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Monster Hunting Cheatsheet Grim Reaper


Think you’re tough enough to beat Death itself in Lords Mobile? Well, you’re not. Not yet, anyway. But, with a little help from me, you might just about win a battle with the deadly Grim Reaper, one of Lords’ creepiest creatures.

In this guide, I’ll cover all the best lineups you need to win against the Grim Reaper (including F2P and P2P heroes). I’ll also take a look at what kind of loot you can get and give you my personal, expert assessment of the Grim Reaper Set. Maybe I’m being a little too generous with you? You should probably start reading before I change my mind and delete this entire post.

How to Attack Grim Reaper?

Monster Hunting Grim ReaperMonster Hunting Grim Reaper

So, how do you beat Death? You can’t. It’s inevitable, and it’s coming for all of us, creeping closer every second. Oh, you were talking about the Grim Reaper in Lords Mobile? In that case, this monster has high magic defense.

So, don’t use magic heroes when fighting this monster, dummy. Their attacks will just bounce right off it like flies on a window. Instead, stack your lineup with the strongest agility heroes and archers you’ve got.

Heroes like Demon Slayer and Black Crow can tear this thing apart, especially if you’ve spent time leveling them up. If you don’t have enough maxed-out archers, use the ones you’ve got and fill out your team with other high-level heroes.

But watch out! Grim Reaper has a nasty habit of targeting whichever hero has the most HP. It’ll eat away at your heroes’ health, leaving them empty and lifeless, like your last birthday party. That means you’ll need to act fast to bring it down, and possibly include a healer in your team too.

Grim Reaper F2P Lineup

Let’s start off with all you F2P players out there, grinding away at the game without spending any cash. You guys are the real heroes! Or maybe you’re just cheap. Either way, you can still build some decent lineups to finish off the Grim Reaper once and for all.

Level 1-3 Grim Reaper F2P Hero Lineup: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Trickster, Tracker, Black Crow

Grim Reaper F2P level 1-3Grim Reaper F2P level 1-3

I should probably nickname this lineup “The Usual Suspects,” because it’s the same lineup I tend to use for beating almost any monster with high magic defense. It works so well, particularly at lower levels, where you don’t need to worry as much about heal and support skills.

However, once you work your way up to higher-level Grim Reapers, you’ll need a slightly more strategic approach.

Level 4-5 Grim Reaper F2P Hero Lineup: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Death Archer, Death Knight, Black Crow

For level 4 and 5, I recommend leaving Tracker and Trickster behind. Instead, draft in Death Archer and Death Knight. You are going to be fighting the literal incarnation of Death, after all, so it helps to have a couple of death-dealing heroes on your side.

You could potentially stick with Tricksters instead of Death Knight, but I prefer this lineup. It’s slightly more resistant to Grim’s attacks. Plus, the Death Knight has the power to bring himself back from the grave. So, even if the Grim Reaper overpowers you, you’ll be able to keep on fighting a little longer.

Grim Reaper P2P Lineup

For all your pay-to-win, I mean pay-to-play, people, beating Grim Reaper is even easier. You have more heroes to choose from and a better selection of elite characters who should make short work of this mean beast.

Level 1-3 Grim Reaper P2P Hero Lineup: Demon Slayer, Black Crow, Scarlet Bolt, Femme Fatale, Mastercook

For levels 1 to 3, I recommend this lineup. It’s got just the right balance of skills to help you get the win. And, like most monsters, the Grim Reaper isn’t too much to deal with at lower levels. However, as you start to rank up and fighter bigger and badder versions, you’ll need to shake things up.

Level 4-5 Grim Reaper P2P Hero Lineup: Demon Slayer, Black Crow, Scarlet Bolt, Cursed Hunter, Boommeister

For the upper levels, I prefer to add Cursed Hunter and Boommeister to the lineup. Cursed Hunter can heal your weaker heroes to keep them going. And Boommeister may be slow, but he’s a big damage dealer and helps to boost your other characters, making them stronger.

Grim Reaper Rewards

There wouldn’t be much point in fighting Grim Reaper unless you got some loot at the end, right? You’re not just “playing a game for fun,” are you? That wouldn’t make any sense at all. So, let’s take a look at what kind of rewards you can get for sending Grim Reaper back to hell.

Grim Reaper RewardsGrim Reaper Rewards
  • Chest (Common to Legendary, depending on the level)
  • Speed Up (Between 1h and 24h)
  • Shield (8h to 3d)
  • Gems (200 to 1,000)
  • Gold (15k to 600k)
  • Grim Jewel
  • Corrupted Soul
  • Cursed Skull
  • Ghostly Shroud
  • Terrorwing

Don’t get all googly-eyed staring at the gold and gems. Sure, those things are fine. But what you really want to find after defeating Grim Reaper are those last five items. The Grim Jewel, for example, is a nifty little thing that boosts your ranged HP by 15% and travel speed by 5%.

The other four items, from Corrupted Soul to Terrorwing, are materials. And what do you do with materials, class? That’s right, you make stuff with them. In this case, you can make the Grim Reaper Set.


If you’ve been reading up to this point, hoping that the Grim Reaper is worth beating for all the awesome gear you can get, I’ve got some news. And it ain’t good. The Grim Reaper Set is made up of five items, and there’s only one that I really love. Here’s a full breakdown:

Grim Reaper SetGrim Reaper Set
  • Deathly Mantle: This armor piece is not even that bad, but there are just better items out there. It gives you 28% more range ATK and 21% trap ATK, as well as 21% army DEF. The trap bonus is nice if you want to defend your castle, but, like you on a date, it’s just a bit boring.
  • Ancient Hat: Ancient Hat gives you 39.2% range ATK. That’s fine, but its other boosts are pretty disappointing. It provides 35% more range DEF and 21% army DEF. It’s not the worst, but far from the best.
  • Nether Walkers: The Nether Walkers are cheap. That’s it. That’s the best thing I can say about these legs. They give you 21% more range ATK, 21% army DEF, and 14% range DEF. Let’s just move on.
  • Harbinger: The Harbinger is the worst of the bunch. It’s the rotten apple in the fruit bowl, a piece of mud wrapped up to look like candy. It’s bad, is what I’m saying, especially as a main-hand item. It gives you 11.2% more range ATK and 14% army DEF. Dull. Useless and pointless and dull.
  • Eternal Codex: Finally, something worth talking about. This is easily the hallmark of the set, with the best ATK boosts, especially for ranged damage. You’ll get 49% more range ATK with this item, along with 28% more cavalry damage and HP. Why couldn’t the rest of the set have been this good?

Grim Reaper Packs

Grim Reaper Paid packGrim Reaper Paid pack

The reason you’re reading this guide is because you’re no good at doing things yourself. So, if you aren’t even able to beat Grim Reaper with my tips, you could take an even easier way out: buying chests. You can purchase Grim Reaper Chests in the “Dancing with Death” pack. They’re not cheap, but they should give you the materials you need to make the items listed above.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, the Grim Reaper may be a pretty cool monster to look at, but fighting it isn’t super fun, and the rewards you get aren’t great. Sorry to end on a downer, folks, but this is what you do to me. It’s all your fault.

If you still insist on fighting this thing, focus on using your best batch of AGI heroes, or just stick to the lineups I recommended. In other words, do exactly what I say and you will win. And then start saving up materials for that Eternal Codex.


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