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Video: Here’s How The Last of Us Infected Are Different in the Show


The Last of Us television show on HBO is really proving itself to be one of the best video game adaptations out there. We’ve had a solid two episodes so far in the show’s nine-episode retelling of the 2013 Naughty Dog classic, and you can check out our weekly episode reviews. Like any good adaptation, however, the show is deviating from the source material is some interesting ways, especially when it comes to the infected.

The not-zombie zombies of The Last of Us universe are a source of a lot of the series’ biggest scares, so of course something had to be done to maintain that horror in the television format. Luckily, if you’ve been scratching your head over how the infected differ in the show from the video games, then we’ve broke it all down in a handy video for you, over on the Push Square YouTube channel.

There are some major lore changes in there that we really love, and it would even be awesome to see some of these changes implemented in the rumoured The Last of Us: Part 3. But what do you think of these changes? Let us know down in the comments.


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