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Freelancing Finances 101: Budgeting and Tax Tips for Student Gig Workers


Dec 26, 2023

Unsplash Faizur Rehman Man infront of a Computer - Freelancing Finances 101: Budgeting and Tax Tips for Student Gig WorkersUnsplash Faizur Rehman Man infront of a Computer - Freelancing Finances 101: Budgeting and Tax Tips for Student Gig Workers Image: Unsplash/Faizur Rehman

Hey there, hustlers and future side hustle kings and queens! You’re probably juggling college, side gigs, and googling stuff like Essay Reviews for your essays. But let’s talk about something equally important – managing that hard-earned freelancing dough.

Welcome to “Freelancing Finances 101,” a guide to help you swim in the financial waters of the gig economy. Whether you’re a graphic designer, a tutor, or a coding wizard selling your skills, you need to know how to handle your finances.

So, let’s dive into the world of budgeting and taxes made easy for the savvy student freelancer.

Mastering Your Money Moves

Alright, let’s talk budgeting without the bore. Setting up a budget is like mapping out a road trip – you gotta know where you’re going and how much gas (aka cash) you’ll need.

First, list all your income sources – that’s your gas money. Then, track your expenses – think rent, food, textbooks, and, yes, those weekend hangouts. Now, here’s where it gets smart:

• Categorize your spending. Separate needs from wants. Needs are like your road trip essentials; wants are the scenic detours.

• Set spending limits. Give yourself a cap for each category. It’s like choosing between a fancy hotel or a budget-friendly hostel.

• Adjust as you go. Your budget isn’t set in stone. If you overspend on takeout, maybe cut back on online shopping.

Stacking Your Cash

Saving isn’t just a buzzkill; it’s your financial safety net. Think of it as packing an extra tire on your road trip – you might not need it, but if you do, you’ll be glad it’s there.

Here’s how to get started:

• Automatic savings plan. Set up your bank account to automatically transfer a small amount to savings each month. Make a set-it-and-forget-it deal.

• Find extra ways to save. Consider cashback apps, student discounts, or even a no-spend challenge. Make saving a game, not a chore.

• Visualize your goals. Saving for a new laptop? A spring break trip? Visual goals can keep you motivated.

Tax Time, No Sweat

Taxes can seem like this big, scary monster, but they’re actually more like a puzzle. And who doesn’t love puzzles? Here’s the lowdown on making taxes less daunting:

• Get organized. Keep all your freelancing income and expenses documented. Apps or spreadsheets can be lifesavers here.

• Learn about self-employment taxes. As a freelancer, you’re responsible for more than just income tax. Get the scoop on what applies to you.

• Use tax software. There are tons of tax software options that make filing super easy. Some even cater specifically to freelancers.

The Ultimate Investment Strategy

Investing in yourself is like giving your future self a high-five. It’s all about growing your skills and expanding your opportunities.

First, you can dive into online courses, workshops, or webinars. Want to boost your coding skills? Check out Codecademy. Dreaming of graphic design? Try Skillshare.

Second, think about your online presence. Create a killer LinkedIn profile or start a blog about your freelancing journey.

To top it all, keep up with industry trends. Follow relevant blogs, podcasts, or YouTube channels. The more you know, the more you grow.

Your Digital Money Managers

Let’s face it: managing money can be a headache. Yet, here are some tools to help you keep your finances tight and right:

• Budgeting apps. Apps like Mint or You Need A Budget (YNAB) can help you track your income and expenses with ease.

• Invoice tools. If you’re sending invoices, tools like FreshBooks or Invoice Ninja can make it a breeze, plus they help you look super professional.

• Tax software. Come tax time, TurboTax or H&R Block can simplify the process, especially for freelancers juggling multiple gigs.

Unsplash Max van den Oetelaar And Breath Neon sign - Freelancing Finances 101: Budgeting and Tax Tips for Student Gig WorkersUnsplash Max van den Oetelaar And Breath Neon sign - Freelancing Finances 101: Budgeting and Tax Tips for Student Gig Workers Image: Unsplash/Max van den Oetelaar

Finding Harmony in the Hustle

Mastering the balance between freelancing, studying, and your personal life is like being a DJ at the world’s coolest party. You’ve got different tracks – your work, your studies, your chill time – and your job is to mix them just right. Here’s how to spin those decks like a pro.

First off, treat your time like it’s your hottest commodity – because it is. Picture this: your day is a giant pizza, and you need to slice it up in a way that each piece – work, study, play – gets its fair share.

Now, here’s the twist. Not every day is a pepperoni day. Some days, you might have more anchovies (those tough study sessions) or extra cheese (those freelance projects that need more of your time). The key? Be flexible with your slices. Some days, you’ll study more, others you’ll work more, and then there are days for just chilling.

Next, tune into your rhythm. Everyone has their own peak hours. Maybe you’re a morning person who can smash out an essay with your breakfast coffee. Or perhaps you’re a night owl, coding away when everyone else is snoozing. Find your peak time and play to that. Schedule your most demanding tasks – the ones that need you to drop the beat and focus hard – during these golden hours.

And don’t forget, every DJ needs a break. You can’t be on the decks 24/7, and neither can you study or work all the time. Schedule breaks like they’re VIP guests at your party. These aren’t just empty spaces in your calendar; they’re essential moments to recharge. Take a walk, have a dance-off in your room, or just do some old-fashioned daydreaming.

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Balancing freelancing and studying isn’t about keeping the tracks separate; it’s about finding the right rhythm where they complement each other. It’s your party, your decks, and your rules.

Go ahead, spin those tracks, find your flow, and remember, the best DJs know exactly when to slow down the beat and enjoy the vibe.

To Sum Up

So there you have it – your starter pack to nailing your finances as a save my grade student freelancer. It’s about being smart with your budget, savvy with your savings, and staying on top of your taxes. Being a freelancer means you’re your own boss, and that includes being the CFO of your mini-empire. Here’s to making and saving those bucks smartly!

This article was written by Sue Ann Bowling, an essay-reviews.com expert and a dedicated advocate for students seeking reliable writing assistance. Sue Ann’s extensive knowledge and commitment to providing trustworthy evaluations make her a valuable resource for those navigating the world of academic support.

NCFA Jan 2018 resize - Freelancing Finances 101: Budgeting and Tax Tips for Student Gig Workers

NCFA Jan 2018 resize - Freelancing Finances 101: Budgeting and Tax Tips for Student Gig WorkersThe National Crowdfunding & Fintech Association (NCFA Canada) is a financial innovation ecosystem that provides education, market intelligence, industry stewardship, networking and funding opportunities and services to thousands of community members and works closely with industry, government, partners and affiliates to create a vibrant and innovative fintech and funding industry in Canada. Decentralized and distributed, NCFA is engaged with global stakeholders and helps incubate projects and investment in fintech, alternative finance, crowdfunding, peer-to-peer finance, payments, digital assets and tokens, artificial intelligence, blockchain, cryptocurrency, regtech, and insurtech sectors. Join Canada’s Fintech & Funding Community today FREE! Or become a contributing member and get perks. For more information, please visit: www.ncfacanada.org

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