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Optimize Your Marketing with Deep Web Scraping


Have you ever wondered how companies like Apple always stay ahead of the curve? They seem to have a crystal ball because they are always ready with a new product as soon as a trend hits! Well, they use a technique called Deep Web Scraping. Keep reading, and we’ll explain what Deep Web Scraping is and how to use it in your business.

What Is Deep Web Scraping?

If you know the basics of SEO, then you know that search engines use AI to crawl the web and collect data on public internet pages. This is called Web Scraping, and it’s been around since the ’90s when search engines first existed. Deep Web Scraping crawls public web pages plus pages on the Deep Web to collect data. The Deep Web is simply pages that need a login to access. Search engines cannot access them because they are behind a paywall or exist in a private database. Examples of the Deep Web include:

· Social media platforms

· Membership sites

· Online newspapers that require subscriptions

· Internal company webpages

Deep Web Scraping allows businesses to obtain better quality data for their market research because they can access the social media platforms where trends start.

How Does Deep Web Scraping Work?

You don’t need to employ a team of people to stare at social media platforms for 8 hours a day; Deep Web Scraping is most effective when conducted by AI. You can tell the Deep Web Scraper what information you seek and where it should look for it. Then it simply runs in the background, depositing the information in your designated folder.

How Can Deep Web Scraping Improve My Business?

One of the most popular uses of Deep Web Scrapers is to collect data to inform marketing and product strategies. The Deep Web Scraper provides information about what customers are saying about your business online.

Deep Web Scraping could even be used to examine how consumers view your competitors and your industry in general. This data could be valuable in helping you stand out from the competition by addressing pain points and adding extra pleasure points to your products. All of this data is available for a fraction of the cost and man-hours of other market research methods. Let’s take a look at the three main ways businesses use a Deep Web Scraper.

Price Tracking

Deep Web Scrapers are popular amongst e-commerce business owners because they allow real-time monitoring of pricing. You can gather information from customer reviews as to how your product compares to competitors and if your product offers value for money. Some Deep Web Scrapers can even make pricing requests from your competitors and retrieve detailed information about pricing and shipping.

A 2018 report showed that price tracking is one of the top 3 uses of Deep Web Scraping by businesses. Using Deep Web Scrapers in this way allows businesses to find the right price for entering the market with a new product and to receive real-time notifications of competitor’s promotions.

Market Research

Deep Web Scrapers pull data from numerous sources to allow you to monitor market trends. You can spot emerging trends before they happen and use the data to inform your product development. Wouldn’t you love to have a product ready for market as soon as a trend hits?

The above infographic was created as a result of Deep Web Scraping property rental listings from Craigslist. While this data was used for a research study, you could create a similar data set in your business to narrow your ideal customer type even further. You could find the interests your best customers have in common and make sure your ads only get in front of prospects who are primed to buy.

Content Analysis

Many business owners use Deep Web Scraping to inform their content strategy. The Deep Web Scraper will analyze what your target market is talking about and how they talk so you can create more effective content. This provides you with the opportunity to engage with your ideal clients on a personal level and be at the forefront of new content marketing techniques.

Apply It To Your Business

Now that you understand Deep Web Scraping, you may be wondering how to implement it into your business. There are a number of Deep Web Scrapers on the market, each specializing in different things. So first, you need to get clear on what you want the Deep Web Scraper to do for your business. The three uses we discussed above are the most popular, but many businesses use it for contact scraping to produce a list of leads or collating data to inform calculations. For example, a logistics company may collect data on weather, road conditions, and events to calculate delivery times.

The uses of Deep Web Scraping are as endless as the data it allows you to collect. You can use it to inform many aspects of your business; product development and marketing being the most popular.

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Communicating Knowledge, Saltlux.

  1. Brief History of Web Scraping
  2. Web Scraping Examples: Who Use Data Scraping
  3. The Economics Of Web Scraping Report
  4. New Insights into Rental Housing Markets across the United States: Web Scraping and Analyzing Craigslist Rental Listings

Optimize Your Marketing with Deep Web Scraping was originally published in Chatbots Life on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.


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