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How to Steadily Grow an Audience on Kickstarter with Fraser Campbell


Tyler talks to Fraser Campbell, the award-winning writer of comics such as Sleeping Dogs, Alex Automatic, Heart of Steal, The Edge Off and House of Sweets, about building a steady following for diverse styles of books on Kickstarter. Fraser shares secretes behind his latest and most successful launch to date, the lo-fi sci-fi story IND-XED.

Highlights of This Session Include:

  • Fraser’s approach to launching Kickstarter projects.
  • Launching one-shots vs series on Kickstarter and the pros and cons of doing both.
  • Why Fraser believes his latest launch is beating previous personal bests, despite the madness going on in the world of 2020.
  • Plus: Fraser advice for creators after surviving a major health scare.

This Session’s Featured Resource is Bluehost:

Go to ComixLaunch.com/bluehost for a special discount on domain registration and website hosting.

Today’s Featured Guest:

My guest today is the award-winning writer of comics such as Sleeping Dogs, Alex Automatic, Heart of Steal, The Edge Off and House of Sweets. His latest and most successful launch to date, the lo-fi sci-fi story IND-XED.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Show:

Ind-Xed on Kickstarter – https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/frasercampbell/ind-xed

More About Our Featured Resource:

In a moment, I’m going to give you today’s ComixLauncher, but first, we need to thank our sponsor…

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Own your own domain…

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Master Your Domain, go to ComixLaunch.com/bluehost and lock it in today.

ComixLauncher [274]

What’s one small irritation that you’ve let linger for far too long? What could you do to address it this week?

How to Find Out More About the Featured Guest:




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