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How to Enter BIOS on Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide


Accessing the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) on your Windows 11 computer is an essential skill for managing hardware settings, troubleshooting startup issues, and performing advanced system configurations. In this detailed guide, we will explore various methods to enter the BIOS on a Windows 11 PC, complete with step-by-step instructions, tips, and additional information to ensure you have a thorough understanding of the process.

Introduction to BIOS

The BIOS, or Basic Input/Output System, is firmware that initializes and tests your computer’s hardware components during the boot process. It also provides an interface for configuring hardware settings, making it a crucial element for managing your system’s performance and functionality.

What is BIOS?

The BIOS is stored on a small memory chip on the motherboard. It runs self-tests to ensure all connected devices are functioning correctly and then hands off control to the operating system. Modern systems often use UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface), which offers a more user-friendly interface and additional features compared to traditional BIOS.

Importance of BIOS

The BIOS is integral to your system’s operation. It allows you to:

  • Configure Hardware Settings: Such as enabling or disabling components, adjusting clock speeds, and setting boot priorities.
  • Manage Security Features: Including setting passwords, enabling Secure Boot, and configuring Trusted Platform Module (TPM) settings.
  • Troubleshoot Hardware Issues: By resetting configurations to default settings or diagnosing problems during the boot process.

Why You Might Need to Enter the BIOS

Entering the BIOS can be necessary for various tasks, including:

Changing Boot Order

You might need to change the boot order to boot from a USB drive or external device. This is particularly useful when installing a new operating system or running diagnostic tools from a bootable drive.

Enabling/Disabling Hardware Features

BIOS settings allow you to enable or disable specific hardware features, such as virtualization, integrated peripherals (e.g., sound cards, network adapters), or power management settings.


If your system is experiencing hardware issues, entering the BIOS can help you diagnose and potentially resolve these problems. Resetting BIOS settings to default can often resolve boot-related issues.

Security Settings

The BIOS provides various security options, such as setting system passwords, enabling Secure Boot to protect against malware, and configuring TPM settings for enhanced security.

Methods to Enter the BIOS on Windows 11

There are several ways to access the BIOS on a Windows 11 PC. Here, we’ll cover three primary methods: using the Settings menu, using a keyboard shortcut during boot, and using Command Prompt.

Method 1: Using the Settings Menu

This method is straightforward and user-friendly, especially if you’re already within the Windows environment.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Open Settings:
    • Click on the Start menu and select Settings (or press Win + I).
  2. Navigate to Recovery:
    • Go to System > Recovery.
  3. Advanced Startup:
    • Under Recovery options, click the Restart now button next to Advanced startup.
  4. Access BIOS:
    • Your PC will restart and display the Choose an option screen.
    • Select Troubleshoot > Advanced options > UEFI Firmware Settings.
    • Click Restart, and your PC will reboot into the BIOS/UEFI interface.


  • User-Friendly: This method uses the graphical interface of Windows, making it accessible for users who are not comfortable with command-line tools or quick key presses.
  • Consistent Access: It works reliably across different hardware manufacturers, as long as you can boot into Windows.

Method 2: Using a Keyboard Shortcut During Boot

This traditional method involves pressing a specific key during the initial boot sequence to access the BIOS.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Shut Down Your PC:
    • Ensure your computer is completely powered off.
  2. Turn On Your PC and Press the BIOS Key:
    • Turn on your computer and immediately start pressing the BIOS key repeatedly. Common keys include F2, F10, Delete, or Esc. The exact key may vary depending on your motherboard or laptop manufacturer.
  3. Enter BIOS:
    • If done correctly, this will take you directly to the BIOS settings.


  • Direct Access: This method allows for quick access to the BIOS without needing to navigate through Windows settings.
  • No Dependence on Windows: Useful if Windows isn’t booting correctly, allowing you to troubleshoot hardware issues directly.

Method 3: Using Command Prompt

For users comfortable with command-line tools, this method offers a quick and efficient way to access the BIOS.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator:
    • Press Win + S, type cmd, right-click on Command Prompt, and select Run as administrator.
  2. Execute the Command:
    • Type the following command and press Enter:


      shutdown /r /o /f /t 00

  3. Access BIOS:
    • Your computer will restart and bring you to the Choose an option screen.
    • Follow the steps mentioned in Method 1 from here.


  • Quick Execution: Command Prompt offers a fast way to restart into the advanced startup menu without navigating through multiple settings screens.
  • Versatile: It can be executed from any state of the Windows OS, as long as you have administrative privileges.

Manufacturer-Specific BIOS Access Keys

Different manufacturers often use specific keys to enter the BIOS. Here is a list of common BIOS keys for popular manufacturers:


  • Common Key: F2 or Delete


  • Common Key: F2


  • Common Key: Esc or F10


  • Common Key: F2 or Fn + F2
  • Alternative: F1 or Enter


  • Common Key: F2 or Delete


  • Common Key: Delete


  • Common Key: Delete


  • Common Key: F2

Refer to your device’s manual or manufacturer’s website for the most accurate information regarding BIOS access keys.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Sometimes, accessing the BIOS can be challenging due to various reasons. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

Issue 1: Unable to Access BIOS Using Keyboard Shortcut


  • Ensure Correct Timing: Start pressing the BIOS key as soon as you power on the computer. Missing the timing might boot you into Windows instead.
  • Try Alternative Keys: Your manufacturer might use a different key. Refer to the list of common BIOS keys or check your device’s documentation.
  • Check Keyboard Connection: Ensure your keyboard is properly connected and functioning. Wireless keyboards might not register key presses during the early boot phase; try using a wired keyboard or connect the wireless keyboard to Windows.

Issue 2: Advanced Startup Menu Not Showing UEFI Firmware Settings


  • Check for UEFI Firmware: Ensure your system uses UEFI rather than the traditional BIOS. Older systems might not support UEFI settings through the advanced startup menu.
  • BIOS Update: Sometimes, a BIOS update might be necessary to enable certain features. Check your manufacturer’s website for the latest BIOS updates.

Issue 3: Command Prompt Method Not Working


  • Run as Administrator: Ensure you are running the Command Prompt as an administrator. Without administrative privileges, the command might not execute correctly.
  • Correct Syntax: Double-check the syntax of the command to ensure it is typed correctly.

Tips for Navigating the BIOS

Once you’ve accessed the BIOS, here are some tips to help you navigate and make changes effectively:

Familiarize Yourself with the Interface

BIOS interfaces vary by manufacturer, but they generally have similar sections such as Boot, Security, Advanced, and Main. Spend some time exploring these sections to understand where different settings are located.

Use the Keyboard

Most BIOS interfaces are navigated using the keyboard. Common keys include:

  • Arrow Keys: To move between options.
  • Enter: To select an option.
  • Esc: To go back to the previous menu.
  • F10: To save changes and exit (this might vary by manufacturer).

Be Cautious with Changes

Incorrect BIOS settings can cause system instability or prevent your computer from booting. Only make changes if you are confident about what you are doing. If unsure, refer to your motherboard or system manual for guidance.

Restore Default Settings

If you encounter issues after making changes, most BIOS interfaces have an option to restore default settings. This can often be found under an Exit or Save & Exit menu.

Save Changes

Remember to save any changes before exiting the BIOS. Exiting without saving will discard your changes.


Accessing the BIOS on your Windows 11 computer is a fundamental skill for managing hardware configurations, troubleshooting issues, and enhancing system performance. Whether you choose to use the settings menu, a keyboard shortcut, or the command prompt, this guide provides detailed instructions to help you enter the BIOS with ease.

Understanding the BIOS and its functions can significantly enhance your ability to maintain and optimize your computer. Always proceed with caution when making changes, and consult your manufacturer’s documentation for specific details related to your hardware.

Feel free to leave comments or questions below if you need further assistance or have additional tips to share!


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