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I said goodbye to my worst enemy


Today is a special day. I must say, I’ve worked quietly and diligently (i.e., head down) for ten years to get here. Officially my role (Assistant Prof in Digital Marketing) starts on Monday. But today, I close the previous chapter, much like finishing a chapter in a book and needing to set it down on my bedside table to reflect.

My journey (So Far 🤞)

This blog has been part of this story: you have been an important safe harbour as you don’t always have calm seas and favourable winds. But here we are. It was 2014 when I decided to change course, moving from the corporate world to academia, and to move countries to fulfil a childhood dream. However, like any hard decision, there is never just one factor involved; it’s a complex and nuanced equation, and I would have been surprised if it were otherwise. Generally, I think that when something seems easy, there’s probably something wrong.

Anyway, it’s a long story that I don’t want to bore you with. But starting today, I feel free to return to a place that feels like home—a home made of a passion (marketing) that I’ve nurtured since I was a teenager, through my university years, and up to today. Yet, there’s one thing I’ve learnt that I want to share with you because it has set me free.

“The race is long, and in the end, it’s only with yourself.” 

The Big Kahuna – Ending Monologue


It took me a while, but I realised that when you stop chasing a job title, its status, the salary and the perks that come with it, and instead, listen to who you are, help yourself by focusing on what truly matters to you, you stop being your own worst enemy. You let go of all possible end goals and become an independent variable rather than a dependent one. There the game changes, and new, surprising results will come.

There’s a profound lesson in this, concerning our natural personal development process and the high-speed pace of a society that leaves no room. This is what I’ve learnt in these wonderful years, during which I am and will always be grateful to the people who have always been there for me. Even when I thought I was lost. And this has been my good fortune.

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Photo by Rifki Ramadhani


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