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Các câu hỏi được trả lời về cần sa giải trí được hợp pháp hóa ở Montana | Trạng thái


With the turn of the calendar, adult-use recreational marijuana has become available for purchase in Montana. The launch of the new market raises a wide range of questions, from how much marijuana an individual can possess, to whether they can consume it in a national park, to the types of products that will be available for purchase.

Montana Free Press has put together a guide to answer some of those questions.

Who can buy marijuana in Montana?

Starting Jan. 1, 2022, any adult age 21 or older can purchase marijuana and marijuana products. That includes Montana residents, residents of other American states and territories and international travelers with valid identification.

What do I need to bring with me to a dispensary?

Bring identification proving that you are 21 years of age.

Virtually all marijuana transactions are in cash due to ongoing federal restrictions on banking services for the industry. Bring your own to avoid paying ATM fees at the shop.

Will the state track my purchases?

No. While a business can make a scan of your identification “to determine the consumer’s age,” per House Bill 701, the state’s legalization framework bill, it can only keep those records for 180 days. Furthermore, dispensaries are not permitted to share that information with the state, nor can they transfer or sell it to a third party.

What kinds of products…

With the turn of the calendar, adult-use recreational marijuana has become available for purchase in Montana. The launch of the new market raises a wide range of questions, from how much marijuana an individual can possess, to whether they can consume it in a national park, to the types of products that will be available for purchase.

Montana Free Press has put together a guide to answer some of those questions.

Who can buy marijuana in Montana?

Starting Jan. 1, 2022, any adult age 21 or older can purchase marijuana and marijuana products. That includes Montana residents, residents of other American states and territories and international travelers with valid identification.

What do I need to bring with me to a dispensary?

Bring identification proving that you are 21 years of age.

Virtually all marijuana transactions are in cash due to ongoing federal restrictions on banking services for the industry. Bring your own to avoid paying ATM fees at the shop.

Will the state track my purchases?

No. While a business can make a scan of your identification “to determine the consumer’s age,” per House Bill 701, the state’s legalization framework bill, it can only keep those records for 180 days. Furthermore, dispensaries are not permitted to share that information with the state, nor can they transfer or sell it to a third party.

What kinds of products…

Source: https://mmpconnect.com/questions-answered-about-legalized-recreational-marijuana-in-montana-state/

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