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Reflecting on the EU-Startups journey: 10,000 articles and beyond! | EU-Startups


Here at EU-Startups.com, we’re thrilled to announce a big milestone in our journey: the publication of our 10,000th article! It’s a moment not just to reflect on the numbers but on the growth and impact we’ve made since our inception in 2010. Our mission to shine a light on the European startup ecosystem has taken us on an incredible journey, connecting with hundreds of thousands of like-minded individuals passionate about innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship.

We’ve achieved remarkable milestones that showcase our expanding influence and reach across Europe. Alongside our team members, we’ve been fortunate to receive contributions from over 120 distinct voices, each bringing their unique perspective and expertise to our expanding content canvas. This collaborative effort has been crucial in shaping our platform into what it is today: a rich source of insight and inspiration for the worldwide startup ecosystem.

By the Numbers: 

  • Social Media Presence: Our community has grown stronger and more engaged, with over 42,000 Facebook fans, 45,500 Twitter followers, almost 100,000 LinkedIn followers, and over 23,000 Instagram followers. These platforms have been crucial in spreading our stories, connecting with our audience, and fostering a space for dialogue and exchange.
  • Monthly Impressions and Users: Every month, we’re reaching more eyes and minds. Our page impressions have soared to over 850,000, with unique users numbering over 320,000 and monthly visits reaching 450,000+. These metrics not only signify the scale of our reach but also the trust and relevance we’ve built within the tech and startup community.
  • Engaged and Decision-Making Audience: According to a recent readership survey, 78% of our audience describe themselves as decision-makers. This underscores the importance of our work, as we’re engaging with individuals who have the capacity to drive change, invest in new ideas, and shape the future of startups in Europe.
  • Newsletter Subscribers and Summit Attendees: Our newsletter subscribers now exceed 71,000, each of whom receives the latest startup news, insights, and opportunities directly in their inbox. Additionally, our annual EU-Startups Summit continues to grow, with over 2,100 attendees coming together to celebrate innovation, network, and collaborate.

A Decade of Connecting Europe’s Startup Ecosystem: The 10th Anniversary of the EU-Startups Summit

This year is particularly special as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the EU-Startups Summit, an event that has become a cornerstone of our mission to foster entrepreneurship across Europe. Marking this milestone, the Summit will be held in Malta, offering a unique setting for two days of networking, inspiration, and learning. The Summit will showcase many of Europe’s hottest startups and feature some of the most successful European entrepreneurs of our time.

We are expecting over 2,000 founders, startup enthusiasts, corporates, angel investors, VCs, and media from across Europe. The event promises unparalleled networking opportunities, facilitated by a dedicated networking app, and aims to serve as THE meeting place for aspiring entrepreneurs and investors. With over 8,000 meetings, 950 founders, and 300 investors, the Summit will include fireside chats, insightful keynotes, and an exciting pitch competition, highlighting some of Europe’s most promising startup teams selected from roughly 1,500 applicants.

Reflecting on these achievements, it’s clear that our journey is about much more than the articles we’ve published. It’s about the community we’ve built, the startups we’ve supported, and the innovation we’ve championed across Europe.

As we look to the future, we’re excited to continue this journey, supporting the European startup scene with even more enthusiasm. Our 10,000th article is not just a milestone but a stepping stone to greater achievements. We’re committed to providing deeper insights, and more impactful stories, and fostering a stronger, more connected startup ecosystem across Europe.

Thank you to our readers, contributors, and the entire startup community for being a part of this journey. Here’s to the next 10,000 articles and beyond, and to a successful 10th EU-Startups Summit in Malta!

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