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The Broomstick Scene in “13 Reasons Why”: Unveiling Layers of Emotion and Symbolism – The Esports india


what’s going on everyone so as you all know or hopefully know there is a lot of drama today with 13 reasons why season 2 with Tyler and the bathroom scene. Some people saying it’s way too graphic this and they should this show should be canceled this shouldn’t be on television.

So we’re gonna give it a watch ourselves react to it and also react to a few comments so we’re gonna jump straight to the scene so dis spoiler alert and yeah that’s good.

I was acting out up a lot of finger there you have a guy’s 13 reasons wipes owed 13 of season 2. I feel kind of bad for Twilight you know I mean he’s done wrong in the but in the past but like no one deserves that but um in regards to comments here we have a comment this is so gross.

What other pivotal scenes in ’13 Reasons Why’ resonate with audiences?

I regret wanting to watch this yeah no doubt of course it’s gross rape is gross like what did they expect. We have another one it’s disgusting but actually happens in life. which I agree with this person and good comment 13 reasons why it is hard to watch it but it tells the truth and it does like people don’t really want to speak about sexual harassment for men, but um it actually is a big problem and unfortunately men can’t speak about it because they feel like you know they’re their manlihood will be gone

we have another comment delete this probably another snowflake it’s really sad that these things happen exactly. That’s right it does happen again so about 50% of these comments a good and bad so I’m glad to see that on you know at least there is some hope for humanity and people are mature enough to actually watch this without you know wanting to get it taken down like there is two rape scenes in the first season two girls in the show they get raped and yeah those scenes are quiet you know fall on

But no one raised anything off about lots. so now there’s a male getting sexually abused and then all of the sudden it’s such a big yeah that’s seen absolutely brutal yeah. I think everyone needed a break after that scene that was rough it was rough and I yeah people take it differently.

How does the broomstick scene relate to broader themes of mental health awareness?

I guess they react differently and handle it differently. I think Tyler’s scene was necessary nobody talks about men being raped thank you for that comment that’s a good one here. we have a few Twitter heroes that are just a stupid tweet.

Did the broomstick scene get removed?

so there was absolutely no need for that scene with Tyler in the last episode why did that need to be written in 13 reasons why is problematic as it is no comment after that brutal scene with the mop and Tyler this show needs to be cancelled obviously. The people
behind the show only give up about shock value and not the rape or suicide Calley radio here

we have another one good comment I agree that the Tyler moment in episode 13 was hard to watch but this happened sorry but what happened is true and some people go through that so if you think that it’s too much to watch take a second and think about what others have felt exactly what others have been through.

I actually read some comments and people were saying this type of behavior actually happened at their schools or at schools they know off. so it’s definitely not some you know brutal made. I’ve seen that you know they just wanted some more views and all that so let me know what you think in the comments below if you agree with me.


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