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Benefits of Taking Eliquis (Apixaban)


More than 2 million Americans suffer from a condition known as atrial fibrillation, a type of heart rhythm disorder that can lead to a stroke and other severe health complications. Fortunately, there are prescription medication options available to help manage this condition, one of which is Eliquis (Apixaban). Eliquis is an anticoagulant, prescribed to help prevent blood clots in the veins and arteries, reducing the risk of stroke. Eliquis (Apixaban) is a prescription anticoagulant medicine used to prevent blood clots from forming or causing harm to the body. The drug is used for a variety of medical conditions ranging from patients with irregular heartbeats, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), or pulmonary embolism (PE). Eliquis has gained widespread attention, and it’s easy to understand why. The medication is highly effective in preventing blood clots, and it’s far safer than some of the other alternatives for patients. In this article, we will explore the benefits of taking Eliquis (Apixaban).

Here is a comprehensive guide for all you need to know about the benefits of taking Eliquis:

Highly Effective:

Eliquis has been rated as the most effective anticoagulant medication based on the latest clinical studies. This medication has demonstrated statistical superiority over other medication options in its class, including Warfarin (Coumadin), a commonly prescribed blood-thinning medication. Eliquis is also used to treat blood clots in the lungs and lower legs, reducing the likelihood of a potentially life-threatening pulmonary embolism.

Low Bleeding Risk:

One of the primary concerns about taking anticoagulants is the risk of excessive bleeding. Eliquis is a safer option compared to older medications such as Warfarin since it is not metabolized by the liver. This means it has fewer drug interactions and side effects, making it an ideal option for patients with impaired liver function.

Reduces the Risk of Stroke and Blood Clots

Blood clots can be dangerous if they block arteries. Eliquis assists in preventing blood clots from forming, which is crucial in reducing the risk of stroke and other complications. Patients who have irregular heartbeats, known as atrial fibrillation, are at the utmost danger of these life-threatening complications. Clinical studies have shown that patients who take Eliquis have a 21% lower risk of stroke, which is a remarkable achievement in preventing these medical conditions.

Fewer Dosage Adjustments:

Unlike other blood-thinning medications, Eliquis does not require routine blood testing and dosage adjustments, making it a more convenient option for patients. It is also administered in fixed doses, eliminating the need for dose adjustments due to changing health conditions.

Reduced Risk of Side Effects:

Several recent studies have demonstrated that Eliquis has a lower risk of causing side effects such as major bleeding events, anemia, or liver damage compared to other blood thinners. Eliquis is an ideal option for patients with chronic health conditions such as liver disease, kidney failure, and older adults who are more susceptible to side effects. Eliquis is far safer than other anticoagulant medicines since it has a considerably lower rate of negative side effects. Blood thinners like heparin and warfarin can cause bleeding and skin death- in extreme cases, leading to serious side effects like ulcers. Eliquis has lower incidence rates of these adverse effects, and as such, it is a preferred medication for patients who are intolerant or have allergies to other anticoagulant therapies.

Approved for Multiple Conditions:

Eliquis has gained widespread usage beyond the management of atrial fibrillation. Physicians now prescribe Eliquis for several other conditions, including deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Eliquis is also approved for use after hip or knee replacement surgery to prevent blood clots from forming during the recovery period.


Eliquis is taken once a day as compared to other blood-thinning medications that patients are required to take frequently. Eliquis also does not need regular blood checks by the doctor, unlike alternative anticoagulants. The convenience of taking once a day means that patients don’t need to worry about tracking each dose or keeping up with challenging schedules.

Fewer Food Restrictions:

Eliquis does not have as many food restrictions compared to other anticoagulant medicine. For instance, provoking bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract can be worsened when taking other anticoagulants along with alcohol or cranberry juice. Eliquis does not have similar restrictions, which make it more comfortable for patients to comply with the medication.

Improved Quality of Life:

Anticoagulants can be a source of stress for patients and their families. Patients can be frightened of potentially life-threatening side effects or the management of the medication. Patients who take Eliquis have less anxiety and improved quality of life. The negligible side effects combined with the efficiency of the medication means that patients can rebuild their confidence and maintain their independence.


Eliquis is an excellent option for patients who require anticoagulant therapy. It has demonstrated superior efficacy, lower risk of bleeding, and fewer side effects than most of the older prescription anticoagulant medication options. As with any medication, always consult your doctor to determine if Eliquis is appropriate for your health condition. Take Eliquis precisely as prescribed, and if you have any questions, contact your healthcare provider for guidance. Make sure that you follow the guidelines on the label to get the most benefit from Eliquis. Stay committed to your treatment regimen, and you’ll give yourself the best chance of healing. Eliquis is a highly effective anticoagulant medicine for patients with blood clot issues. It’s far safer than other alternatives, has minimal side effects, and enhances patients’ quality of life. Medical professionals recommend Eliquis for individuals who are allergic to other medications or who have intolerances to other anticoagulants. Patients should always consult their doctors before altering their treatment plan and should be aware of the potential risks and benefits of taking medication.


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