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Why Every Entrepreneur & Creative Should Launch a Kickstarter This Year


In this session, Tyler speaks to a broader audience of business owners and creatives and shares 5 reasons why every entrepreneur should launch Kickstarter in 2019!

Highlights of This Session Include:

  • 5 Reasons why every entrepreneur should consider launching a Kickstarter project in 2019.
  • How some of the biggest online entrepreneurs like John Lee Dumas and Pat Flynn have used Kickstarter?
  • 11 Questions I ask myself before every Kickstarter launch.
  • Plus: Instead of criticizing Game of Throne, creators should do this…

This Session is Sponsored by:

Today’s session is sponsored by UNDAD, a zombie family drama graphic novel that wears its heart on its sleeve… and down the front of its shirt. UNDAD is un-live on Kickstarter until May 31.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Show:

11 Questions I ask myself before every Kickstarter launch. (Get the planning sheet here –> comixlaunch.com/brainstorm


More About Our Sponsor:

Are you a parent who, deep down, sometimes feels like you don’t have it all together? Do you sometimes struggle with what it means to be a good person? Do you enjoy character-driven drama, long-form graphic novels, genre fiction with deeper meanings, or zombie stories with pathos?

Then Shane W Smith’s UNDAD could be right for you, and it’s un-live on Kickstarter right now!

More than just another zombie story, UNDAD is a deeply personal series about the challenges of being a family man and role model while being (literally) dead inside. It’s a book that wears its heart on its sleeve… and down the front of its shirt.

UNDAD has been shortlisted for awards, nearly got made into a TV show, and has captured the hearts and braaaaains of hundreds of readers since 2015. International bestselling author Jack Heath describes the series as “Perfect for readers who wish The Walking Dead had more to say.”

UNDAD is coming to un-life on Kickstarter until May 31, with free worldwide shipping for all backers, and a bunch of exclusive perks only available here!

Visit shanewsmith.com/undad or search for “UNDAD” on Kickstarter.

ComixLauncher [201]:

Think of one person in your community who should think about adding a Kickstarter launch to their existing business model.

Source: http://www.comixlaunch.com/session201/


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