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Aztech Forgotten Gods review — Wasted potential


Aztech Forgotten Gods Review 1Making an open-world game where you fly around using an Iron Man glove seems like something that would be challenging for an indie team. Lienzo, the developer behind Mulaka and Aztech Forgotten Gods, still tried though. Soaring through the city is great fun at first, and many of Aztech Forgotten Gods‘ ideas are promising. Even the story is quite good despite the game looking like it came out well over a decade ago. But the whole thing feels unfinished, like the bare minimum was awarded for such an intriguing idea.
Aztech Forgotten Gods concerns a delivery woman named Achtli. She lives in an alternate, hi-tech version of the historic Aztec city, Tenochtitlan. In this world, the Aztec culture continued to flourish. It’s a remarkably fresh idea that’s well suited to the medium. Achtli’s mother, Nantsin, is an archaeologist who was excavating nearby ruins until her boss calls the dig off. Not willing to let go of the potential discoveries, she has Achtli come wit…


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