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ICF Update — Oct 6th


Q4 Grants Deadline Updated to October 31st; Akash IBC Relayer Service Agreement; Ape Unit Eventivize Zone Deployer; Chainapsis Interchain Accounts on BigBang Testnet; AlphaBond, IXO’s Bonding Curve Module; Second InterNFT Working Group Meeting; ChainSafe and Ethermint Updates; Relevant Kick-Off Call; Nomic and Their RustSDK, Orga; Atlas, The Cosmos SDK Module Registry; Cosmos Hiring; Diversity and Inclusion Training

Interchain Foundation

Welcome to the third edition of our bi-weekly update! We’ll be using this space to highlight some of the exciting activities that took place at the Interchain Foundation over the last two weeks. This will include some check-in meetings that occurred with various funding recipients, as well as goings-on that members of the Interchain ecosystem might find interesting and informative.

If any of the updates are especially relevant to what you are working on feel free to drop us a line at hello@interchain.io.

If you missed the last update, check it out at ICF Update — Sept 22.

Take a look at apply.interchain.io to make your application soon!

IXO will be leading a Code With Us workshop on November 3rd at 17:00 CET. Be sure to sign up here if you’d like to get some hands on experience using the new module.

This meeting also contained presentations from the Substrate and Ethereum-based NFT project Centrifuge by engineer Charly Fei, and Cosmos SDK nameservice Starname (previously IOV) by Antoine Herzog, as well as updates from Bruno Škvorc of Kusama/Polkadot on rmrk.app, a clever way to include NFTs into Kusama before native NFTs are implemented.

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Thanks for catching up on our third of many regular updates. We’ll be working on the format to keep it brief but informative. If there are things you’d like to hear more about feel free to reach out to hello@interchain.io or ping us on Twitter at @interchain_io.

See you in 2 weeks!

Source: https://blog.cosmos.network/icf-update-oct-6th-d6b40e4b07ff?source=rss—-6c5d35b77e13—4


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