Each year, millions of birds embark on one of nature’s most incredible phenomena: migration. These long-distance journeys, spanning continents and crossing oceans, are awe-inspiring, but they are also fraught with dangers. One of the most significant...
The first 3D-printed house in the US was unveiled just over six years ago. Since then, homes have been printed all over the country and the world, from Virginia to California and Mexico to Kenya. If...
Tax hike anxiety
France’s new government under Emmanuel Macron’s successor as Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, has sent gambling firms into a tailspin after news of...
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Currently, hurricanes severity is measured by either the Saffir-Simpson...
Dataconomy, a leading portal for data-driven technology news and insights, is excited to announce a new partnership with Jobbio’s Amply Network, resulting in the...
In recent years, drones and autonomous vehicles have been pushed to the forefront of various industries, helping transfer critical medical supplies between hospitals, facilitate...
Samiha Sehgal delves into the fiery depths of volcanoes to explore what geophysicists can learn from the strange fibreglass-like slivers of volcanic glass that are blown...