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Local SEO − What is important for local companies today?


Companies that operate within a limited region are highly dependent on professional local search engine optimization.

These are usually companies that run a business where they receive local customers, such as retail stores, hair salons or restaurants. However, there are also other companies whose services have a regional focus. Local SEO is therefore also relevant for craft businesses, tax consultancies and agencies.

Companies that should focus on local SEO are often small and medium-sized businesses. Those that operate a nationwide online shop, on the other hand, should concentrate on other areas when it comes to search engine optimization.

But which tips are particularly relevant today for being successful in local search engine optimization? The following article presents them.

Registration in Google MyBusiness

Local companies can see Google MyBusiness as their virtual shop window on the Internet. The entry includes all relevant information about the company, such as the name, opening hours, industry, contact details and individual information text.

The entry results in a listing on Google. This gives potential customers the opportunity to find the company via Google Maps, for example. This makes it easy for them to be directed to the respective store. The entry is also displayed in the search results for relevant search queries.

The Google MyBusiness entry is the basis of local SEO efforts. It should therefore be optimized regularly. As soon as there are changes to the basic company information, for example as a result of a move, the entry in Google MyBusiness must be updated immediately.

Set local signals in industry directories

Local companies should also not neglect entries in other relevant directories. If they can be found in a reputable online business directory , this will have a very positive effect on their search engine optimization.

Of particular importance in this context are platforms that relate to specific industries, such as directories for the catering industry or for doctors. When entering information in these directories, particular attention must be paid to ensuring that the NAP data is presented in a uniform manner.

Name, Address and Phone Number − Maintain NAP data

The term NAP data refers to the central data of a company, i.e. the name, address and telephone number of the company. This data is extremely important for regional searches. If this data is not publicly accessible, potential customers will not be able to find the company locally or contact it in any other way.

In order to make local search engine optimization successful, it is extremely important that consistent NAP data is provided across all channels. This makes it easier for the company’s target group to understand it, as well as for search engine crawlers. If each entry has a different address or phone number, this will only lead to unnecessary inconsistencies and confusion.

This also means that the NAP data is written in a uniform way, for example with regard to the area code of the telephone number and abbreviations in the address. The data must always match, whether on the company website, social media channels or entries in relevant directories.


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