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Suno 3.5 unleashes new wave of AI music creation


Suno 3.5, the latest iteration of Suno.ai’s AI music generator, is poised to change the way we create and experience music.

With enhanced capabilities and innovative features, Suno 3.5 empowers musicians, producers, and music lovers to explore new creative possibilities and push the boundaries of musical expression.

Crafting musical masterpieces with Suno 3.5

One of the most notable advancements in Suno 3.5 is its ability to generate longer and more structurally sound musical compositions. Users can now create audio clips of up to four minutes in length, a significant increase from previous versions. This expanded capacity enables the creation of complete songs within the platform, eliminating the need for external editing and stitching tools. Additionally, the software allows for extending existing songs by up to two minutes, offering even greater flexibility in the creative process.

Suno.ai’s commitment to improving song structure is evident in the refined algorithms of Suno 3.5. The software now generates music with more coherent melodies, harmonies, and rhythms, resulting in tracks that are not only longer but also more musically satisfying. This enhancement is a testament to Suno.ai’s dedication to creating AI-generated music that rivals human-composed works in terms of quality and complexity.

Just see how well it works in the thread below by the official Suno AI X account:

The sound-to-song feature is not like we have ever seen

Suno 3.5 introduces a groundbreaking feature that promises to change the way we interact with sound. The sound-to-song feature allows users to combine a sound sample with a text prompt to generate a unique musical composition. This innovative approach opens up a world of possibilities for musicians and sound designers, enabling them to transform everyday sounds into captivating melodies and harmonies.

Imagine converting the sound of a bustling city street into an energetic electronic track, or using the gentle chirping of birds as the basis for a serene ambient composition. The sound-to-song feature empowers users to explore the sonic landscape in unprecedented ways, blurring the lines between music and the world around us.

Exclusive access and future developments

Suno.ai recognizes the value of its dedicated user base and offers exclusive benefits to Pro and Premier members. These members not only enjoy early access to Suno 3.5 but also have the option to switch between different versions of the software, allowing them to experiment with various features and capabilities. Additionally, Pro and Premier members can download generated audio files in the high-quality WAV format, ensuring optimal sound fidelity for their creative projects.

While Suno 3.5 is a significant milestone, Suno.ai is already looking towards the future.

The company is actively developing Suno 4, the next iteration of its AI music generator. While details about Suno 4 are scarce, the company has hinted at even more advanced features and capabilities, promising to further expand the creative potential of AI-generated music.

Featured image credit: Suno


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