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How AI Transformed the Sports Industry


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The rise in technology in the sports industry has evolved by leaps and bounds. From ticketing systems to player statistics, Artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly increased the rate of audience engagement and game strategies. 

AI has been a game-changer across diverse industries, and the sports industry benefitted from the same. With applications across in-game activity, post-match analysis, and even fan experience, AI has made the game more engaging and enjoyable.

Let us now have a look at seven industry-changing applications brought out by AI.

1. Player Performance

It is the most crucial part of any game, and thanks to AI, even minute performance attributes are measured. From improving a player’s performance to analyzing any impending injuries, AI has its say. The advent of wearable tech and sensors made things a lot easier. 

By utilizing the data from the wearables, the AI tech will be able to detect any strain and tear levels, which can help us avoid serious injuries and take timely medications to support full recovery.

And not just an individual player, AI technology can help in team performance too. How? Have you seen those high-end sporting cameras having green, red, and yellow lines running over players and churning out statistics? Well, that’s not just for the visual appeal but is used to track the team’s performance level and strategy. By knowing these intricate details with AI tech, coaches can map strategies and game plans to get the best out of their teams. 

2. Predicting Match Outcomes

76.75 Billion. That’s how big the betting industry is. And the industry now relies on AI-based predictions to win the holy grail.

Earlier, the betting scenes were solely based on assumptions and predictions, despite having enormous data. There was so much data that it would take months for a professional to predict an outcome.

A man excited over his betting placing a live bet

Here comes AI as the savior again. It can process data 125,000 times faster than a human neuron, meaning tons of data can be processed in seconds. This tech came as a boon for the betting industry. Although AI can’t make accurate predictions, it is much faster than humans and way closer to making predictions than the human brain.

3. Match Ticketing

Do you remember the Champions League Final between Real Madrid and Liverpool? 

They needed help controlling the crowd as many fans with valid tickets were stranded for hours with few gates available for entry and a shortage of staff members on the ground. The manual process took a lot of time, and it cost the ardent fans their time and mental peace of their much-awaited Final. 

AI-based ticketing system

With AI in the picture, things could get easier. Fans who had booked the tickets can walk into the stadium after being scanned by the Facial recognition-enabled AI systems. This action prevents bottlenecks at the entry gates and ensures a more efficient entry process.

4.Scouting and Recruitment

If you had gone through one of our older blogs, we would have explained how AI has transformed the scouting and recruitment process. Now scouts have additional data and insights to give chances for rising talents to showcase their skills on a bigger stage. 

Title: Scouting process assisted with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

They will be able to analyze the player’s performance through various attributes collected during the training sessions via sensors and high-end sporting cameras. The collected stats are then utilized to derive data-driven insights that can help the scout and the teams to give chances to aspiring players. Want to read more about How Football Scouts Leverage Data Science? Here is the link to the article.

5. AI – Referee

Back in the day, when there were minimal technological advancements, there used to be a burden on the shoulders of referees to make the right decisions. One wrong decision could alter the fate of the match and can prove decisive. 

A referee giving in a decision

With AI technology, referees can now refer to decisions in real-time. If it’s an off-side, a foul, or a goal-not-a-goal, the entire decision-making process is real-time insight-driven. 

Concluding thoughts

The future of sports undoubtedly lies with AI technology. It does not alter any outcomes but assists in making effective decisions. All these examples and technological aspects are just the beginning, and there is more yet to offer by Artificial Intelligence which now heavily banks on the rise of Machine Learning.

Technology is indeed an exciting domain. As the day progress, new technologies come into the foray, and if you want to stay ahead in this interesting domain, you must keep upskilling with the latest trends. So, if upskilling is in your mind, check out the various upskilling programs available at Great Learning.

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