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Tag: microscopy

Cell softening allows cancer cells in rigid tumours to spread

We typically think of a tumour as a rigid lump of cancerous cells; but how...

Long-lived hot electrons spotted in ‘wonder’ semiconductor

By combining scanning electron microscopy with ultrashort laser pulses, researchers in the US have shown...

Making graphene nanoribbons stable

Graphene nanostructures with zigzag-shaped edges show much technological promise thanks to their excellent electronic and...

Superconductors strengthen signals in scanning-tunnelling microscopy

The sensitivity of a scanning-tunnelling microscope improves by up to a factor of 50 when...

Quantum microscopy sheds light on high-temperature superconductivity

Researchers have found quantitative evidence for a mechanism long predicted to be responsible for high-temperature...

X-ray microscopy sharpens up

A new algorithm that compensates for deficiencies in X-ray lenses could make images from X-ray microscopes much sharper and higher in quality than ever...

Improving Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

Research paper “Enhancing sensitivity in atomic force microscopy for planar tip-on-chip probes” from Eindhoven University of Technology, Lorraine University and DRF/IRAMIS/SPEC-LEPO, Centre CEA de...

Tiny particles get the panoramic treatment

A new label-free optical imaging technique based on unscattered light can detect nanoparticles as small...

Gold nanotubes and infrared light could treat asbestos-related cancer

Gold nanotubes can destroy cancer cells, according to physicists and medical researchers at the University...

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