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Belgians spent almost €8 billion online in H1


Belgian consumers spent 7.9 billion euros online in the first half of this year. This is an increase of 9.4 percent compared to the same period last year. For the first time, more was spent on services than on products.

This is according to the latest Market Monitor from BeCommerce-SafeShops.be. In the first half of this year, 4 billion euros was spent online in Belgium on services. This is an increase of 20 percent compared to last year. Of all purchases in services, 59 percent were made online.

83 million purchases at online stores

A total of 83 million purchases were made at Belgian online stores. Of these, 65 percent were product purchases and 35 percent were services. The Sport & Recreation product category increased 17.7 percent in value compared to last year. This was followed by Telecom (16.9 percent) and Household Appliances (8.8 percent). The number of purchases also increased the most in product category Sports & Recreation (20.4 percent), followed by Home & Garden (15.4 percent) and Media & Entertainment (9.9 percent).

‘The volume of online purchases in products remains stable.’

“Although some product categories are struggling, the volume of online purchases in products remains stable. Online purchasing of services is doing brilliantly. For example, it is interesting to see that people are also increasingly using online purchases for day-to-day services. For example, we note a 35 percent increase in money spent on online purchases for national transportation”, says Greet Dekocker, managing director.

Gambling & gaming online decline

“A notable riser in the number of purchases in addition is the insurance category. Digitalization in the sector may be behind the 43 percent increase. In contrast, the gambling and gaming sector is the only service sector where online decline is recorded. Legislation in this sector plays an important role in this.”

Smartphone most popular

In addition, the survey shows 88 percent of Belgian consumers use a smartphone while shopping online. This is the first time this device has scored higher than the computer, which was used by 81 percent of consumers this year.

Entrepreneurs are often on marketplaces

According to research, of Belgian SMEs, 45 percent sell through at least one digital channel. And 32 percent of them also do so on marketplaces. “Integrating online marketplaces into a digital sales process opens the door for many to a wider, larger – and often – international audience.”

‘Belgian consumers buy more than what Belgian online stores sell crossborder.’

“The E-Commerce Barometer indicates that in the first half of 2023 there will be a difference of 1 billion between what Belgian consumers buy and what Belgian online shops sell abroad. By exporting more, we can turn that balance around. We are known for our entrepreneurship, we are a multilingual country with a central geographical location, and we have full access to technology. So Belgian online stores have all the advantages they need to grow even further in the future”, concludes Greet Dekocker.


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