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Can You Play Dying Light 2 in Co-op or Multiplayer With Friends?


If you’re jumping into Dying Light 2, you may be wondering if you can play in co-op or multiplayer with friends. Well, can you?

We come bearing good news: outside of the prologue, the entirety of Dying Light 2 can be played in multiplayer co-op. That means you and your friends can team up and take on the world of Villedor together. Kill zombies with each other’s help, and watch each other’s backs as you storm enemy camps. The apocalypse has never been more fun.

You will need to complete the game’s prologue – an introductory section which teaches you the basics and sets up the story – by yourself, however. But once that is completed, you can invite your friends into your game, or be invited into someone else’s game. To play Dying Light in co-op with friends, you’ll need to access the online menu. Hit the start button to get you started. From there, you can invite friends and see your online status.


Up to four players can join in Dying Light 2‘s co-op action, though of course you can play with just two or three if you prefer. There is a caveat to playing the game online, however. Only the host will keep world progression; if you’re joining someone else’s game only your character will progress. That means jumping back into a single-player game will reveal uncompleted missions that you’ve already done.

But that’s a minor issue, providing you plan to play the entire game in online co-op. Just make sure the same person hosts the game each time.

Click here for more Dying Light 2 guides


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