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Tag: modulate

AI Plus Gene Editing Promises to Shift Biotech Into High Gear

During her chemistry Nobel Prize lecture in 2018, Frances Arnold said, “Today we can for all practical purposes read, write, and edit any sequence...

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Can lemon-smelling weed cause less anxiety than others?

Top study takeaways:Ever eat mangos to help you get higher? Maybe pound some lemonade to prevent anxietyTest subjects who vaped lots of the terpene...

Does the Easing of Cannabis Laws Mean Marijuana is Now Safer? – WebMD Confuses the Chicken and the Egg on Weed Research

The debate surrounding the legal status of cannabis has been ongoing for decades, with proponents advocating for its rescheduling or complete legalization. Currently, cannabis...

Genome-wide forward genetic screening to identify receptors and proteins mediating nanoparticle uptake and intracellular processing – Nature Nanotechnology

Blanco, E., Shen, H. & Ferrari, M. Principles of nanoparticle design for overcoming biological barriers to drug delivery. Nat. Biotechnol. 33, 941–951 (2015).Article  ...

Nanoparticles turbocharge turmeric’s curcumin for enhanced health benefits

A review article published in the journal Antioxidants provides a detailed overview of nanoparticle-based strategies to improve the bioavailability and bioactivity of curcumin. Study: Enhancing...

Scientists use novel technique to create new energy-efficient microelectronic device

Mar 13, 2024 (Nanowerk News) As the integrated circuits that power our electronic devices get more powerful, they are also getting smaller. This trend of...

Tiny Tweaks to Neurons Can Rewire Animal Motion | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionIn March 2019, on a train headed southwest from Munich, the neuroscientist Maximilian Bothe adjusted his careful grip on the cooler in his lap....

What Brings Gen Z to the Library? – EdSurge News

Gen Zers, born between 1997 and 2012, spend a lot of time online, consuming and creating digital content. Ninety-two percent check social media daily....

‘VoltSchemer’ Hack Allows Wireless Charger Takeovers

Researchers from the University of Florida, alongside CertiK, have come up with a theoretical attack, called "VoltSchemer" (PDF), that allows for wireless charger takeover...

London-based Samphire Neuroscience raises €2.1 million to launch wearable that targets PMS and menstrual pain | EU-Startups

Medtech startup Samphire Neuroscience secured €2.1 million in pre-seed funding to launch Nettle, their medical-grade neurostimulation wearable. The round saw contributions from notable venture...

Chimeric nanobody-decorated liposomes by self-assembly – Nature Nanotechnology

Sercombe, L. et al. Advances and challenges of liposome assisted drug delivery. Front. Pharmacol. 6, 286 (2015).Article  PubMed  ...

The Cannabis Entourage Effect is 100% a Real Thing – New Medical Study Sheds Light on How Terpenes and Cannabinoids Interact

New Study Confirms the “Entourage Effect” of cannabis In the ever-evolving discourse surrounding cannabis, two common refrains often surface from the corridors of political skepticism...

Patent Office Issued 232 Patents to Indiana Entities in November 2023

The U.S. Patent Office issued the following xxx patents to persons and businesses in Indiana in November 2023: PATENT NUMBER PATENT TITLE US 11826689 B2 Air filter arrangement; assembly;...

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