all teams work together and achieve goals, more people will feel that their time and efforts are worthwhile in the organization.

2.      Improves data management and productivity

Cloud technology can store copious amounts of structured or unstructured data and has no limit. With video calling and voice calling facilities, teams can work together to sort the data. As a result, problems will be quickly resolved, and decisions will be made quicker with everyone on the same page.

Another benefit is that this management style reduces errors and avoids duplication of work. Employees don’t desire to do the same work repeatedly, so with this tech, one can swiftly move on to other projects. When work is recognized, and more opportunities are provided, your employees will enjoy working with you for the long term.

3.      Improves onboarding process 

Cloud technology allows employees to work from around the globe. For employers, it gives more scope to hire talent from all over the world. Since devices and locations are secondary concerns here, they can focus on looking for the best-suited people for the job and boosting productivity in the workplace.

Today, more people want the freedom of working from the comforts of their homes or a beach miles away from their physical office. Cloud tech doesn’t require a tangible infrastructure at one specific place but only an optimized device and a reliable internet connection. Employers can also take this opportunity to get people on board from lower-wage regions and increase the company’s overall profitability.

4.      Secures personal and professional data

Before cloud technology, protecting the company’s hardware and software was crucial. Cloud technology has a dedicated team of professionals who work 24*7 to ensure all services and operations are running smoothly. This takes off the stress of safeguarding information and resolving issues immediately.

Data breaches are so common these days that companies often face downtime in their operations. However, with cloud tech bouncing back quickly, the downtime is reduced, and employees are keener on getting work done. At the same time, organizations must educate their employees on data security methods like multi-factor authentication and encrypted data.

5.      Adapts to conditions

Cloud computing technology is highly flexible; it can cater to businesses of all sizes. Companies can also use more tools or scale down as and when needed. Market conditions are unpredictable, but cloud tech forecasts and acts as a safety net for the company. Here, employees are empowered to work even in worse scenarios, knowing they have access to the best services that get work done.

Cloud tech can also adapt itself to the existing mechanisms in a company. It can be integrated smoothly with various software applications. Employees need not worry about learning newer working methods as they can be time-consuming.

Use cloud technology to stop the mass exodus of employees

Developing a communication strategy that is both advanced and liked by your employees can take time. It is better to invest time in setting up a solid foundation for communication as it has the most impact on your company’s success. As you take steps to get familiar with cloud technology, you are reducing employee turnover and securing your workplace.


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