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Riots in Los Angeles Affecting Weed Delivery


The world is seemingly imploding. Rioters are on the rampage across California, with Los Angeles hit especially bad, and in other states too. Minneapolis, Philadelphia, and spreading rapidly. Looting, burning, violence: This is enough to keep anyone home. However, while ensconcing yourself safely there, know that it is affecting marijuana delivery on a large scale, and all other deliveries too.

Why the Riots?

The death of George Floyd by police brutality has people out on the streets protesting the lawlessness of law enforcement. Of course, there is a racial element to it too, with a white cop responsible for Floyd’s death, a black man. People are tired of racial profiling, sick of police killing folks for petty crimes, like having a counterfeit $20 or an illegal pack of untaxed cigarettes. They want justice. They demand it.

Mostly, people want an end to the senseless killing of innocent people by police. According to Fox News, protests began peacefully on Friday in Santa Monica. However, they quickly escalated into violence and mayhem, fast turning into terrifying riots across Los Angeles. People are rampaging the streets, looting whatever they can find, fighting officers, and burning stores, even burning private property, such as cars.

Los Angeles Introduces Daytime Curfews

The protest followed a week of massive unrest across the country, triggered by Floyd’s death. It attracted tens of thousands of people on Saturday, spilling over into neighboring cities and giving way to unrestrained violence. Folks are torching police vehicles, emptying stores, and even hurling whatever objects they can find at police officers, using them as actual weapons. It is unsafe now to venture out.

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The Los Angeles Police Department had to help the Santa Monica Police Department contain the crowd. At around 2 p.m., they had to close the Santa Monica Freeway. Police response is teetering between restrained and aggressive. Officers are using tear gas on the crowds and even firing rubber bullets. City officials imposed a 4 p.m. curfew, up from 8 p.m. implemented in neighboring cities to quell the unrest.

Although they managed to quiet the mayhem Saturday night, riots are continuing, spreading, and worsening across the state, even three days later. Other states are not faring much better. The chaos is widespread. Los Angeles itself imposed an 8 p.m. curfew on Saturday night, moved to 6 p.m. just a day later. Beverly Hills set its curfew at 1 p.m. Today, California is at a standstill, except for masses of rioters.

Effect on Weed Delivery

These curfews apply to everybody. Individuals and companies alike. Anybody outside during curfew will find himself or herself in notable legal trouble, potentially even physical danger. All deliveries must stop after curfew. If you need weed, you will need to order early so drivers can deliver safely before curfew starts. If they cannot make it to you in time, your order will only arrive when curfew lifts the next day.

The inconvenience of this is huge for many people, especially those using cannabis for medical purposes. Additionally, this level of rioting is wreaking havoc on people’s anxiety and stress levels, causing immense fear, paranoia, depression, and other mental and physical issues. People need more access to marijuana in times like these, but because curfew is strict, you will have to plan. Just no way around it.

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Final Thoughts

These riots will not last forever. Fortunately. Officials will lift all curfews as soon as it is safe to do so, so this unfortunate situation is luckily just temporary. It may be wise to order in bulk if possible, enough to tide you through this chaos. Of course, this can be expensive for many, who do not all have enough cash to buy in bulk, but there are discounts, bargains, specials, and other opportunities to get more for less.

Source: https://www.potvalet.com/blog/riots-in-los-angeles-affecting-weed-delivery/


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