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An Overview of the Most Significant Gains and Losses in League of Legends Patch 13.12


League of Legends is a popular online multiplayer game that has been around for over a decade. The game is constantly updated with new patches that bring changes to the gameplay, champions, items, and more. The latest patch, 13.12, was released on June 23, 2021, and it brought significant gains and losses to the game. In this article, we will provide an overview of the most significant changes in League of Legends Patch 13.12.


1. New Champion: Akshan

The most significant gain in Patch 13.12 is the addition of a new champion, Akshan. Akshan is a marksman who can also play as an assassin. He has a unique ability called Heroic Swing, which allows him to swing from terrain and surprise his enemies. Akshan’s ultimate ability, Comeuppance, allows him to revive himself or an ally after getting a kill on an enemy champion.

2. Item Changes

Patch 13.12 brought significant changes to several items in the game. The most notable change is the rework of the Hullbreaker item. Hullbreaker now provides more armor and magic resist, making it a better option for tanky champions. The item also grants bonus damage to turrets and reduces the damage taken from them.

3. Champion Buffs

Several champions received buffs in Patch 13.12, making them more viable in the game. The most notable buffs were given to champions like Riven, Yasuo, and Zed. Riven received a buff to her ultimate ability, Blade of the Exile, which now deals more damage. Yasuo’s Q ability, Steel Tempest, now deals more damage to minions and monsters, making it easier for him to farm. Zed’s W ability, Living Shadow, now has a shorter cooldown, allowing him to use it more frequently.


1. Jungle Changes

Patch 13.12 brought significant changes to the jungle, making it harder for junglers to clear camps and gain experience. The experience gained from killing jungle camps has been reduced, and the respawn time of the camps has been increased. This change makes it harder for junglers to keep up with the rest of the team in terms of levels and gold.

2. Champion Nerfs

Several champions received nerfs in Patch 13.12, making them less viable in the game. The most notable nerfs were given to champions like Gwen, Viego, and Udyr. Gwen’s Q ability, Snip Snip!, now deals less damage, making it harder for her to trade with her opponents. Viego’s passive ability, Sovereign’s Domination, now takes longer to activate, making it harder for him to steal enemy champions’ souls. Udyr’s Phoenix Stance ability now deals less damage, making him less effective in team fights.

3. Item Nerfs

Patch 13.12 also brought nerfs to several items in the game. The most notable nerf was given to the Divine Sunderer item. Divine Sunderer now deals less damage to champions with high health, making it less effective against tanky champions. This change makes it harder for bruisers and fighters to deal with tanky opponents.

In conclusion, Patch 13.12 brought significant gains and losses to League of Legends. The addition of a new champion, Akshan, and the item changes were significant gains for the game. However, the jungle changes, champion nerfs, and item nerfs were significant losses for the game. These changes will have a significant impact on the game’s meta and how players approach the game. It will be interesting to see how players adapt to these changes and how they affect the game’s competitive scene.


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