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Sell Ethereum (ETH) to Visa and MasterCard card at the best rate


Due to the rapid rise in the price of bitcoins and the decrease in their number, another electronic currency, Ethereum, comes to replace and complement them. It is the one that stands out, and today many users of the blockchain network are trying to acquire it. Not only the owners of the Ethereum electronic wallet want to convert this currency into cash but also do not know how to make such a financial transaction with maximum benefit for themselves. To sell Ethereum (ETH) to Visa and MasterCard cards, you can use the service www.bestchange.com/ethereum-to-visa-mastercard-usd.html.

More about Ethereum

The Ether cryptocurrency is, in fact, a unit of calculation in the Ethereum payment system, which is based on the same blockchain technology. Its developer does not shy away from publicity, unlike the developers of bitcoins. This platform is supported by a computing platform for creating software used in applications with decentralization.

The idea of Ethereum as a project is to create a blockchain where various smart contracts can be developed. Its system uses source code with many characteristics in common with JavaScript and is implemented on the Scrypt mining algorithm. The purpose of the site is to send money independently and save information on all operations in the blockchain. All transactions, including the withdrawal of ethers to a credit card in USD, can be tracked using smart contracts. The key features of Ethereum virtual funds are as follows:

  • The settlement currency can be divided into a quintillion, with all its parts having separate names. For example, 1/1000 is a finney, 1/1,000,000 is a shannon.
  • Unlike bitcoins, the main purpose of creating Ethereum is not mining but focusing on converting funds and conducting financial transactions based on smart contracts.
  • The operations carried out in the system are irreversible.
  • Absolute confidentiality and a high degree of protection against hacking.
  • Saving secret codes in e-wallets of several types at once: browser, local, paper, and mobile.

It should be noted separately that ethers are a large distributed PC designed to execute programs created and launched by system participants. It performs complex operations and allows the development of its own cryptocurrency tokens using “smart” contracts.

Users with a dollar credit card and an Ethereum electronic wallet can use one of the exchange offices to carry out the conversion procedure and receive cash dollars in their hands. However, it should be noted that commission percentages and exchange rates vary for each exchanger. Such a problem existed for a long time without a solution, but today monitoring of web currency converters has appeared. Therefore, now you can simply visit the website to see a listing of e-exchangers and make a swap at the best rate.

Why is it better to convert e-currency through exchanger monitoring?

The main advantage of the analytical system is that it does almost all the work for the user. It has tested and verified all the services that handle the conversion of digital funds on the Internet and has also selected reliable and well-established exchange platforms in the virtual commercial market. Untrustworthy and low-quality cryptocurrency exchanges will never be included in the monitoring listing.

The aggregator of Internet converters invites owners of electronic wallets to familiarize themselves with the listing, which contains all the necessary information on digital asset resources. This includes the market value of virtual cash, ranked in order, and reserves of virtual means of payment, reviews, and other information. In addition, directly from the listing, you can immediately go to the website of the service you like to exchange virtual funds, which significantly speeds up the conversion process.


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