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How Multilingual SEO Allows You To Expand on International Markets | SEOblog.com


Getting the attention of new, potential clients is essential in today’s market, but it can be challenging. We all want to be ranked as high as possible on search engine result pages, so we try different tactics. That is why we must pay particular attention to how we design and develop the website, as it helps to increase brand recognition and promote your firm to potential clients. Consider it a first impression; if your buyers find your brand through a link, your website is where they will learn more about you. More customers will be interested in your website if it is well-organized, appears trustworthy, does not reroute customers to dead sites and is error-free.

A Different Approach

Since a website is valuable to your business in a variety of ways, we should consider multilingualism when designing and developing the website. This will allow you to contact more potential clients who are not limited to a single region, connect with different audiences and expand your business globally. In this blog post, we will go through the website’s capabilities and how employing multilingual search engine optimization (SEO) may help you reach global markets.

Multilingual Website and Challenges

Your business can benefit from a multilingual website in many ways, including growing incrementally and penetrating global markets. It is a simple idea, by offering your services and communicating to your customers in more languages, you are attracting a more diverse audience, and this way growing and globalizing your brand. But what does multilingual SEO actually mean? Reaching an international audience is a necessary opportunity for businesses to consider now more than ever, and it’s about making material available in multiple languages. 

Although it is a simple concept, there are still certain steps to take and several issues to overcome when building a multilingual website.
Below are some of them:

  • Before you create the website, you should research your audience to see where they come from and look up new locations where you want your company to have in impact in
  • After you pick the countries, you have to choose what languages you want to offer these services in and make sure you use the correct language for each country
  • You should research and choose which content management software (CMS) is best for you
  • Think about domains and subdomains, if they are separate, which is best for SEO?
  • Think about whether you need an international hoster
  • Analyze how to create an SEO-translated website?
  • How to run a multilingual marketing campaign?

Once you have successfully overcome these difficulties and figured out the best way to move forward then you are sure to have created a successful multilingual website

Multilingual Website and Its Benefits 

Creating a multilingual website is important since it is something you will benefit from in many different ways. Here are some ways in which offering what you do and explaining your services in more languages can help your brand: 

1. It Helps Differentiate Your Brand in the Market

As a company, you can use a variety of strategies to differentiate yourself from the competition, by making a unique brand, having selective audiences, quality products and reliable services. Offering something unique will help you to be able to stand out from your competitors, and become more memorable in whichever industry you are trying to grow rapidly in. 

Some of the following strategies to stand out from the competition include:

  • Be the first in the market: If you are the first, you can take advantage of the fact that your offer is competitively unrivaled. Being the first in an industry does not mean starting a whole revolution and starting a brand new industry. That is also most likely harder to achieve and will require a very innovative idea. Don’t lose hope, being the first in the industry can simply mean being the first in offering a better solution that satisfies your customer’s needs. This way, you will be easily remembered by it and gain more recognition and awareness from new customers, but also more satisfaction from old ones. It is a win-win situation for everyone.
  • When you are considered an authority in your industry, a certain level of trust is placed in you, and that trust carries over to your products. Once you have gained the trust of your customers, they are sure to come back time and time again and stay loyal to you. 
  • Study your competitors and learn how they target a problem. Learning what your customers want is important, but it is equally crucial to see what your competitors are offering. Then reposition this problem with your own unique solution. 
  • Thanks to multilingual SEO, you have a competitive advantage over relevant competitors, as you can target customers from all over the world. You have to make your offer as easy as possible for your customers. Why not get rid of having to translate the page, when you can just offer services in target languages? This way, you’ll get recommendations from all over the world and attract visitors from different countries to your website. 

You can stay ahead of your competitors by striving to ensure that your product solves your customers’ problems in ever-changing ways.

2. It Fosters Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction’s importance should not be overlooked. The customer is who your company is working for after all, and it is one of the most important elements to be constantly tracking. Companies must understand its significance as an essential business factor and work to improve it. 

Customers who have bad experiences with your company will leave and not come back. You want to avoid this. Your customers leaving can happen at any stage, but it is much worse when a loyal customer leaves. Therefore, you should pay attention to it at every stage, be that in the awareness stage, and especially in the later ones. Think about how to offer solutions and satisfy the needs of your customers, through whatever stage they are at. Think about your long-term goals along the way. 

customer satisfaction survey
Source: Survicate.com

With multilingual SEO, you can package the content of your website to appeal to your target audience in any language. How well the content is professionally translated matters; well-translated content increases customer satisfaction. In this situation, working with a translation company that offers expert translation into multiple languages is crucial, because people would rather read something that looks like it was written in their native language than something that was just translated with software. Sometimes, sentences translated by software can sound awkward, and you should avoid that. When a human translates, it will sound better and have a much nicer flow, and your now-translated services will sound authentic, even in other languages. 

By hiring the right provider who will apply the right website localization process, your website will be improved greatly. With this strategy of offering more languages than just English, your business will be known both locally and internationally.

3. It Helps Build a Global Brand

Being global means having many opportunities to achieve any set goals; it increases a brand’s presence, improves the effectiveness of a brand’s products or services, has the potential to increase a brand’s value, increases opportunities in different parts of the world, allows brands to increase their investment, can improve brand perception and many other benefits. You can increase bargaining power, overcome local competitors and achieve better ROIs when you globalize your brand. 

Sounds good? Well, there are ways to achieve this. One of the methods used to build a global brand is multilingual SEO. With this strategy, you can optimize your website for a worldwide reputation and target more and more international customers, from many different countries.

4. It Achieves Long-Term Growth, Sales and Trust

With multilingual SEO, you will easily achieve your long-term growth goals. You will increase sales and gain the trust of the audience.  Why? First off, the services are being offered to them in their own native language. This makes your brand look more trustworthy, and you seem way more considerate. You simply show that you care about your customers when choosing to communicate with them in a language they understand. Remember that it is not about you now, it is about them and what they want from you. 

Offering your customers the ability to browse through your website, take a look at what you offer, place orders and conduct transactions in a language they understand best can massively help build customer loyalty. Your customers will greatly appreciate being offered help in their preferred language. 


A website is very powerful nowadays if you want to expand worldwide because you can inform users about your company, products and services, locations, and other things. It’s not enough to just put information in it. However organized, well-maintained and neat your website is, you should also work on search engine optimization and translate it into different languages. A multilingual website brings several advantages. It helps you differentiate your brands in the market, maintain customer satisfaction, build a global brand and achieve long-term growth, sales and trust. 

An important point in multilingual SEO is to work with the right provider who applies the right website localization process.


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