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Driving Change: How Technology is Transforming Transportation


Does Logistics Matter? Answering YES to the question in our latest podcast episode is George Swartz, Vice President Shipper Solutions Sales at Loadsmart.

Challenges in Transportation and Logistics

According to George, one of the biggest challenges in the logistics industry is the labour shortage, whether that’s warehouse workers, transportation planners, or truck drivers. Companies are struggling to attract talent and retain it. Another one is the increasing complexity of supply chains and logistics operations. When supply chain operations evolve, warehousing networks can become inefficient, and relocating a warehouse, or opening additional locations is no small feat. George also emphasizes the challenge of changing customer demands, which can also have serious implications on logistics operations.

Technology to the Rescue

Real-time data and visibility are of increasing importance for efficiently managing shipments and meeting customer expectations. Technology is a major factor in enabling companies to achieve visibility based on the increasing amounts of data available to them. And it gives them more than real-time insight. Because there is more data available, the quality of decisions based on that data is going up as well, making it easier to optimise operations, predict demand, or run what-if scenarios to determine future strategy.

Driving Change: How Technology is Transforming Transportation

Sometimes it feels like we’re just getting started. There are so many innovations around the corner that will further advance the effectiveness of logistics operations. And we haven’t even touched on sustainability here. If you want to learn more about how technology will further transform logistics operations as we know them, and how it will drive efficiency and increase sustainability, listen to the conversation I had with George via the player below or on your favourite podcast app.

This episode is powered by Loadsmart

Header image by Josiah Farrow on Unsplash


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