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How to See Deleted Reddit Posts


Redditors know the feeling of dread all too well when they accidentally delete a post, be it an important thread or just a funny meme. Not being able to see it again can be frustrating. Luckily, there are ways to view deleted Reddit posts. In this blog post, we’ll show you how.

How to see deleted Reddit posts

There are a few options available to you if you’re trying to view a deleted Reddit post. The simplest method is to use a service like Wayback Machine, which archives websites. You could also look for the post on Reddit itself, as sometimes users will re-post deleted content. However, it’s probably best to move on if you can’t find the post you’re looking for.

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The best way to see deleted Reddit posts

There is no foolproof method to view deleted Reddit posts. However, there are a few methods you can attempt.

To start, you can use a Reddit search engine like Unveil. Unveil makes it possible to look for deleted Reddit posts using a username, subreddit, or keyword.

ReSavr is a tool that can come in handy if you want to view deleted Reddit posts. ReSavr automatically saves every edit made to a Reddit thread, so there’s a chance you’ll be able to find the original post even if it’s been deleted.

If all else fails, you can always contact the moderators of the subreddit where the post was originally published. Oftentimes, moderators have access to deleted posts and might be able to give you a copy.

How to find deleted Reddit posts

There are a couple methods to locate deleted Reddit posts. The first is to use Reddit’s search bar. If you remember the title of the post, attempt searching for it. Although, keep in mind that this will only be successful if the post wasn’t too old and received enough attention to be registered by Reddit’s search engine.

ReSavr is a great tool to use if you want to find deleted Reddit posts. ReSavr monitors all of the latest deleted posts on Reddit and makes them available for anyone to see. You can also use ReSavr to subscribe to certain subreddits and get email notifications whenever a new post is deleted from that subreddit.

You could also explore some of the more well-known archive sites, such as Wayback Machine or archive.is. These platforms take periodic snapshots of websites and often have copies of pages even after they’ve been removed from the original site. However, since they don’t index every single page on the internet, there’s no guarantee that the deleted Reddit post you’re trying to find will be available.

How to access deleted Reddit posts

There are a few options available to those trying to access deleted Reddit posts. One is to use the Wayback Machine, a website archiving service that makes it possible to view sites at a later date. Another option is to use a search engine, such as Google or Bing, and enter the URL of the Reddit post you want to access. Finally, you could try using Unreddit, a third-party service that enables users to view deleted Reddit posts.

How to view deleted Reddit posts

If you’re trying to find a particular post on Reddit but can’t seem to locate it, the original poster may have deleted it. Luckily, there are ways to view deleted Reddit posts.

There are a few ways you can view deleted posts on Reddit:

  1. Visit the Removeddit website.
  2. Install RES, a browser extension that makes your Reddit experience more enjoyable.
  3. ReSavr is a website that archives all deleted Reddit posts so they can be read at a later time, which is really neat

How to retrieve deleted Reddit posts

While the majority of Reddit posts are never deleted, there are occasions when users may delete their own posts for different reasons. If you’re trying to view a deleted Reddit post, there are a few methods you can use.

One way to find deleted Reddit posts is to use the Wayback Machine. The Wayback Machine is a digital archive of the internet that can be used to find deleted posts. To use it, simply enter the URL of the deleted Reddit post into the Wayback Machine’s search bar. The Wayback Machine will show you all versions of the page that have been saved, including the deleted post.

You can also view deleted Reddit posts by using a Reddit bot called “Removeddit.” Removeddit tracks down deleted posts and saves them so you can view them at a later time. To use Removeddit, simply put the URL of the deleted post into the Removeddit search bar. If the post has been saved, you’ll be able to see it.

If these methods don’t work, it’s possible that the post was never saved and can’t be recovered.

How to get deleted Reddit posts back

If you’re trying to locate a specific post on Reddit but can’t seem to find it, it’s likely because the moderators of the subreddit it was posted in removed it. There are various reasons why posts get removed, but the two most frequent ones are breaking the subreddit’s rules or being off-topic (according to the moderators’ judgement). If you believe a removed post shouldn’t have been, you can try contacting the moderators to ask why it was taken down. Even if you can’t get a deleted post restored, there are still some ways to view removed content.

The following are a few ways you can view removed content on Reddit:

  • Use a third-party service such as Removeddit or Ceddit.
  • Look through Reddit’s archives (for instance, /r/WayOfTheBern).
  • RES’ built-in recovered posts feature is definitely worth checking out!

How to find old Reddit posts

There are a few ways to find old Reddit posts. The most popular way is to use the Wayback Machine, which is a web-based archives of websites. You can enter the URL of the Reddit thread you’re looking for, and the Wayback Machine will show you a list of dates when that thread was saved.

You can also access old Reddit posts by using Google’s cache. To do this, enter “cache:URL” into the Google search bar, replacing “URL” with the URL of the Reddit thread you want to view. This will take you to a cached version of the thread, which may be slightly outdated but should still have most of the original content.

You could also try using Reddit search operators to locate old Reddit posts. For example, if you want to find a particular post from 2012, you would enter “site:reddit.com inurl:2012” into Google. All Reddit posts from 2012 that are still accessible online would be displayed to you this way.


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