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Ticketmaster partners with Pushly to boost sales | IoT Now News & Reports


Ticketmaster is a global ticket sales and distribution company. Its success depends on its customers buying tickets to various events such as concerts and sporting events. Customer awareness of such events is one of the conditions for ticket sales. Ticketmaster has a number of marketing tactics in its arsenal. It wanted to add another channel to its marketing mix that would allow the company to send highly targeted web push notifications to its existing as well as new customers.


Increase sales utilising Pushly as a new marketing channel by targeting Ticketmaster’s existing customers, based on their previous behaviours and new users who had never bought from Ticketmaster before.


Ticketmaster is an obvious juggernaut, serving a high number of customers. The current structures and processes of the website needed to be taken into account. In particular, the new marketing platform had to integrate well with Ticketmaster’s marketing tech stack, which does include proprietary software in addition to other tech partners. Furthermore, Pushly would have to coordinate with different teams to achieve smooth integration, including the technical marketing team, product team, CRM team, and more.

Technical integration

Pushly took on the heavy lifting when it came to technical aspects of integrating its platform into the existing workflow of Ticketmaster. This allowed Ticketmaster’s teams to continue operating without interruptions, having the option to get involved more heavily when needed.

Campaign set-up

Web push notifications were set to arrive to users’ devices. The messages were highly customised, targeting two different types of audiences: existing customers and new customers.

For existing customers, Pushly, utilising first-party data provided by Ticketmaster, set up campaigns with the following features:

  • Web push messages that would match the user’s previous interests based on artist/team, venue location, and more.
  • A number of different campaigns are constantly being executed inclusive of A/B testing including/but not limited to retargeting based on users’ site browsing behaviour, abandoned-cart reminders, tour date releases, custom artist offerings, venue offerings, and bespoke sponsor offerings.

Data tracking

Pushly provided Ticketmaster with automatic reports based on customised parameters. It eliminated the need for Ticketmaster’s team to reach out to Pushly and request the data manually. The data has been fed directly into their dashboards.

Some parameters Pushly set to track are:

  • Time of purchase
  • LTV of users who did or didn’t go into specific campaigns, feeding into Ticketmaster’s other marketing channels.
  • A/B testing with different images and copy for campaigns.


As a result of Pushly’s integration into Ticketmaster’s workflow, Ticketmaster now had a new acquisition channel for new customers. Further, the adoption of Pushly resulted in the following metrics:

  • Increased opt-in rates to receive web push notifications exceeded expectations and initial modelling
  • CTR on campaigns, including cart abandonment, exceeded similar campaigns in other channels
  • Within the first 6 months, Pushly has exceeded all of Ticketmaster’s expectations in helping to make new first-party connections, driving material incremental Gross Merchandise Value, and driving new customer acquisition.
+10% Opt-in rate (compared to 6,5%average)
+8% Click-tchrough rate on abandoned cart
+14% Click to convert rate
$20m annualized revenue+10% Opt-in rate (compared to 6,5%average)
+8% Click-tchrough rate on abandoned cart
+14% Click to convert rate
$20m annualized revenue

Bottom line is, Pushly has become a well-integrated addition to Ticketmaster’s existing marketing strategy, offering web push notifications to its users. As a result, Ticketmaster’s sales saw a material increase, meeting the mission’s objective.


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