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Why to use a free VPN for PC for online gaming | TheXboxHub


Gamers around the world use VPNs for security and a better gaming experience. However, there is still some controversy about the benefits of utilizing a free VPN for PCs for online gaming. In this article, we aim to debunk some misconceptions and highlight the benefits of using a free VPN for PC online gaming. We will also provide tips on choosing the right free VPN for your gaming needs.


How free VPN for PC works

Since most gamers are already aware of the VPN, we won’t go into depth regarding its algorithms. For those who are new to this technology, it is important to understand its basic functionality: traffic encryption and user’s IP address hiding.

When you use a free VPN for PC online gaming, you protect your incoming and outgoing data on the network. This is due to data encryption, which means that information is transmitted between you and the VPN server in the form of a code. Even if such information is intercepted, it will be impossible to read it, especially considering the 256-bit encryption level used by modern providers.

The function of hiding the IP address is realized by redirecting your traffic through a remote VPN server. Thus, the final recipient receives information not directly from you, but from an intermediary server. Accordingly, they can see only its IP address instead of yours. This allows users of a free VPN to remain anonymous on the Internet.

Debunking common myths about free VPNs for gaming

Myth 1: Free VPNs always slow down your Internet speed

The speed of the Internet when using a VPN depends not on the price of the service, but on several technical characteristics:

– the VPN protocol,

– the distance between the VPN servers and the game provider’s servers,

– the speed limitations of the VPN provider.

While it’s true that some VPNs can reduce your connection speed, you can find a free VPN that will improve your speed on the contrary. For this purpose, choose a free VPN that uses modern protocols such as IKEv2 and OpenVPN. They guarantee security without slowing down your speed.

If you are choosing a free VPN for a specific game, check the location of the VPN servers available in the free version relative to the game’s data centers. 

And, of course, opt for those VPN providers that do not set time, speed, and traffic limits in the free version.

Myth 2: All free VPNs violate user privacy.

There are many myths about free VPN providers collecting and selling user data. In fact, there are free VPNs that are respectful of user privacy.

The indicator is the no-log policy. If a free VPN adheres to a no-log policy, it will not collect any user data. This will be clear at the stage of setting up the application. You will not be asked for any other data except your email address.


Benefits of using a free VPN for PC online gaming

  1. Reduce latency and ping.

As we mentioned above, a free VPN can improve your internet speed and reduce game latency. Connect to a remote VPN server located close to the data center of your game. A free VPN can be especially useful if your ISP (Internet Service Provider) throttles your gaming traffic. It hides your online activity from the ISP, which prevents them from limiting your bandwidth based on your online activity.

  1. Prevent DDoS attacks.

A free VPN can protect you from DDoS attacks by masking your IP address. It makes it harder for attackers to target you.

The online gaming market is highly lucrative and competitive, so gaming companies are constantly among the top targets of DDoS attacks. Such attacks can lead to the disclosure of user data, which is especially dangerous if you make purchases within the game. Thus, your financial information may be at risk. The free VPN encrypts your data and hides your IP address, which helps to avoid losses in case of an attack.

  1. Bypass geo-blocking.

Being able to bypass geo-restrictions is important when you want to access games that have not yet been released in your country. It also helps when you need to connect to a server in another country to play with friends or play games that are blocked in some regions.

Many online games use geo-blocking technology to make sure you connect to a server in your region. However, if you stay in one area and want to play with friends who live in another, this can be problematic.

New games are rarely released simultaneously all around the globe. You may have to wait longer to play than your buddies from other countries.

Lastly, there are various, occasionally absurd, reasons why particular games are restricted in specific nations. For instance, games that violate China’s national dignity are forbidden there. Interpreting these statements is challenging, but each nation has its justifications for censoring particular video games.

Perhaps the best answer to all of these issues is to use a free VPN. It allows you to potentially get around geographical limitations by masking your IP address and substituting the server address.

Select a VPN server in the nation where the game has been allowed or launched, or where the preferred game server is situated when establishing a VPN connection. 

This way, the IP address of the VPN server will be displayed instead of yours, and the game servers will treat you as local. This way you can play games without restrictions.

Free VPN also allows you to bypass IP bans in the game by changing your IP address.

To enjoy the benefits of a free VPN for gaming, you need to choose a reliable provider.

How to choose the right free VPN for gaming

  1. Server locations.

Select a VPN with a variety of server locations, particularly in the areas where the servers of your preferred games are located. This allows you to connect to the most suitable server for the greatest gaming experience.

  1. Speed and performance.

Search for a free VPN that provides fast connections. Choose a free VPN that does not impose any restrictions on bandwidth as many of them do.

For best performance, choose a VPN that uses modern tunneling protocols, such as IKEv2 and OpenVPN. This way, your encrypted data will be transferred quickly to the intermediary server without creating additional delays.

  1. User-friendly interface and device compatibility.

A user-friendly interface is essential for a good gaming session. Choose a free VPN that has simple settings, straightforward instructions, and is quick to set up and use.

Prioritize free VPN providers that have apps for different devices and operating systems. So you can protect more than just your home PC, but also install a VPN on your Android gadgets. The majority of reputable providers also offer a free VPN for iOS gadgets.

  1. Customer support.

Just because you choose a free VPN doesn’t mean you should neglect customer support. Look for providers that offer reliable support through forums, email, or live chat. This way you can quickly resolve any issues or get help in case of malfunctions.

  1. No-log policy.

Instead of worrying about who might get hold of your information, give priority to free VPNs that do not collect any information about customers and their online activities. You can check this by reading the privacy policy of the VPN.

Final words

Despite common myths, a free VPN for PC can be a reliable tool for online gaming. It is security software that does not require any expenses and will be optimal for those who are just starting to play or are just getting acquainted with VPNs. It will help to protect player data, gain access to more games, and prevent the ISP from limiting the bandwidth. So choose a reliable provider and test a free VPN.


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