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What is the Mio Memories in Orbit Release Date?


A new platformer is coming soon and promises to bring interesting gameplay and a mysterious story. That game would be Mio Memories in Orbit. Mio is a little robot with amazing abilities who is looking to figure out what the mysteries of the vessel are. Now that your interest has been piqued, you are probably wondering, what is the Mio Memories in Orbit Release Date?

[Related: What are the Mio Memories in Orbit Pre Order Bonuses?]

Mio Memories in Orbit Release Date

As of now the only thing we know about the Mio Memories in Orbit Release Date is that it will be in 2025.

Most of the time a game like this that has already been revealed and is expected to come out in the following year has a Q1 release date. Mio Memories in Orbit could be different. It would not be a major surprise to see this game release sometime in Q2 or more specifically early Q2. This would mean April could be a good bet.

Once more is known this will be updated.

Mio Memories in Orbit Cost

The Mio Memories in Orbit cost is not yet known.

For those who may be asking why? Well, the game was only recently announced and things certainly change. When there is a release date, you should expect there to also be a price announced. Considering this is a smaller independent game and it is releasing on everything, it would be a major surprise to see it get the $69.99 full price treatment.

Mio Memories in Orbit Gameplay

Gameplay for Mio Memories in Orbit will be very similar to many side-scrolling platformers these days.

You will be traversing the Vessel in order to find its secrets. There will be many levels as there are in Metroidvania-style games and you will have to use Mio’s abilities to defeat enemies and find creative ways to complete your objectives. If this is a genre you like, Mio Memories in Orbit may be your next buy as it truly looks to be memorizing and if nothing else, Mio looks adorable.

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