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Is E3 2023 Canceled?


Last year The Electronic Entertainment Expo stated it would be making a comeback for E3 2023. However, there have been reports that they are losing Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony. With the big three gone is E3 2023 canceled?

The Bombshell

Starting June 13 E3 is set to be launched with a new revamped format. The gaming expo will be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center running from June 13-June 16. According to IGN, they have multiple knowledgeable sources stating that Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo won’t be part of E3 2023. On top of that those 3 will also not be having a presence on the Los Angeles Convention Center show floor. As of right now, there is no confirmation of E3 2023 being canceled. After 3 years of no E3 due to the pandemic, most publishers and manufacturers went digital. If Xbox, Playstation, and Nintendo truly opt out this year, who to say they won’t be followed? This could potentially be E3’s final nail in the coffin.

The Separate Days

E3 business days are still scheduled for June 13-15. During the business days, the expo is only reserved exclusively for registered industry personnel to network in person, hold professional meetings, and connect with licensors and distributors. E3 business days are only limited to registered industry members for networking and meetings. While the general public has restricted access the media will be allowed to go hands-on with upcoming games in dedicated, industry-only spaces.

E3 consumer days are the E3 that gamers are traditionally accustomed to. The duration of this event will run on June 15 and 16. It will be taking place in a completely different area from the business area. On consumer days gamers will be allowed to explore the convention. They can go hands-on with the same upcoming and new games that the media has interacted with. Gamers can also connect with developers, content creators, etc.

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