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Long Weekend | 36 hours in Bonn, Germany


Heerstrasse, Bonn, Germany. (Photo: Tim Russmann via Unsplash)

Heerstrasse, Bonn, Germany. (Photo: Tim Russmann via Unsplash)

For a former capital of Germany, Bonn is understated. Sitting on the banks of the Rhine in Western Germany it was the country’s capital for nearly half a century. And, yet, it is often overshadowed by its towering neighbour Cologne. At Bonn’s heart is the city centre that is compact, filled with cobblestone streets and leafy trees and which is mostly pedestrianised and, hence, a pleasure to walk around. So, spending 36 hours in the city is all too easy and can be packed with a plethora of sights and experiences.

Day 1

Morning: Path of democracy

Arrive early and get a dose of why Bonn is called the city of democracy. The Path of German Democracy is a trail with as many 65 sights and stops that are both informative and exciting, highlighting the milestones along the road that Germany traversed towards democracy. You can follow routes such as those that highlight architecture, villas or where events took place, or choose specific destinations that you would like to know more about such as parliament, an innocuous kiosk where leaders would meet and debate, and where the press met with the leaders.

Noon: Lunch

Stop for a quick lunch at one of the several cafes nearby or opt for a longer lunch at one of the restaurants along the street. Choose from Vietnamese at Cay Tre, French at La Cigale, vegan at Next or German at Gasthaus Im Stiefel.

Afternoon: Museum run

As much as Bonn is about democracy, it is much more a city of arts and culture. At the centre of this is its identity as the birthplace of one of the greatest music composers Ludwig van Beethoven and pays rich tribute to its most famous son through a fabulous museum on Bongasse. On display are his instruments, his life story, his works and his associations. If you are in Bonn in September or October then don’t miss the series of concerts organised as part of Beethoven festival.

Entrance to Beethoven museum, Bonn, Germany. (Photo: Anita Rao Kashi) Entrance to Beethoven museum, Bonn, Germany. (Photo: Anita Rao Kashi)

The interior of Beethoven museum, Bonn, Germany. (Photo: Anita Rao Kashi) The interior of Beethoven museum, Bonn, Germany. (Photo: Anita Rao Kashi)

There are also other museums to choose from, especially on what is dubbed as the museum mile, which include the Bonn Museum of Modern Art and Art and Exhibition Hall of Federal Republic of Germany (Bundeskunsthalle).

Bundeskunsthalle museum, Bonn, Germany. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons) Bundeskunsthalle museum, Bonn, Germany. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

Evening: Squaring up

Munsterplatz cathedral, Bonn, Germany. (Photo: David Hertle via Unsplash) Munsterplatz cathedral, Bonn, Germany. (Photo: David Hertle via Unsplash)

In the evening light, some of Bonn’s squares are lovely, especially Munsterplatz with its beautiful cathedral, its Romanesque spires towering into the sky. It is among the country’s oldest cathedrals, dating back to the 13th century. Go inside to see wall art that dates back to the Middle Ages. Nearby is also a statue dedicated to Beethoven. Walk westwards for a few hundred metres, via worn cobblestoned avenues to reach Marktplatz with its 11th century Baroque town hall. Most days there are stalls selling all kinds of produce around the square.

Ludwig van Beethoven's statue, Bonn, Germany. (Photo: Anita Rao Kashi) Ludwig van Beethoven’s statue, Bonn, Germany. (Photo: Anita Rao Kashi)

Night: Beer by the water   

Locals will tell you Altem Zoll am Rhein along the Rhine is beautiful for an evening walk, to get a beer or just sit and watch the evening turn into night. Perch under the sycamore trees and gaze out to the river. Beyond it is located the old government quarter and the mysterious hills behind. The food is basic but delicious. Spend the night at one of the mid-sized hotels near the river such as Hotel Europa or BrauHotel Bonn.

Altem Zoll am Rhein, Bonn, Germany. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons) Altem Zoll am Rhein, Bonn, Germany. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

Day 2

Morning: River run 

After a leisurely breakfast, head out for a day of walking, but set your own pace. Begin with a walk along the banks of the Rhine, whose shore path is lined with lime and other trees, while the city’s stunning skyline keeps company. Look out for classic buildings and sights such as the Langer Eugen block which once was home to the offices of elected parliamentarians and Helmut Jahn’s Post Tower.

The skyscraper Langer Eugen (114.7 m) in Bonn, the former building for the German members of parliament, which nowadays is the new location of the UN-Campus. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons) The skyscraper Langer Eugen (114.7 m) in Bonn, the former building for the German members of parliament, which nowadays is the new location of the UN-Campus. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

Afternoon: Old Town 

Bonn’s old town is a pleasure to wander around, especially during cherry blossom season when the trees form a canopy of pink and the pavements are a carpet of soft fallen flowers. You might want to do a slow stroll along Maxstrasse, Heerstrasse and Breite Strasse, or just look for Blossom Street on Google maps. End with a late lunch at the Strandhaus with its beautiful pastel furniture and classy food.

Evening:  History and fun

Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn, Germany. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons) Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn, Germany. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

End the trip with a visit to a museum that takes visitors through recent German history but in a fun and casual manner. At the Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland or House of History, visitors go through the country’s history from the end of World War II through an eclectic selection such as film clips, fuselage of a plane used for airlifting, a piece of the Berlin wall, glimpses of the longest running German soap Die Lindenstrasse, and JF Kennedy’s famous ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’ speech. Carry these images to the Hauptbanhof as you head out of Bonn.


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