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How to Reach c25 in Lords Mobile?


C25 or Castle level 25 in Lords Mobile is a real accomplishment. There are a lot of things that you’ll need to know to reach this milestone – and to reach it quickly. Here is the definitive guide to reaching c25.

What is c25?

Castle Level 25 already upgradedCastle Level 25 already upgraded
Castle Level 25 already upgraded

Many of you have heard about “reaching c25” from other players and aren’t even sure what it is. Yes, I can relate. I was also 3 years old many years ago.

C25 is when you bring your building levels up to Castle Level 25. It’s called Castle 25 because you can’t bring any of the buildings up to level 25 until the castle has been upgraded to level 25.

It is important to note (and good to note) that not all the buildings will need to be up to level 24 before you can reach c25. But more of that later. 

Why Rush to Castle 25?

Tips for Level c25Tips for Level c25

This is actually a genuine question. In fact, there may be some very good reason to rush you progress to Castle 25. 

Here are the reasons to rush:

  • Bragging rights. Honestly, this is probably the most compelling reason…
  • You will be able to bring all the other buildings on your turf to level 25
  • You can send out 5 armies instead of 4 armies
  • Max army size increases to 200,000 (this is a big deal)
  • You can send 30-Helps at c25 (which also means more Guild Coins)
  • If you want to reach T4 troops, you will need to have castle 25 unlocked (and also a lot more…)
  • 3 Accessory slots in your gear! (and this is a massive deal)
  • Level 9 Treasure Trove (strong recommendation)
  • Higher protection for your gold with Vault Level 25 (Big deal)

Tips for Rushing to Castle 25

Castle in Lords Mobile with dead army Castle in Lords Mobile with dead army

Reaching c25 is rather straight-forward. Just build a lot. It is as simple as making a cup of coffee.

And yet, we live in the 21st century, and no one knows how to do anything anymore. Hence Starbucks…

Here are my top tips for rushing to c25:

  • Research Construction level 10 in the Academy (critical tip)
  • Forge and upgrade your construction gear (critical tip)
  • Activate your construction gear before starting the construction! (URGH the fact that I even have to mention this!)
  • Pay for the Big Eye Hero. He’s awesome for helping speed you up to c25 (good tip)
  • Use your construction boost for upgrading the Castle to Level 25. You will need it!

Reason not to Rush to C25

You may be shocked (or disapointed) to find out that not everyone recommends rushing to c25. There are many reasons to take your time. I won’t list them all. Here are the headlines:

  • If you build up your account and research it will be much easier and cheaper to wait a few extra months…
  • Hell Events get harder to complete. Watcher is much harder after c25. Get as many as you can before you upgrade!
  • Wasting speedups that should go to research
  • Battle Fury lasts longer at c25. From 13 minutes to 15 minutes (Not really a big deal)
  • C25 takes a lot of resources. It would be better to take it slow and save up for all the upgrades!
  • KVK solo 3 is much higher after upgrading to c25

Academy Level 25

Academy Level 25 TipsAcademy Level 25 Tips

After reaching Castle Level 25, the next significant milestone is Academy Level 25. Academy Level 25 is a lot harder than c25. Yes, a lot!

Be warned.

Here is are the construction upgrades that you need to have completed before upgrading the Academy:

  • Castle 25 (obviously)
  • Altar Level 25
  • Vault Level 25
  • Trading Post Level 25
  • Infirmary Level 25
  • Battle Hall Level 25
  • Watchtower Level 25
  • Prison Level 25

The Academy 25 is a nightmare, especially for beginner players. Make sure that you research the best construction gears, heroes and researches before going for it!

Final Thoughts

There are so many reason on both sides. Essentially you will have to work out what suits your needs most.

I would recommend not spending too much time thinking about this problem. Instead work out what you want to do with the rest of your life.

Living with your parents is not a permanent solution. Just saying!


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