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Whitepaper: Liquid cooling for EV charging


What to know to keep electric vehicles on the go

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Efficient and accessible EV charging from high-power charging stations requires the use of purpose-built liquid cooling components to aid thermal management. This whitepaper will show you how and why

Projections from the International Energy Agency (IEA) predict that the global number of electric vehicles (EVs) will expand by up to 250 million in the next decade.

However, there are obstacles. Along with consumer excitement comes range anxiety – the fear that many drivers have of finding a charging station where and when they need it.

Addressing the challenges of thermal management

If EVs are going to achieve widespread adoption, more high-powered charging stations that support quicker charging will be key.

One challenge is that faster charging generates a lot more heat, not just at the charging station, but also at the battery cell and in the charging cables.

Liquid cooling, and the connectors that facilitate it, address that challenge. In this whitepaper, we’ll examine the needs created by fast charging and the solutions that liquid cooling connectors can provide.

This includes details of

  • Connector type and material
  • Fitting size
  • Flow and pressure performance

Download this free whitepaper to learn how CPC liquid cooling connectors are a critical component of the future of EV charging.

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Source: https://www.automotive-iq.com/electrics-electronics/whitepapers/whitepaper-liquid-cooling-for-ev-charging


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