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What is the LoL Aurora Release Date?


Long have we waited for the next League of Legends champion. Smolder was the last one and he was released at the beginning of the year to many buffs, nerfs and some confusing feelings. Now we are starting to finally hear rumors, see some leaks and much more for the next champion. Leakers believe this champion’s name is Aurora. But what is the LoL Aurora Release Date?

[Related: All of the LoL Aurora Skins]

LoL Aurora Release Date

The LoL Aurora Release Date will likely be either June 12, 2024 or June 26, 2024.

There is also the chance they let it slipt into July for the July 17, 2024 Patch, 14.14. This will really revolve around the mid-season event. Will they do it before their small break or after? With her files being added already there is a good chance we will be learning more about Aurora very soon.

Right now it would seem as though we are going to get a similar release schedule as in 2023. There are still going to be four new champions. One at the beginning of the year, then one for the mid-year event and two near the end of the year.

The lineup as a quick reminder consists of Smolder who was released back in January. Then Aurora who seems to be part of the mid-season even. The bunny Vastayan mid laner and then the top laner from the hit show, Arcane, in Ambessa Medarda. Based on last year we should expect the Vastayan sometime in the early fall with Ambessa sometime in early November.

Who is LoL Champion Aurora?

The next League of Legends Champion Aurora is going to be from the Freljord.

Now we have heard about the new mid lane champion that many thought was going to be a rabbit of some kind. They are supposed to be from the Freljord as well but it seems as though Aurora will not be that champion.

Instead, she is going to be the Ice Huntress that we have been told about. Apparently, she will be a ranged ADC for the Top and Bottom lane. Also she will have a brand new weapon that we have never seen before.

Aurora would be a big deal because she is the first new champion from the Freljord since Ornn which was way back in 2017. The good news is, that it looks like we are getting two champions from that region this year in back-to-back releases.

We do have some pictures of her that you can see below and BigBadBear revealed some background sounds for the even which likely are in tandem with her release.

LEAKED "Aurora" Audio FIles for the NEW Event - League of LegendsLEAKED "Aurora" Audio FIles for the NEW Event - League of Legends

This is all we know for now but it will be interesting to see what could be coming next.

LoL Aurora Abilities

The LoL Aurora Abilities are not known yet. It seems likely that they will be leaked soon with this new information coming out.

What we do know about her name as the Ice Huntress and that she is getting a new weapon as well as her looks and being from the Freljord can help us infer. She will likely have a slow or stun of some type. There is even the possibility that she could use ice to slide on and speed herself up. Also the new weapon could be an icicle or even something fun like a snowball cannon. Both of those are unlikely but could be fun.

Once more is officially known or leaked this section will be updated.

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