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eDiscovery Case Management Solutions Transform the eDiscovery Experience


eDiscovery Case Management

eDiscovery case management solutions help legal teams manage the entire eDiscovery process. But not all legal technology solutions are created equal.

eMazzanti Technologies, a NYC area information governance expert and MSP explores eDiscovery case management solutions in a new article on the eGovernance.com website. The informative article first asserts that discovery costs can eat up nearly 50 percent of litigation costs.

The author shares that a solution with a user-friendly interface increases user adoption and streamlines the case management process. He includes custodian management as a key feature of eDiscovery case management. He concludes by explaining that superior search and review capabilities and analytics lead to early case assessment. He also states that scalability and cost are important factors in selecting a solution.

“eDiscovery case management solutions help legal teams manage the entire eDiscovery process,” related Greg Smith, Vice President of Services Delivery at eGovernance. “But not all legal technology solutions are created equal.”

Below are a few excerpts from the article, “eDiscovery Case Management Solutions Transform the eDiscovery Experience.”

Emphasize Usability

“Advanced tools and features save time and increase accuracy by automating tasks. Helpful tools include artificial intelligence (AI), predictive coding, data visualization, redaction, and reporting. A solution that requires users to switch between different applications will prove cumbersome and inefficient.”

Streamline Custodian Management

“A key feature of eDiscovery case management involves managing custodians. Custodians include a range of entities that have information relevant to the case, from employers to contractors or third parties. Custodian data can live in mailboxes, sites, teams, and many other locations across the organization and in multiple platforms.”

Superior Search and Review Capabilities

“Analytics features like charts, timelines and other visualizations enable the team to explore patterns, relationships, and anomalies in the data. By uncovering patterns and anomalies, counsel can gain early insights into what the data holds and then make strategic decisions accordingly. This early case assessment delivers significant time and cost savings.”

Scalability and Cost to Meet Business Needs

“Legal cases cover a wide range of situations, and the case management solution must be able to handle any size case or complexity of data. This includes everything from small cases to large-scale investigations with hundreds or even thousands of custodians. The data may include multiple languages and jurisdictions, social media, mobile devices, and encrypted files.”

eGovernance Case Management Solutions

eGovernance offers flexible, feature-rich case management solutions. An easy-to-use, web-based interface makes searching simple. And eGovernance Case Management provides a unified tool to manage cases from start to finish. It improves collaboration, leveraging advanced search and analytics capabilities to help the legal team build a solid strategy quickly and efficiently.

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About eMazzanti Technologies

eMazzanti’s team of trained, certified IT experts rapidly deliver increased revenue growth, data security and productivity for clients ranging from law firms to high-end global retailers, providing advanced cyber security, information governance, retail and payment technology, cloud and mobile solutions, multi-site implementations, 24×7 outsourced network management, remote monitoring, and support.

eMazzanti has made the Inc. 5000 list 9X, including eight consecutive years, is a 4X Microsoft Partner of the Year, the #1 ranked NYC area MSP and NJ Business of the Year! Contact: 1-866-362-9926, info@emazzanti.net or http://www.emazzanti.net Twitter: @emazzanti Facebook: Facebook.com/emazzantitechnologies.

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