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Must-Have Tools & Skills for Professionals Dealing with Sensitive Info


Must-Have Tools & Skills for Professionals Dealing with Sensitive Info

All of us deal with sensitive info. Doesn’t matter if you’re a professional or a home internet user, it’s important to take care of the things you put on your computer and the web. The topic is pretty clear for individuals already, but what must experts have in their toolkits? 

There are plenty of data security solutions you can use working in a professional environment to guard the company from data breaches and help them comply with essential information regulations. We wrote about the most important ones.


As always, firewalls are first on the list of safety tools. They deserve this place as they are some of the oldest and most effective technologies when it comes to protecting your data. Coming both in software and hardware options, firewalls guard your network from malicious data.

Additionally, you can work with numerous ports with information, closing or opening them when needed. Firewalls can be connected to other protective tools and software, becoming a part of servers and devices alike.

Data Encryption Tools

Besides firewalls, data encryption software is just as important for any professional security plan. After working with sensitive info, you already know that most thieves are looking for customer records, personal data, and the company’s property. Thus, data encryption prevents criminals from reading this information even if they manage to steal it.

As the name suggests, the software encrypts the content in the form of a unique code, hiding it from the unauthorized reader. Just like with firewalls, you can find both software and hardware options.

Antivirus Software

Antiviruses are just as widely used both by amateurs and professionals. This software has a lot to it and can be used to spot malicious software like trojans, rootkits, and viruses, and then remove them from the computer system.

All of the aforementioned can be used to steal, rewrite, and destroy your sensitive data, leaving you lost and in danger. Yet, antiviruses that use signatures and heuristics as their approach can prevent this from happening.

Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems

Both intrusion prevention and intrusion detection systems are a great way to protect your network from any malicious individuals or organizations. They will be a perfect addition to firewalls and will work together to inspect your network traffic and find harmful activity. What do IDSs and IPSs do?

  • IPS – finds potential malicious activity and stops relevant sessions. It usually works to stop any denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.
  • IDS – also searches the network for potential malicious activity and alerts the admin about the traffic.

Log-In Management Tools

A lot of professionals focus on protection software and hardware when dealing with sensitive information. Yet, they often forget that their log-in data is just as sensitive, especially when it comes to managing the tools mentioned above.

Since hackers can steal your identity and use all your passwords to dismantle antiviruses, firewalls, and so on, it’s of high importance to hide this info as well. Tools like password managers can help you in various aspects.

For example, you can download a Chrome password manager that is safer than one already working on a browser. Not only will it come up with unique passcodes and save them in the system, managing access to sensitive info, but it will also aid you in complying with data privacy regulations. 

Cloud Storage Tools

Once big businesses shifted their gaze to online cloud storage, professionals dealing with sensitive information have also come out with relevant security tools. Although the company is renting an online cloud storage, the provider will not protect your data from potential theft.

So, encryption services and backup and recovery controls should be established. If you don’t have those skills, you can catch your local cloud security providers to receive security as a service (SECaaS), which can include:

  • Antivirus and antimalware;
  • Data authentication;
  • Intrusion alert.

Bonus tip – Removing Spam

Many problems arise from spam and scam emails, which sometimes can be tailored according to some personal or business details and can be hard to recognize. Moreover, it’s easy to click on a suspicious link in such a message accidentally. You can explore ways how to stop spam emails. If unnecessary or even harmful messages have a hard time reaching you, you’re already safer from any threats on sensitive info.

In Conclusion

If you are a professional dealing with sensitive information, we’ve highlighted the most important tools and skills you need to become successful in your career. These will protect the company you’re working with from any malicious individuals or software, and help it comply with the latest data privacy regulations. 


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