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Prima Donna (Felicia)


Welcome my un-dear readers to another mean critique of a Lords Mobile hero. This time, I’ll be talking about Prima Donna, a support intelligence hero. 

I don’t know what to feel towards the pixie hero. Her Battle and Hero Skills are balanced by being a mix of stupid or useless and the best in the game. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be, I guess. Prima Donna is free to play and ranks in the top five best Lords Mobile heroes, primarily due to her Hero Skills.

Read on to learn more about Prima Donna and why she should be a part of every Colosseum lineup.

“There’s no place safer than your dreams!” – Felicia

Who Is Prima Donna?

I don’t really know who Prima Donna is, much like her developers don’t it seems. Her real name is Felicia. She got a disgustingly short backstory. It’s not even a backstory; it’s a description of her species. Just when I thought IGG couldn’t do any worse, they continue to amaze me with their stupidity. 

Her background tells us that pixies are magic, winged creatures with beautiful voices. Their wings serve as a portal to the dream realm, allowing one to live in a dream. How this is a backstory for the hero in particular and not all pixie species is beyond my comprehension. 

The part that actually talks about Prima Donna is literally one sentence. “Amidst this endless war, Felicia can’t shake the doubt that reality is a mere dream.” Take from that what you will.

Prima Donna Score

Prima DonnaPrima Donna

Starting from her looks, she looks like a classic fairy hero, if they were homeless. She has pink hair with green clothes, antlers, and wings. Her big eyes are traditional pixie attributes, but there’s nothing special or unique about her design. The same can be said about her nonexistent backstory. So, she gets a really low score for these two aspects. 

However, her Hero Skills are why Prima Donna will ultimately get a high grade from me. Even with so many downsides, like her appearance and Battle Skills, which are puke for me, she is a must-have hero. She is one of the best support heroes and a great healer for various game modes. Objectively speaking, she is an A-tier hero, but I wouldn’t give her that much since I hate Siege Engine boosts.

Prima Donna gets an 8.5/10 from me, thanks to her Hero Skills and healing ability. 


If you really want to know more about her Battle Skills, I’ll tell you while trying not to puke. As a Siege Engine hero, Prima Donna has three boosts for this army unit. 

Prima Donna Battle SkillsPrima Donna Battle Skills
  • Death’s Melody: Tactics skill that deals up to 200% squad ATK as DMG to enemy troops.
  • Siege Engine HP Boost: This is a “When Deployed” skill (like the following two) that increases the max HP of Siege Engine troops by up to 90%.
  • Siege Engine DEF Boost: Increases the DEF stats of the Siege Engine units by up to 75%.
  • Siege Engine ATK Boost: Increases the ATK of Siege Engines by up to 50%.

If you’re the kind of person who likes siege, Prima Donna is the best choice out there. Her boosts are robust and suitable for destroying walls. I’m still not impressed by her Battle Skills, however. 

Moving on to the superior aspect of , her Hero Skills: 

Prima Donna Hero SkillsPrima Donna Hero Skills
  • Athena’s Anthem: Felicia heals all allies on the battlefield immediately and grants them a heal-over-time for 4s.
  • Sonic Howl: Prima Donna deals magic damage to a single target. Arguably a weird choice for a support hero, but what can you do?
  • Arcane Aria: Her second active skill increases the MATK of nearby allies in a medium area for 8s.
  • Flower Power: Prima Donna has passively increased Healing Focus by a percentage. Essentially, she heals more.

This skill set is the reason why she is a must-have hero. Well, if we discount the damage thing. She should be used in every Colosseum fight, both attack and defense. Alongside Rose Knight, Prima Donna is the most helpful hero for your lineup. The passive spell is excellent for healers, as Healing Focus increases the efficiency of her healing. Furthermore, the ultimate is one of the best spells in the game, healing all, not just nearby, allies for 4s. 

Additional Prima Donna info: 

  • Type: Siege Engine
  • Class: Intelligence
  • Species: Pixie
  • Sex: Female
  • Movement: Flying

How to Unlock Prima Donna

Prima Donna is free to play, and you can unlock her by playing Normal Mode. To hire her, you need to complete Hero Stages 1-5. To obtain more medals and upgrade Prima Donna to Legendary grade, you need to complete Elite Hero Stages:

  • Elite 2-12 (The Pixie’s Help)
  • Elite 4-9 (Pixie’s Melody)
  • Elite 6-15 (Sweet Lullaby)

She is one of the earliest heroes available for hiring, and when you do get her, you’ll need 10 more medals to upgrade her to Common or Green grade. For a complete upgrade, 330 medals are required, including the ones you get for free.

Prima Donna and the Colosseum

You can frequently see her in the Colosseum modes. She is extremely useful for PvP modes since other F2P supports can’t outmatch her healing output. Most likely, this tiny pixie will be the reason you win or lose your Colosseum battle. She slots in well into any hero configuration. However, she’s quite squishy herself and can easily die to an assassin if targeted. 

Rallying With Prima Donna

She is the pinnacle of siege engine boosts. Siege Engine troops with up to 90% max HP, 75% DEF, and 50% ATK will be a force to be reckoned with. Again, Prima Donna is the best if you’re a freak who likes siege. 

Make her your Siege commander and deploy her into battle; the enemy walls won’t stand a chance against her powerful army. Arguably, you’ll rarely use her since she’s just so niche, but rallying isn’t even her main use point, so who cares?

Monster Hunting With Prima Donna

If you upgrade her all the way, she can have a very powerful MATK boost. While she’s not great at dealing damage, other INT heroes will be. Use her mostly against monsters who are weak against magic, but again, she’s an excellent all-around healer for physical teams.

One of the best lineups you can create against most low-MDEF monsters is Incinerator, Sage of Storm, Child of Light, Elementalist, and Prima Donna. You’ll see this configuration often in my Monster Hunting guides.

Tips and Trivia

  • Sometimes, after a victory in battle, Felicia would quote lines from the famous Queen song Bohemian Rapsody – “Is this the real life or is this a fantasy?”
  • Even though Prima Donna can mean an opera singer or a narcissistic person, Lords Mobile Prima Donna is nothing like it. She is a fairy with a kind heart. 
  • F2P Alternatives: Sage of Storm or Incinerator are good free-to-play siege-type heroes who can rally just as well as Prima Donna. There isn’t really an alternative F2P healer since She is top-tier.
  • P2P Alternatives: Lore Weaver is the best alternative for her, read more here. Lore Weaver has more effective heals; a great addition is that she heals people even when she dies. Her battle skills are also far better.

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